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Sep 21, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read

因此,我复盘了过去半年Web3游戏的竞争格局,并尝试梳理可行的创业机遇,希望能为坚持在Web3的游戏创业者提供启发和对话契机。 Image (0.5)中文版详情:

Feb 24, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
我们为这一全新商业模式提供了十点建议,并设计了一款虚拟Web3游戏以论证其可行性。 (0.5) 过去半年时间里,我们推翻过数次方案,反复斟酌设计细节,向游戏行业资深前辈请教,为了最终能向志同道合的求索者们交出满意的答卷。


Oct 5, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Thoughts on cloud gaming:

1/ Cloud gaming is regarded as the second curve after F2P. It is tentative commercialization and various experiments, not a clear and inevitable future. 2/People playing cheap cloud-AAA games on low-end mobiles/pc are deal-hunters. They have a harder time developing spending habits on games than people who never play games, and they couldn't open up a new market for cloud games.
Jul 22, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Share with you the best Web3 game I've played so far: @PlayEverseed

It has deep gameplay and unique experience that transcends all established genres, just right for the vast mobile gaming market.

What's the UX? Why do I like it?
Thoughts: Image 1/ The depth is right there, the real "easy to get started, hard to master".

- Fee
- Map (Rogue-like elements with Soil Plot and Cleanse Blight)
- Seed and Infusions
- Water
- Companion

These are only what we can see...
Jun 8, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
0/ Thoughts on game distribution platforms:

- What makes a platform successful?
- Tool first, platform second.
- What do some "Web3 Steams" get wrong? 1/ A successful gaming platform requires the following steps:

First, it already has its own mega-hit games and a huge audience.
Second, it has a head start in optimizing the UX.
Third, it expands to a game store that may have better social features and development tools.
Mar 26, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
0/ 设计经济模型时我经常思考游戏/链上资产/DeFi三者之间的关系,以及如何使区块链的介入更加自洽有趣。

去年十二月我开始研究 @crypto_raiders,惊羡于其boostrap双代币流动性的天才方法和零星采用defi协议完成的整个经济循环。很庆幸@0xkydo带着他的专业知识找到了我,故此有了今天这份报告。 1/ 这或许是一份超前的,试验性的设计雏形,但我们更希望这是一份对游戏开发者具有启发性的DeFi入门读物,我们讨论了游戏与AMM, token locking, governance,和buy back的结合的可能性。
Mar 20, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
0/ On the one side, people categorize @Stepnofficial as P2E game; on the other side, a new genre called "Move-to-Earn" Dapps emerged.
So, it's time to discuss what makes STEPN unique from the following aspects:

- STEPN vs. GameFi
- STEPN vs. SocialFi
- STEPN vs. Move-to-Earn 1/ STEPN is a game because “a game is a series of interesting choices”- Sid Meier.
You have a mount of GST, and you're thinking to repair/ upgrade/ add points/ pay the breeding fee/ buy, sell, or open mystery boxes…
When you're making choices, you're already playing the game.
Mar 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
For Gitcoin Grants contributors and fully decentralized on-chain gamers, there're two projects around Dark Forest developed by members of @marrowdao that are worth adding to your cart and contributing:

cc: @ecrivaine_k 1/ A chain layer alliance system including select guilds, discover tasks, utilize gaming tools, group chat, and bulletin board.
The alliance can boost funny based on players' performance and engagement.
The grant will go into the Treasury directly.…
Mar 12, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
A perfect piece to read on Saturday afternoon by @xlSalvatore.
It makes me realize once again that @SkyweaverGame has far more experience and better understanding of game design and crypto maybe than any other team in the space today.

A tl;dr and Chinese translation below: 1/ To design for total engagement.
User engagement is the only method to generate value. Today, we can incentivize players to adopt and participate through sharing the economy, which is the best and unprecedented way to increase engagement.
Feb 8, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
0- 经过两个月的追问与推敲,@MapleLeafCap 和我汇总出的关于P2E游戏经济的十条建议终于完稿。

此过程伴随着新事物的不断涌现与范式扭转的端倪,我们反复论辩,尽可能审慎地写下这些内容,希望藉此为开发者提供些许启发,一起探索区块链游戏经济的可能性,共赴无人深空。 0.5- 相较于传统游戏,虚拟货币游戏资产寻租性强且缺乏外汇管制,但仍能通过多因子投入与回报模型,外汇储备与汇率调控,基础设施与治理代币等深度设计,避免过度依附外部资源,构建稳定独立的游戏生态。

Feb 3, 2022 13 tweets 1 min read

中文翻译链接… 1/ 开篇理解Ronin:你确实理解了ron,但你不理解开发者和玩家生态。
我试问现在哪个做游戏的敢让Sky Mavis来做代币设计?谁敢?
Jan 27, 2022 20 tweets 6 min read
I'm more than excited to find that the fictional worldview of game orchestrates Defi Legos in the space like @DefiKingdoms and @Treasure_DAO. Narrative cannot be ignored

Some thoughts on @CthulhuCA22 and why on-chain LARPG is worthy attention🧵

中文读者请从7/开始阅读。 Image 1/ Live action role-playing/Murder mystery game is generally a party game, with multiple players playing different roles.
It may start with a murder, requiring everyone to work together to find the killer and avoid danger. Image
Dec 12, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Prototypes that can be potentially built as zero knowledge games:

1⃣Battleship/Sea Battle
5⃣Betrayal at House on the Hill
6⃣Watson & Holmes
7⃣Dead of Winter
...... 2/ Genres:

Incomplete information games
Social deduction games
Board games
Nov 19, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Don't celebrate too early.
It has already been a trend that a project ➡️a platform➡️a chain.
Is there such a possibility that limited retention and gameplay cannot support the game itself, thus it figures out a larger narrative to draw people's attention back ? 2/ The situation reminds me of how traditional corporates compete for users:
the amount of users is fixed but projects boom, and those projects without core gameplay can only rely on platforms and chains to increase their exposure.
Nov 17, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ 做游戏最重要的就是在一开始想明白,拎得清;一款游戏如此,未来通过游戏做平台/metaverse/链更是如此。目前精灵养成和沙盒市场都略显饱和,尚且无法依靠核心玩法和数值调整吸引玩家,Starmon是个剑走偏锋的例子,13元素+6数值+天气系统,导致玩家认知门槛太高,最该改的消耗机制却没有任何创新。 2/ decentaland/sandbox/cryptovoxels三款沙盒横向比较,普通玩家不看UGC功能,而是avatar形象构建的身份认同和demo用户体验;十月下旬体验的结果dcl>sand>cv,后来三款游戏也照此顺序逐一爆发。当同类型产品太多时用户体验就尤为重要,因此部分数字卵生项目也会权衡等比例缩放和跑图体验的问题。 Image
Nov 11, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Two things remakable in this ep:

1/(1) quality games like mmo and 4x online are still 18-24 months away since it has taken too long to recruit developers. However, things different in Chinese mainland, a few experienced workers in Tencent, Netease, and Mihoyo turns to blockchain due to the repressive policy.
Nov 10, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Few tips for game studios that devote to a gamefi project ⬇️

1/ user-oriented: find your target players asap and customize the project. The developers' expectancy and the market's need varies, so you'd better choose your side and set a criterion at the very beginning. 2/ short-term+hot money: (1) web first: consider about the web design when prepare promotion materials and create a clear consumer guidance. Maybe it's too late to imitate cute animals like Axie but you can still attract users with exquisite concept paintings.
Nov 5, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
1/ 忘记自己是谁,才能学会新的东西——这是刺客组织Faceless Men给我最大的启发。
很高兴看到已经有人指出了传统游戏从业者的傲慢,但只想呆在舒适圈的人不止他们,还有拒绝游戏性的投机者,以及大量滥发仿盘的开发团队。 2/ 先聊被YGG选秀入宫的Sipher,赛博furryMOBA,可玩性板上钉钉,建模精度吊打lowpoly,让我想起夏天SONY相中的第一款主机国产和steam接连发售的三款furry character游戏。运营上接连邀请coser为猫女NFT预热,又跟日本ACG艺术家合作同人图,破圈之意昭然若揭。
Nov 3, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
@DefinaFinance #Defina 🎮刚刚结束了第二轮beta,由于是全角色开放内测+自动战斗,所以集换卡牌和战斗体验方面无法给出特别有参考性的意见,但可以从游戏设计角度聊聊本次更新的几点内容。🧵 1/ 美术表现可圈可点,发挥了其作为二次元Gamefi风格化龙头的优势,45°top-down视角的模型自动战斗观赏性已经远高于其他卡牌游戏,还在第一次beta的基础上优化了战斗表现,角色大招释放从3D建模转原画的动画设计超帅,有一说一比DNF的技能动画还好看。(虽然摄像机频繁越轴,不知道是不是跟P5学的)
Oct 28, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
之前对挖提卖项目不了解觉得自不如人……🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️花时间研究了一下,发现大同小异的游戏包装之下,经济模型和团队运营差异还挺大的,这里拿几个例子简单聊一下。 1. cryptoblades,大乌龙项目,先是预言机bug导致reward飙高拉进一大批新人,修好之后大家都没得赚;角色NFT都一样所以可以随便开小号刷金,NFT也没升值空间没流动性;后来大量发放SKILL鼓励玩家升武器消费,但玩家升级后拿到了越来越多的SKILL??自寻短见吗?于是代币不够发且货币大通胀。。。
Oct 23, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
#Axie 的推发完几天不止一个朋友私信问我Axie经济系统是不是不健康/是不是不推荐入场或尽快退游。❌不是的!不构成任何投资建议哈!📋只是个人观点+尝试性优化方案,Sky Mavis团队本身也做出了很多努力。
🧵做个thread捋一下最近版本更新官方释放的信息吧: 1. 取消了排名800后的玩家每日任务SLP奖励,此举可以避免玩家用新钱包和烂宠白嫖每天的75SLP,不仅可以提高玩家play to win的积极性,增强竞技性,也直接促进了SLP通缩和价格抬升。