The Matrixology +19.7k Profile picture
|- Professional #Observer -| =|-# Decoding/Exposing the #Matrix #-|= =|+ We live in a #Simulation +|= #33LP Ox ♋︎ #GG33 (Most Accurate Account On #SocialMedia)
Azores Profile picture Apollo Jackson Profile picture ItsTheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt Profile picture 3 subscribed
Mar 14, 2023 5 tweets 6 min read
Mar 12, 2023 4 tweets 5 min read
7 Years Ago I Stopped Following Zach & Left The #GEMATRIA Community.


It's Sad So Many People Still Getting #Brainwashed By Zach & His #GematriaCalculator

Maybe It's Time I Say Something.

Dear, #GematriaCommunity, #GematriaDecoders, #GematriaSports Decoders etc..

This Message Is For You.

Following People Like Zach - Will Cause You To Never Be Able To Discover & Find (REAL KNOWLEDGE) About The TRUTH To This World..

It's Time To Wake Up.

Oct 6, 2022 21 tweets 9 min read
- There's A Reason (why) #Trump Will Be Allowed Back On #SocialMedia...

- It's Because They Need (#D)ONALD (#T)RUMP For The Next #Phase Of Their #Plan..


2024: = The Year Of (#DomesticTerrorists)

(Screenshot this)



Apr 29, 2021 8 tweets 9 min read
- A few days ago #ElonMusk shared a #SpaceX Crew video

- This video was a #message from the #Elite -

The #Crew mentions "45" days
(And has a hidden 5 & 1 in background)

- it appears to be a #hidden message about (5/1) & (5/4) 🤔

- 45 days from this video is = #June9th/10th 👀 I dont have it totally figured out yet...

I expect 5/1 to be the #start or #End of something & 5/4 to be the #end/ start

If we crash after the first... then possible signal to buy the #dip on the #4th

If we #pump hard after the #1st..... then maybe take some money on the #4th