2/ Mr. Poilievre won the 2022 Conservative leadership, fair & square, by attracting hundreds of thousands of Canadians of all backgrounds to the Conservative Party - many for the first time.
His campaign followed all the rules & overwhelmingly won the race with 70.7%
3/ Hundreds of thousands of Canadians joined to vote in that race. Every one of them paid to join with a,
- personal credit card,
- personal cheque, or
- similar traceable payment method.
Membership applications with untraceable payments attached were declined.
4/ During that race until today, Mr. Poilievre hasn’t been informed of any foreign interference targeting his leadership campaign.
That’s because the Liberal gov’t refuses to brief Mr. Poilievre on this threat.
Gov’t sources will tell the Globe, but not Mr. Poilievre.
5/ From today’s Globe story:
“CSIS also did not have evidence that Mr. Poilievre or members of his inner circle were aware of the alleged actions.”
6/ Justice Hogue also confirmed the Liberal government’s failure to inform Mr. Poilievre of foreign interference:
“CSIS witnesses noted that they had no reason to believe the impacted candidates would have been aware of the alleged support.”
“CSIS witnesses had no recollection of this intelligence being briefed to the political level, including the candidates themselves.”
8/ If at any time Liberal government officials had information on foreign interference targeting Mr. Poilievre, they could have briefed him using Threat Reduction Measures (TRM) under Sec. 12.1 of the CSIS Act …
9/ … just as they briefed me on May 2, 2023, when I was briefed on highly classified information about the PRC targeting me and my family.
I do not have a security clearance.
I was briefed on highly classified information under Section 12.1 TRM.
10/ Mr. Poilievre is the Leader of His Majesty’s Official Opposition, the government-in-waiting.
So, this is the political game the Liberal gov’t is playing:
An MP can be briefed classified info. The Globe can get info via leaks. But Mr. Poilievre can’t get the info.
11/ Some say Mr. Poilievre should get his security clearance under the Treasury Board Secretariat’s Policy on Government Security.
I don’t agree. Here’s why.
That security clearance, which is not the same one the PM and cabinet have, would muzzle Mr. Poilievre.
12/ Former NDP Leader Tom Mulcair put it best saying:
"I agree completely with the call by Pierre Poilievre. I think Poilievre was wise not to tie his own hands. He is the leader of the Official Opposition … I would never want to be hamstrung because I looked at a government document. I would never want to be told that I can't ask all the questions I want of the government."
CTV News, June 14, 2024
13/ These national security leaks have been going on for years.
The Liberal government has done little to stop them.
This latest leak - during an important federal election - proves the Liberals are willing to play politics with national security when it suits them.
14/ I called for these leaks to stop in testimony at committee.
But the Liberal government has done little.
We now find ourselves in one of the most important elections of our lifetime, and the leaks are being used for Liberal partisan gain.
1/ Mark Carney, as chair of Brookfield Asset Management, led the decision to move this Canadian company to the U.S.
This happened just 3 months ago.
Below is his letter urging shareholders to approve the move.
2/ This is a real loss for Canada.
Brookfield Asset Management is part of the Brookfield group of companies, one of the crown jewels of Canadian business.
Brookfield employs tens of thousands of Canadians in a range of businesses like real estate & infrastructure.
3/ As David Milstead wrote,
“… what if this move augurs a wholesale flight south of the border by the Brookfield companies – like a flock of geese in the wintertime, except they wouldn’t return? It could happen, leaving Canada out in the cold.”
1/ PM Trudeau on April 11, 2024, when asked if PRC foreign interference impacted the results in any of the 338 electoral districts in the 2019 or 2021 elections:
"So when our panel of 5 came to the conclusion in the 2019 election, and in the 2021 election, that the election was free and fair, it wasn't simply an overall the election was free and fair, because of course, in Canada, the election isn't one election. It's actually 338 distinct elections that form our government and our parliament. So the fact that the panel of 5 can weigh in and watch closely on riding level elections as well, is why they have confidence that the election, in both its large sense, but also in its specific sense, that every single constituency election was determined by Canadians, and the election integrity held and it was free and fair."
(Bold added for emphasis)
2/ Commissioner Hogue on May 3, 2024 regarding Han Dong's nomination and the subsequent 2019 election in Don Valley North, where Liberal candidate Han Dong won:
"Available intelligence respecting the 2019 Liberal nomination contest DVN reflects a well-grounded suspicion that the busing of international students was tied to the PRC. Given that DVN was considered a “safe” Liberal seat, this would likely not have impacted which party won the seat. It could, however, have impacted who was elected to Parliament. This is significant."
- p. 28, Initial Report
(Bold added for emphasis)
3/ Commissioner Hogue on May 3, 2024 regarding the 2021 election in Steveston-Richmond East, where Conservative candidate Kenny Chiu lost:
"Although no definitive link between these false narratives and the PRC has been proven, there are strong indicators of PRC involvement and there is a reasonable possibility that these narratives could have impacted the result in this riding ."
- p. 28, Initial Report
1/ VF: “In Canada, a government lab’s decision to ship Ebola samples to the WIV set off a scandal that resounded all the way to the office of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and played a role in the dissolution of parliament in the fall of 2021.”
2/ “On the afternoon of March 31, 2019, Canadian health bureaucrats watched nervously as Air Canada flight AC031 took off from Toronto Pearson International Airport, headed to Beijing.”
3/ “The passengers on board had no way of knowing about the plane’s hazardous payload: a box with 24 vials of Ebola virus from 12 different strains, and six vials of highly lethal Henipaviruses, nestled amid 33 pounds of dry ice. The samples had come from the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada’s only BSL-4 facility, and were bound for the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
2/ Western gov’ts assumed China would work in good faith on climate change & GHG emissions.
But over the last decade, Beijing’s actions demonstrate it’s not working in good faith. It’s working furiously to increase GHG emissions.
From the Washington Post:
3/ “China last year approved the largest expansion of coal-fired power plants since 2015, a new report has found, showing how the world’s largest emitter still relies on a fossil fuel that scientists say must be quickly phased out to avoid the worst consequences of a warming atmosphere.
It also underscores the way China is at odds with the global shift away from greenhouse gas-emitting forms of energy — and from its own pledges to reduce its emissions.
The rush to build new coal-fired projects across the country meant that authorities granted permits for 106 gigawatts of capacity across 82 locations in 2022, the highest number in seven years and four times higher than in 2021.
This is according to new report from the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA), a Finland-based nongovernmental organization, and the Global Energy Monitor, a nonprofit that tracks fossil fuel infrastructure.”
1/ Le département des É.-U. a confirmé que le ballon qui a dérivé au-dessus du Canada et des É.-U. la fin de semaine dernière est un ballon militaire appartenant à l’Armée populaire de libération.
2/ « L’agence a déclaré que le gouv. américain était « confiant » que l’entreprise qui a fabriqué le ballon avait des liens commerciaux directs avec l’Armée populaire de libération, l’armée chinoise, citant un portail officiel d’approvisionnement de l’armée. »