Maharaja Chahadpaldev Tomar
The Last Kshatriya Monarch of Delhi
In the annals of Chahaḍpāl (also known as Govindraj Tomar), various iterations of his name are documented in Minahāj-us-Sirāj's genealogies - in the Tabaqat-i-Nasīrī, he is referred to as Khaṇḍī, Khaṇḍ, Kand Goyand, Goyandah, Govand, and Govind. In Kasīm Alī Hindushāhī's "Tārīkhe Firishta," his name appears as 'Chāvuṇḍ.' Elsewhere, it surfaces as Khaṇḍerāv, Chaḍḍ, Chahaḍdev, and Chahḍapāla. Historical accounts also discuss the coinage of the Tomaras of Delhi, including those of King Chahaḍpāl. Following Prithviraj Tomar, Chahaḍpāl, his son, ascended to Delhi's throne in 1189 CE. During Chahaḍpāl's reign, the political landscape in Northern India was undergoing transformations, with the Chauhans of Ajmer rising in power.
Moreover, it is noted that during Prithviraj Tomar's era, relations between Prithviraj Chauhan and Chahaḍpāl were amicable, with the two forming an alliance alongside the Chalukyas of Anhilwara.
First Battle of Tarain:
As per the Tabaqat-i-Nasiri, it was documented that the leader of the Rajput army during the confrontation was 'Rai Kola Pithora' (also known as Chahaḍpāl and Rai Pithora). All the prominent chieftains of Hindustan were under leadership of 'Rai Kola' (Chahaḍpāl).
During the clash, Sultan Shāhabuddīn Ghaurī aimed a spear at the elephant carrying Delhi's Rai Chāvaṇḍ (also known as Khaṇḍī, Kandī, Goyand, or Chaḍḍapāl). Chahaḍpāl also advanced, and as documented by Minhāj-Us-Sirāj, the Sultan, displaying remarkable bravery akin to Rustam, thrust his spear into Chahadpaldev's mouth, breaking two of his teeth. In retaliation, the Rai inflicted a severe wound on the Sultan's arm. The Sultan, overwhelmed by the pain, fell from his horse. At this moment, a Khilji soldier recognized him and, placing him on the Sultan's horse, swiftly carried him away from the battlefield. Undoubtedly, it was Chahaḍpāl of Delhi who defeated the Sultan in this battle.
Jul 30, 2023 • 26 tweets • 5 min read
राजा वीरसिंहदेव तोमर का इतिहास ⏬⏬ भाग-01
देववर्मा की मृत्यु संभवत: 1375 ई. में हुई थी। मेजर जनरल कनिंघम ने 1375 ई. से वीरसिंहदेव का ऐसाह की गद्दी पर आसीन होना माना है। 1378 ई. के आस-पास वीरसिंहदेव ने अपनी गतिविधियाँ प्रारम्भ की थी। यद्यपि देववर्मा की जागीर की पुष्टि फिरोज तुगलक ने की थी।
Jul 23, 2023 • 29 tweets • 9 min read
#Thread #TOMAR
दिल्ली के तोमर/अजमेर के चौहान/आमेर के कच्छवाहा के वैवाहिक संबंध तथा उनके इतिहास से जुड़ी भ्रांतियाँ जैसे -
⚫ अनंगपाल तोमर पृथ्वीराज चौहान के नाना थे।
⚫ पृथ्वीराज चौहान दिल्ली के अंतिम राजा थे [जबकी अंतिम राजा तेजपाल तोमर (पुत्र चाहडपाल, पौत्र पृथ्वीराज तोमर थे।]
अनंगपाल तोमर को पृथ्वीराज चौहान का नाना बताना तथ्यहीन और तर्कहीन बात हैं। अनंगपाल तोमर की मृत्यु 1081 में हो गई थी जबकि पृथ्वीराज चौहान का जन्म 1166 में हुआ था। दोनो घटनाओं में 85 साल का फासला है। अनंगपाल तोमर के समकालीन तो पृथ्वीराज चौहन के पिता सोमेशवर भी नही थे।
Jul 15, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
I'm direct descendant of Maharaja Anangpal through his son Rao Shalivahan. Thaccker Pheru (1291-1347) mentions Tomar Clan of Delhi in his book 'Dravyaparīkṣa' as a Rajputra (Rajput clan). (he mentioned a whole clan as Rajputra not a particular person).