Accountability | Public Protector South Africa (PPSA) welcomes the strides made by the Free State government and the Mangaung Metro in implementing the remedial action aimed at rectifying the wrongful registration of over 1000 title deeds in Thaba Nchu.
In her remedial action, Public Protector Adv. Kholeka Gcaleka ordered the Premier together with the Executive Mayor of Mangaung to issue a public apology to all beneficiaries in Thaba Nchu who had suffered prejudice. They also needed to submit an action plan to fix the problem.
In her State of the Province Address last week, Free State Premier MaQueen Letsoha-Mathae apologised to the affected beneficiaries and committed to hand over the title deeds before the end of this year.
Executive Mayor Gregory Nthatisi offered his apology in December last year.
Child Support | Public Protector South Africa will tomorrow, Tuesday 10 December, launch public hearings into undue delays and maladministration in processing childcare maintenance. The Gauteng leg starts tomorrow, as shown in the attached poster.
@PublicProtector @The_DSD
The public hearings, which will be rolled out in all the 9 provinces at different dates until the end of Jan 2025, seek to give stakeholders and communities an opportunity to express their views relating to the challenges experienced in the processing of child maintenance claims.
In June this year, the Public Protector embarked on an own initiative investigation seeking to establish the root cause of the undue delays in the processing of maintenance claims, with a view to find sustainable solutions to any existing systemic deficiencies.
#OversightBodies | It's all systems go for the start of the two-day conference aimed at highlighting the role of oversight and compliance bodies in state capacity building.
@PublicProtector @thedpsa @EUinSA
The conference will focus on the role of oversight bodies across various sectors and on how compliance contributes to holding government and state organs accountable. Promoting good governance in public institutions ultimately leads to improved service delivery.
The event will bring together experts, practitioners, researchers, civil society representatives, scholars, and observers in the fields of governance, oversight, and compliance to share knowledge, observations, and experiences.
Accountability | Speaking at the special AGM of the SA Association of Public Accounts Committees (SAAPAC), @PublicProtector Adv. Kholeka Gcaleka said a third of the cases under investigation by the Public Protector SA deal with “conduct failure” as opposed to service failure.
A significant portion of such conduct failure cases relate to the procurement activities of government institutions at all levels, she said. Some of irregularities include:
* the procurement of unauthorised medicines from Cuba by the Department of Defence.
* Maladministration and nepotism in the awarding of tenders for the supply and delivery of Personal Protective Equipment by the Limpopo Department of Health;
* the construction of the Mayibuye Primary School on an old sewer line without conducting a wetland study by GDE/ GDID;
Accountability | .@PublicProtector South Africa (PPSA) today presented its 2023/24 annual report before the Portfolio Committee on Justice & Constitutional Development. In a nutshell, the institution received over 10,000 cases, with 6,205 (2022: 5,366) of them resolved.
Nearly 90% of the cases were finalised within the turn-around time compared to 82% in the previous reporting period.
Ombuds Day 2024 | Today is the International Ombuds Day. Since 2017, every second Thursday of October people from around the world take time to celebrate ombuds. This year the theme of the is “Ombuds: Here to Hear You.”
@PublicProtector @AOMAOMBUDSMAN
The International Ombuds Day serves as an additional opportunity to educate and raise awareness among the public about the history and practices of the ombuds profession including the various ombuds models, the roles they play, the services they offer, and the value they provide.
As impartial and independent entities, Ombuds are essential in ensuring accountability, transparency, and fairness within our public & private sectors. Their work not only resolves individual grievances but also contributes to the broader goal of upholding justice & human rights.