Everyone in 🇨🇦 is focused on x-border trade which Trump has screwed up badly. But IMO the bigger threat is what Lee Zeldin's EPA just announced... epa.gov/newsreleases/e…
We've been losing investment and jobs to the US for a decade while our government kept tightening the noose on our economy in the name of climate zealotry. Because the US was making similar moves we were shielded from some consequences. Until today...
The US just began the process of cutting climate restrictions from its energy, heavy industry, manufacturing and finance sectors. Trump's Day 1 Exec Orders set out the goals and today they made formal announcements of intent to deregulate...
Next will come formal Agency actions and opposing litigation. The same legal machinations over the past 3 decades that made it easier and easier to over-regulate will likely make it easier to hit reverse and deregulate...
If even half of these announced deregulation efforts go through we will see an enormous investment boom in the US. Assuming Trump doesn't stomp it into dust with stupid trade wars on all sides...
As for Canada Mr GFANZ Carney has said for years that he plans to accelerate the Net Zero agenda and the "Managed Phaseout" of what he calls "high emitting assets" aka the entire industrial economy... assets.bbhub.io/company/sites/…
Our current climate regulations are costly enough but the new federal plan that kicks into high gear in 2026 is far worse... fraserinstitute.org/studies/econom…
Carney is the last man on planet Earth who can credibly promise to reverse course on this plan since it's what he has been demanding for years. He traveled the world lobbying politicians, banks and investors to get radical on climate policy...
He lobbied the world's financiers to cut off all financing to our oil&gas sector and heaped praise on those that did. Page after page, report after report at the GFANZ website records this. gfanzero.com
So we have a new PM determined to push Canada into even more radical climate policies while the US is about to rid itself of these costly and futile burdens. I expect the investment flight to worsen unless Canada undertakes a major course correction.
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BREAKING: A Washington DC court has just ruled on Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg's motion for sanctions against Michael Mann and his attorneys for misleading the jury at trial. Decision: Mann and his attorneys are SANCTIONED for bad faith misconduct and will be assessed costs
Everyone is focused on the US withdrawal from Paris and the tariff threat, but several other Executive Orders yesterday will have even more radical impacts and will require Canada to rethink all our energy and climate policies in response. /...
Eliminates the EV mandate. Poof. Canada spent $50b + in subsidies to build unwanted products for a market that just vanished. Unbelievable stupidity on the part of Trudeau, Ford and our other moron leaders.
My op-ed on forest fires in the Post financialpost.com/opinion/truth-…
prompted an interesting email to me from an experienced forester .../
"As someone who works in forestry and has worked fires, and been evacuated due to fire, I have looked into the data, and it bothers me to no end how “the science” is ignored...
"I can’t stand that the CIFFC graphs are never used, instead graphs are published that hide the real data. Climate change and fires are a perfect example of the misuse of statistics, percentages and ratios...
To all those for whom one bad year = a trend, and "climate change" explains everything, here two UK experts discuss the real challenges of explaining patterns in global wildfires. royalsociety.org/blog/2020/10/g…
"Fire activity is on the rise in some regions, but when considering the total area burned at the global level, we are still not seeing an overall increase."
"there is no doubt that, as explained in our paper, fire activity is on the rise in some regions, such as the western side of North America. And very importantly, associated with these regional increases, we are already seeing a rise in fire impacts, for example ...
Is the US Pacific region getting drier? Last year John Christy and I published a study of the long term precip history of the US Pacific and SouthEast regions. Here are 2,000 year proxy reconstructions of the Palmer Drought Severity Index for both areas. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
Average drought severity in the Pacific region has been declining steadily for hundreds of years including over the 20th century.
Meanwhile long term daily precipitation records for 10 Pacific coast cities show little or no decline, especially in California
THREAD: Two new papers from independent teams show convincingly that climate models exaggerate atmospheric warming and the bias has gotten worse over time. When forced with observed GHG levels all the new gen models ("CMIP6") overshoot the observed post-1979 warming.
refs: Mitchell et al. “The vertical profile of recent tropical temperature trends: Persistent model biases in the context of internal variability” Env Research Letters iopscience.iop.org/article/10.108…, and