Dear Kenyans,
I know we are oblivious to what goes on in our region and how this affects our economy. I know our TV stations (@KBCChannel1 @KTNNews @NTVnewsroom @K24Tv @citizentvkenya ) would rather report what Chiloba had for breakfast than tell us what's going on in our.. #KoT
Neighborhood. So kindly allow me to take this opportunity to bring you up to speed on something that potentially has serious ramifications for our region.
Earlier this month, Somalia Government confiscated $9million in cash at Aden Abdulle airport in Mogadishu. The cash was #KOT
From the UAE and was meant to pay a specialist infantry unit of the Somalia National Army that were being trained by the UAE. This unit has been involved in a couple of unsanctioned operations inside Somalia that has sometimes led to assassination of Somalian leaders.
Farmajo's government insists that these operations are run by the UAE to intimidate Somalian administration into capitulating. They argue that the $9.6 million seized, was to be used to pay off the crack troops for more raids. To put it into perspective, this is 960 Million KES.
Long story short, the Somalian government ordered UAE troops out of the country. The Emaratis left yesterday.…
Now Arabs generally don't take embarrassment lightly, especially not from people they consider their slaves. So payback was definitely on the horizon. Today, the Somalian Army units that were being trained by the UAE engaged in a gunfight with their own brothers in arms...
The reason the former NEP and Upper Eastern and Upper Coast Province have generally laced behind the rest of the country is chiefly because of insecurity. This insecurity has been fueled by the instability of Somalia.
Today, we are executing infrastructural projects that will change the matrix of global trade. We are building a mega port, a Trans Africa railway and one hell of a pipeline all originating/terminating in Lamu...a stone throw from Somalia.
How will Lamu change global trade corridors? In the tunnel eyed method of understanding these major projects famously propagated by Ndii, it makes no difference. If you look at it in the context of the Chinese silk way project (Road and belt) a pattern draws itself.
Goods can be loaded onto a train in Guangzhou, railed to Gwadar in Pakistan, loaded on ships, shipped to Lamu then overland by train/pipeline/road to as near as Kisangani and as far as Douala. We shall truly become the gateway to Africa. At least if we manage to secure our hood.
Somalia is the wildcard in these plans. All of these investments depend on a relatively stable Somalia. No one will risk multi million dollar ships being attacked in Lamu. The insecurity across the fence is bad for business. This is why we had to go to war.
By calming down Somalia, or at least the part that directly affects us (Jubba land), we guarantee the very future of our nation's economy. This is why the recent developments in Somalia is something we should all be concerned about. We now potentially have 2000+ well trained,
Well equipped, well funded force joining the confusion. They have the potential to wreck havoc like we've seen. Alshabab at its peak was estimated to be 10,000 fighters. They weren't that well trained or equipped and look at the mess they made.
This is why it is imperative for us to demand a national discourse on our security. We MUST take a keener look at our Intelligence Services, Military, border guards. We must be at the forefront in predicting, deterring, and countering threats to our national security before
They manifest themselves into crises. Let's demand that our leaders @HonAdenDuale @UKenyatta @WilliamsRuto explain to us the steps they are taking to ensure our military edge is enhanced and preserved. Today we have a smattering of naval forces based in Somalia. Their intentions
Are not clearly known but beat believe when our national interests clash with their country's, those same ships will be firing their missiles off our coast. What is the state of our Navy, Air Force, Army. Are we able to handle threats to our sovereign interest effectively and..
Expeditiously? How good are our intelligence services, can they offer timely information to help us deter aggression? THAT is the conversation we should be having a nation. Our very future as a nation is at stake yet we remain fixated on political circuses.
It's my hope that this thread will be retweeted as many times as possible so that we can force our oft clueless political leaders to finally wake up to the reality of the danger we face as Kenya.
Nchi yetu ya Kenya tunayo ipenda, tuwe tayari kuilinda.
Kenya's, or rather Ruto's, support to RSF (an org whose leaders have been sanctioned) isn't just limited to innocent gestures like venues for meetings.
Over the past two or so years, Mombasa International Airport has served as an important refuelling point for aircraft suspected
to be carrying munitions of war to resupply the RSF. These flights are suspected to originate from the UAE with their route typically being a refuelling stop in Mombasa, crossing into Tanzanian airspace at Taveta/Moshi then over Uganda, CAR/South Sudan and into Eastern Chad.
What's curious is that these flights go against a declaration by William Ruto himself in November 2023 that Kenya will not permit aircraft carrying weapons and ammunition to land in or transit through its airspace.
Since the war in Ukraine broke out, we kept having robust conversations with @IanECox and I kept telling him "nothing good ever came out of listening to the US, particularly with war". Once again, the US is living up to its reputation.
2. This confirms the rumours that Ukraine and Russia could have settled this through talks in Belarus and Istanbul were it not for European interference in both cases. I mean, why is an election in Ukraine that bad?
Let's correct a few misconceptions with these online prices.
Wikipedia prices are what we call "Flyaway price/cost". This is basically the production cost of the aircraft.
Then there's the "Acquisition cost" which is the ‘Fly Away Cost+initial spares+induction cost (training of pilots, mechanics and base handling)’.
Then there's the “Total Ownership/Life Cycle Cost” which is the ‘Fly Away Cost+Acquisition Cost+Operations & logistics support costs’
A safe general formula is Flyaway Cost X 2 = Acquisition cost. Flyaway Cost X 3 = Total Ownership Cost.
Now a question that'd naturally arise would be, "why would a nation pay 3 times the cost yet they can get spares on the open market?" Good one... The thing about military parts
When @NjeriBt says she's surprised by my "anti-state rhetoric" it is because of things like these. This country is being broken down and sold off in small portions. The energy grid has been sold off, the airport would have been gone.. and you haven't heard about the port yet.
Ten years of Ruto and I promise we will be in an inextricable mess! Forests gone, JKIA on its way out, roads being sold off one by one, the port is already being compromised by his patrons, unextracted minerals already auctioned, citizens pawned off.
Hatuna kiongozi, ni msaliti.
Healthcare system is already being actively compromised (this is deliberate btw), you can't breed farm animals without permission, you may not be able to plant seeds of your choice and pretty soon restrictions on medical research (just like IT) will start being rolled out..
The more you think about this Kware shit job the more comical it becomes.
So 1. Dude dumped his first body, his wife, in 2022 and no one saw him. Was the wife reported missing? 2. Emboldened by that, he subsequently dumped 13 more (with the latest 14 body count) bodies.
All this time no one saw him.
3. On his way to dumping his 15th body (on a site that's now under the gaze of hundreds of residents, tens of police and thousands of people on Tiktok live) he just blurts out to a boda boda guy that he's carrying a human body.
1. KDF has just deployed to the Congo, our experience in DRC spans well over 25 years. For some you may just be discovering Eastern DRC but for the DoD they know the smell of the soil.
2. Congo in some respects will not be like Somalia. Tighter regional mandate and length of the resupply corridors means things we've grown accustomed to (and love) like airstrikes from our fighter-bombers won't happen, at least in the near term.
3. A typical soldier from any of the KDFs special operations battalions has experience in any terrain bar snow. They've fought in scrubland, desert conditions, thick rainforest and marine environments. Not much will surprise them.