The Left spent the past decade building a vast censorship enterprise.
A shadowy network of NGOs, tech groups and governments working to censor the Left's enemies—not just in America, but across the West.
Over the next four years, the GOP must expose + dismantle this system. 🧵
The censorship-industrial complex wasn't built overnight. It's been festering for years.
But the Biden administration mobilized an unholy alliance of government power, taxpayer dollars, NGOs and Big Tech companies to build it into a global censorship powerhouse.
Seemingly every agency was a partner in building this system: FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, State Department, Department of Education, the National Science Foundation, USAID—even FEMA.
Through grants and partnerships, these agencies funneled countless tax dollars to censorship groups.
What you have to understand is that these groups operate as one cohesive class. There's a revolving door between the "public" and "private" spheres.
Former government officials populate the advisory boards of these "disinformation" groups—and vice versa.
Biden's transition team was STACKED with tech insiders. They staffed the entire executive branch—State, Treasury, EPA, OMB, etc.
Many of them were Obama alumni. When Obama left office, they went to work in tech. When Biden's presidency began, they transitioned right back in.
So it should come as no surprise that these worlds are in constant communication with one another. Remember Jen Psaki boasting that they were "flagging problematic posts" for Facebook?
These weren't independent actors. Under the Biden administration, it was one system.
And Biden officials didn't just "flag" content. They pushed platforms to transform their algorithms to suppress ideas they disliked.
In an email, Biden's Digital Director told YouTube that "this is a concern that is shared at the highest (and I mean highest) levels of the WH."
Those are just a few minor examples of a trend that accelerated over the past decade: Western governments creating, funding or coordinating with powerful outside groups to clamp down on (mostly right-wing) dissent.
Just look at the State Department's "Global Engagement Center."
Between 2020 and 2021, two State Department-backed entities—the Global Engagement Center (GEC) and the National Endowment for Democracy—funneled $665,000 to the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), a British nonprofit which creates secretive blacklists of conservative media.
GDI's blacklists were stealthily fed to advertising companies to financially cripple targeted news outlets.
The top 10 outlets on its "disinformation" list are all conservative.
GDI's CEO openly boasted that this had "a significant impact on" the outlets' "advertising revenue."
The GEC was created to combat FOREIGN propaganda aimed at undermining US security.
But instead, it was turned inwards on our own citizens.
We've seen this stuff happen across our intelligence and security agencies.
During the 2020 election—under President Trump's first term—the Department of Homeland Security's CISA formed a "counter-disinformation" coalition with powerful outside censorship groups.
Here's what that network did during that election cycle alone, per @FFO_Freedom's analysis:
This system operates across the borders of the West—giving it yet another way around our Constitution.
When their censorship machine faced legal challenges in the US, Biden officials and their nonprofit allies began using foreign censorship laws to crack down on American speech.
At least 23 US-funded NGOs, nonprofits and "disinformation" groups have received nearly $15.5 million of your tax dollars to help enforce the EU's draconian new Digital Services Act—which levies hefty fines on tech platforms (including US platforms) for allowing "disinformation."
In other words: Using these groups, our government was helping European bureaucrats bully US tech companies into censoring American speech.
That includes groups like NewsGuard—whose advisory board has boasted the former heads of the CIA and NSA, DHS, and the GEC, respectively.
To sum things up: American and European bureaucrats, along with their friends in the NGOs and the tech companies, have been working together to wage a war of censorship and suppression against their own citizens across the West.
I fought this censorship-industrial complex as Attorney General of Missouri, where I sued the Biden admin for pressuring tech platforms into censoring conservatives—and took them to the Supreme Court.
Now it's time to work with President Trump to end this once and for all.
Thankfully, President Trump is dismantling the government arm of this regime. The State Department's Global Engagement Center has been shut down. Funding streams for "disinformation" groups have been cut.
But many of the "private" censorship NGOs are still operating as we speak.
The stories I've shared in this thread are just the tip of the iceberg.
Stay tuned.
This fight is just getting started.
We’re going to continue this NGO investigation. I discussed today with @dbongino:
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Americans certainly expected better than the Biden Administration's unprecedented attempt to throw their political opponents in jail (Banana republic stuff) and made that known on November 5th.
We oppose utopian ideology in all its forms, because we recognize that we live in a fallen world. Humans are flawed and imperfect creatures. We can't build Heaven on Earth—and it's highly dangerous to try.
(Remember the Tower of Babel?)
That means we approach the world as it is—not as we wish it could be.
We live in a world of scarcity and limits. A foreign policy that protects and advances American interests must understand that.
We have to make tough choices about when and where we use our resources.
🚨Don’t look now Jack Smith and the Biden Harris DOJ are cranking back up their Lawfare machine against @realDonaldTrump.
It’s Election Interference.
Jack Smith is like a rabid dog after his bone. It’s time he’s leashed.🧵
After the United States Supreme Court threw out Jack Smith’s first indictment and a federal court found his appointment to be unconstitutional, Jack Smith filed a new indictment against President Trump for alleged efforts to interfere in the 2020 presidential election—the great irony of these actions is that Smith is now decidedly interfering in the 2024 presidential election.
Jack Smith has weaponized the DOJ and has used it to make purely political attacks against President Trump.
I am demanding AG Garland and the DOJ hand over all internal communications with Jack Smith regarding his latest indictment of Trump.
I request answers to the following questions by October 11.
1. Please describe any communications DOJ officials had with Special Counsel Jack Smith after the Supreme Court of the United States vacated the appellate decision and remanded the presidential immunity case, Trump v. United States.
As Joe Biden heads to the border today for nothing more than a glorified photo op - it’s worth laying out the case of exactly how Biden created the crisis at the border.
A thread 🧵
On Biden’s first day in office, January 20, 2021, Biden terminated the national emergency at the southwestern border. He halted construction of the border wall.
Same day: Biden reversed a Trump Era executive order. The executive order put restrictions on immigration from countries associated with terrorism.
Same day: Biden pauses deportations for 100 days.
Same day: Biden reverses yet another Trump policy. This policy told law enforcement to enforce the immigration laws of the United States.
February 2021:
Biden stops applying Title 42 expulsions to children at the border.
CDC exempts unaccompanied alien children from Title 42 expulsion requirements.
🚨THREAD: The Biden campaign is hiring Rob Flaherty to combat “misinformation.” Flaherty was a key player in the Biden WH's "censorship enterprise." Here’s what we found out in MO v. Biden, and why this should concern everyone.…
Flaherty is a defendant in Missouri v. Biden, the lawsuit that I filed that uncovered evidence that the Biden White House colluded with social media companies to censor speech. Flaherty served as the White House director of digital strategy.
In April 2021, Flaherty and other HHS officials had a “Twitter Vaccine Misinfo Briefing” with Twitter to talk about deplatforming those who spread misinformation.
🚨 Today, a federal court denied the Biden Administration's motions to stay the injunction in Missouri v. Biden. This is a big victory, and continues to ensure that the Biden Administration can't censor speech online.
Here are a few notable quotes from the order ->
The Court states, "the First Amendment free speech rights of Plaintiffs by far outweighs the Defendants' interests."
Here's another gem: "...the only effect of staying the Preliminary Injunction would be to free Defendants to urge, encourage, pressure, or induce the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech on social media platforms."