BREAKING: When @timlovesann, one of our @MIDistrict9 election data experts recently analyzed Michigan's voter history records, votes from 2 SPECIAL ELECTIONS from 2024 were MISSING ENTIRELY. Is someone cooking the books, @JocelynBenson? Were they erased? Will @dananessel investigate? Yet another massive 'glitch'? #glitchgate
H/T @DeluxePsypher
Check out this voter (Voter ID redacted) who allegedly voted in both special elections on 1/30/2024 and 4/16/2024.
You'll see that, on November 1, 2024, votes from this voter existed for both special elections. But, as of December 1, 2024 the votes seem to have VANISHED.
According to the official data received by our team, this happened to the voting histories of EVERY VOTER that we could find in these two elections.
Section (c) of Michigan Election Law 168.932 seems pretty clear on this...What do you think? Have felonies occurred? Who would be responsible? Will this massive 'glitch' involving tens of thousands of alleged votes be swept under the rug like all the others? Why can't we ever trust the data coming from our own Michigan government?
Please hold their feet to the fire. In 2020 when we held such hearings, they swept it all under the rug beneath NDAs. So, please do contact the new Chair Smit and Deboyer. Thank them and give them strong positive encouragement to be thorough, unyielding, and TRANSPARENT. Numerous subpoenas are necessary.
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What is Resolute Republic PAC? How is it linked to The Clintons? Why is it linked to so many Anti-Trump, Anti-Constitution, Pro-Woke candidates & orgs, globally? Why are they dumping 10s of thousands of $$$ against me in a local clerk race in small-town Michigan? Read on...
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