@XJosh @OldGloryBank Hey just checking in but did you finally find a radfem wife who will come and listen to your psychotic rants about anime in whatever slavhole you live in now and overlook all this and hope you don't burn down the house like that guy your mom dated?
@XJosh @OldGloryBank Also did you know radfems are a central reason why circumcision still persists & why your dick is how it is? Are you hoping you'll find one who feels sorry for you & thinks you aren't an ugly obese psychopath who should have been thrown in juvie years ago?
@MalcomXnox You should be though. Blacks are ruining anime just like how they ruin everything else. It was just a few weeks ago they were behind tons of viral anti-Japan posts trying to paint it as being full of rape & violent crime (aka like everywhere they infest)
@MalcomXnox Also really liked that fake weepy bit at the end of your video where feign worship of Chibi. It's not like this entire thing was started by a bunch of psychotic blacks maliciously harassing him for posting a page from a series they supposedly like and making a rape joke.
@MalcomXnox Or how there aren't countless black "anime fans" who hold violent, unabashed hatred of him and treat him like George Zimmerman. Keep sucking the dick of a bunch of sociopathic retards who hold violent hatred for anyone who doesn't watch shonen and hold extreme racial resentment
@MandelaFace @mineraldepress1 @rarepsi @estherzelda0514 Cocksucking leftist ex-goon projecting the pathologies of some of his precious browns on to the British out of spite and self-hatred. I'm so sorry what a cancer they are is so overwhelming you even have to project their otherworldly inbreeding.
@MandelaFace @mineraldepress1 @rarepsi @estherzelda0514 I understand it's also a massive refutation of your ideology & you have no counter to it, so you have to double down on the anti-white hatred. You all did the same after Bernie lost twice. Incomparable losers. Irredeemable human filth.
@MandelaFace @mineraldepress1 @rarepsi @estherzelda0514 Nice to see you're still chimping about anime after all these years though, given how you/every other sociopathic millenial who infested that cesspit embraced/became the very people and things they mocked for a generation. Someone needs to give you the Lowtax treatment by force.
@rjnzorra @OhayoMybrother @ggbym_d Also you're a "lesbian." Don't worry we've got data on what you are and this isn't even touching upon your prisonrape rates nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-ou…