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Documenting Africans Stories
The Duke of Eccleston 🇿🇦🇱🇸 Profile picture La Fuerza de Existir 🔻 Profile picture Darr Ka Mahaul Profile picture . Profile picture War is Spin Profile picture 15 subscribed
Jul 30, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Libya was the world's poorest country in 1951. Gaddafi made it Africa's most developed country with $150 billion foreign reserves & zero debt. Under Muammar Gaddafi, Libya had one of the world's strongest currencies. Image 1 Libyan Dinar equalled $0.82781 in 2011. Gaddafi wanted to give all African countries the Dinar to strengthen their economies. He also had more than 140 Tonnes of Gold and similar amounts in silver which he wanted to distribute across Africa to be used in trading.
Jul 30, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails Revealed NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop the formation of a United States of Africa.
Of the 3,000 emails released from Hillary Clinton's private email server in late December 2015, about a third were from her close confidante Sidney Blumenthal. One of these emails, dated April 2, 2011, read in part:
Jul 29, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
“It’s disappointing because in Europe, when people take up arms to defend their homeland, we call them patriots. Our grandfathers were deported to save Europe. It wasn’t with their consent, it was against their will. But on their return... Image we remember well that at Thiaroye, when they wanted to claim their basic rights, they were massacred. It doesn’t matter. When we, the people, decide to defend ourselves, we are called militias. But that’s not the problem. The problem is to see African heads of state who bring...
Jun 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
In the 1990's there was a widely circulated photo of a vulture waiting for a starving little girl to die and feast on her corp. That photo was taken during the 1993/94 famine in Sudan, by Kevin Carter, a South African photojournalist, who later won the Pulitzer Prize for... Image this 'amazing shot'.* However, as Kevin Carter was savouring his feat and being celebrated on major news channels and networks worldwide for such an 'exceptional photographic skill', he lived just for a few months to enjoy his supposed achievement and fame, as he later got
May 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Some peõple does not know that there were ancient African games that had tremendous popularity and respect even before the arrival of sports like foôtball, baskëtball, Vollëyball and others to Africa, but regrettably these sports were dropped and slowly forgotten. Image Long before còlonialism, the high jump was a national sport at which Rwandans excelled. It was a tradition of great importance in Rwandan society, as men would frequently jump over 6 feet 6 inches in displays of their physical abilities. At important celebrations,
May 28, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Chinese National, Deng Jailed 5 Years For Illegal Mining In Nigeria.

He was arrested on Friday, September 9, 2022, by the Ilorin Zonal Command of the commission. The Federal High Court in Ilorin on Wednesday, #STOPCHINESEILLEGALMINING Image convicted and sentenced a 29-year-old Chinese national, Gang Deng, to five years imprisonment for offences bordering on illegal mining and possession of minerals without lawful authority. Justice Muhammed Sani convicted Gang in a suit filed by Nigeria's anti-graft agency,
May 20, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
In the early 16th century, rumours of a mysterious fortress with gargantuan walls, abandoned in the African jungle, spread around Europe. Surrounded by goldmines and sitting on a 900-metre-high hill, the city was thought to represent the summit of a unique African civilisation Image which had traded with distant Asian countries, including China and Persia. Though the indigenous African have always know about this civilization they have built, a Portuguese sea captain, Viçente Pegado, was one of the first foreigners to encounter the site, in 1531.
May 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Captivating Beauty: Madagascan Women in 1868

In 1868, Madagascar was a kingdom ruled by Queen Ranavalona II. The island was known for its unique flora and fauna, as well as the beauty of its women. Image Madagascan women were renowned for the striking features, including their smooth, dark skin, almond-shaped eyes, and high cheekbones. Madagascar's cultural diversity also influenced the appearance of its women, with various ethnic groups having distinct physical characteristics.
May 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
In 2007, the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi called for establishment of the United States of Africa. Image He called for the unification of all African armies into a single force, arguing that this would give the continent unprecedented power and prevent it from being a target for colonizers.
May 10, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Former Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi's letter to Barack Obama.

Our son, Excellency,

President Obama

We have been hurt more morally that physically because of what had happened against us in both deeds and words by you. Image Despite all this you will always remain our son whatever happened. We still pray that you continue to be president of the USA. We Endeavour and hope that you will gain victory in the new election campaigne. You are a man who has enough courage to annul a wrong and mistaken
May 8, 2023 52 tweets 10 min read
The Beja People the Indigenous people of Sudan, Eritrea and Egypt.

The Beja people are an ancient Cushitic people closely kin to the ancient Egypt thus the living descendants of Kemet. Yes the Beja are the nomads and the rulers of the desert since predynastic Egypt, Image in comparison the beduions in Sinai are Arab nomads that arrived recently into Egypt. Their language is Afroasciatic and their bloodline is less altered than COPTS in Egypt. The name Beja is applied to a grouping of Muslim peoples speaking dialects of a Cushitic language
May 8, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Tunka Manin- the last Ruler of the ancient Ghana empire.

Tunka Manin was a ruler of the Ghana Empire, who reigned from 1062 to 1076 C.E. He inherited his throne from his mother, brother, King Basi, and as King, he was the chief decision-maker. Manin was known for his Image involvement with the local communities and his success economically, as he increased trade, especially that of salt, greatly within the empire. The Ancient Ghana Empire was believed to have been founded by the Soninke dynasty between AD300- 400. By the 10th century,
Apr 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This metal mask was used during slavery for 3 main reasons:

1) To prevent the slaves from eating fruits such as apples, pineapples, oranges, cashews, bananas, plantains and sugarcanes etc while harvesting them, yet they were made to work consistently in all the plantation farms Image 2) To stop the slaves from chanting our African spiritual songs. Not only that those our spiritual and war songs affected the slave masters, it also motivated some slaves to rebel and fight back not minding losing their lives.
Mar 27, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
Big Companies thriving by exploiting Democratic Republic of the Congo while at the same time using Children miners to their own benefit. #ENDILLEGALMININGAFRICA

Coltan is one of the world’s most vital minerals, and 60% of reserves globally are found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s Kivu province. In 2019, 40% of the global coltan supply was produced in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The mineral is used in cell phones, laptops and other devices because of its particular ability to store and release #ENDILLEGALMININGAFRICA
Mar 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
In 4 years, Thomas Sankara Built 350 schools, roads, railways without foreign aid, Increased the literacy rate by 60%, Banned forced marriages and female genital mutilation, Gave poor people land, Vaccinated 2.5 million kids against measles, fever Image and meningitis, Planted 10 million trees, Drove out French imperialism and withdrew Burkina Faso from the IMF. Thomas Sankara only had $350 in his bank account, a cheap Renault 5 car, 4 bikes, 3 guitars, a refrigerator, and a broken freezer at the time of his death. Image
Feb 21, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
19 year old Frank Embree was tortured, castrated, skinned and then lynched in front of a cheering crowd, for a crime he didn’t commit in 1899. On the morning of July 22, 1899, a white mob abducted Frank Embree from officers transporting him to stand trial and lynched him in front of a cheering crowd of over 1,000 onlookers in Fayette, Missouri. About one month earlier, Frank Embree had been arrested and accused of assaulting a white girl. There was no evidence linking him to the crime. His trial was scheduled for July 22, the town’s residents
Feb 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
BBC is widely known for their Fake News propaganda that made Muammar Gaddafi to be seen as a bad dictator worldwide. Their Fake news propaganda played a big role in justifying NATO invasion in Libya that led to thousands of innocent civilians to get killed by NATO bombs in Libya The United Kingdom Parliament Report which was launched in July 2015, based on more than a year of research and interviews with politicians, academics, journalists and Libyan citizens Detailed heavily how NATO's 2011 War in Libya was based on Lies highly pushed by the BBC.
Jan 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Trophy hunter attacked and eaten live by the brothers of another lion he had killed and was posing with for photos while live streaming on Instagram in South African. The large cat hunters remains were found after he was eaten by the pride of lions that he was hunting in the fields of South Africa. The Lion Hunter widely known across Instagram for his videos and pictures showing his successful hunts.
Jan 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Electrically charged stones discovered in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Dec 11, 2022 28 tweets 5 min read
How Ancient Africans Helped Civilize The Cave Men.

The original, the founders of civilization, the mothers and fathers of Humanity, and the initial people on earth were the Black (Melanated) Man and Woman. Europeans, or Caucasians, are a later addition to the human race. There was most likely not a single Caucasian on the planet 10,000 years ago. Archaeologists have discovered and documented the Neanderthal as the first species of caucasian to exist on earth. When you realize that when the caucazoid mysteriously landed on Earth, melanated
Dec 11, 2022 33 tweets 6 min read
African Kings Who Were Exiled To Seychelles For Their Bravery In Fighting European Colonialists.

By the 19th century, after the Berlin conference, there was great European hunger for the resources and lands of Africa. The transatlantic slave trade was no more profitable for the Europeans and Americans, and they had to focus on other resources that would enrich their countries and thrones.