IMHO the "Franklin Scandal" (Boystown, Craig Spence, et al) was just a tentacle of the same creature that Jeffrey & Madame Maxwell were tentacles of. (2/7)
Fun Fact: The current UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer was then the Director of Public Prosecutions. He "investigated" why Savile was never prosecuted. BBC exclusives (on Savile) were cancelled before airing much like the Franklin documentary clipped above was banned. (6/7)
Last bit: Patch Adams was friends with Marione Pettie who's "ex-CIA" friends had "The Finders" cult. Which is similar to the Australian cult "The Family" Assange was rumored to be from. Dr. Kidman (father of Nicole Kidman) was claimed leader of one (7/7)
- A "County" was controlled and held by a "Count".
- A "Barony" held by a Baron.
- Duchy held by a Duke/Duchess
- Kingdom held by a King
- Empire held by an Emperor
The titles of the "landed" Aristocracy was the size of their land holding. 🧵
What if the "Emperor" somehow found a way to make themselves "invisible" from the peasant class. Hiding in plain sight issuing edicts and population "molding" policies?
Just a crazy thought.
They could even have a COMPLETELY different religious beliefs.
In HBO's "Rome" (John Milius version) the religion of the "Roman" Ruling Class was VERY different from the peasantry. More sorcery, paganism, and occult Judiasm
(p.s Claremont Theology has the best 0day books ;-)
Remember that time a woman rented houses to two 9/11 hijackers but she was also the same woman who sold one of her houses to the first guy to die of Anthrax?
Remember that other time the FBI helped build the First World Trade Center bombs, but only because they planned to sabotage the bombs, but then forgot to sabotage the bombs, so the bombs actually worked?
Remember that other time it came out that Jeffrey was renting his mansion from The State Department? LOL. and years later when the FBI raided his mansion, the safes went missing from evidence?
Re: Jesus Christ Superstar
Keep in mind it was created to disguise/smuggle the "Gnostic Gospels" to a mostly Christian public that otherwise wouldve instantly spotted heresy
TLDR Gnosticism is the UNO "Reverse" card of theology Claims Christians unwittingly worship the "Devil"
After all these years of hearing about these white-nationalist Proud Boys, you are *just* now showing me that their leader is actually a black dude with a spanish name !?!?
Ready for the kicker? When I went back to confirm that I hadnt just hallucinated the association of Proud Boys and White Nationalism, a buncha other stuff jumped out
Isnt that Aleister Crowley's "Thelema" symbol? LOL! wtf.
The CEO of WorldVision was not only Hinkley Sr. (the father) but also he was placed there after his company was bought by ZAPATA Oil owned by the Bushes.
This Bush connection even seems to go back to the killing of JFK. (Full Disclosure: In my opinion we've been living under the same 'regime' ever since JFK was killed)
Remember also that JFK created USAID and it was quickly co-opted