Eric Matheny 🎙️ Profile picture
Attorney • Podcaster • Social Commentator • Cohost of “Bob & Eric Save America” • iTunes: | Google:
Mar 29, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I am posting the entirety of the Florida Parental Rights in Education Bill. 1/7 2/7
Mar 29, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The crowd that spent years hysterically claiming that Trump’s tweets would cause WW3 is awfully quiet as Biden openly pledges troop deployment and regime change in Russia. Biden to US Troops: “And you’re going to see when you’re there.  And you — some — some of you have been there.  You’re going to see — you’re going to see women, young people standing — standing the middle of — in front of a damn tank, just saying, “I’m not leaving.“
May 7, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I've spent my career in criminal law. Watching somebody go through the process - just the process - of being charged with a crime, pending a trial, is about as close to a living hell as one can imagine. There is no peace in your life. None. The thoughts of worse case scenario plague every corner of your brain. There is no sleep. No joy. Every smile is faked. It is the worse thing you can experience aside from dying of a serious illness (which dying may be a more debatable fate than serving time in prison. The point is, General Flynn, a GREAT
Apr 30, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
For the liberals saying there are no eyewitnesses to the #TaraReade incident, permit a former prosecutor to explain: Sexual assault, like domestic violence, occurs in the shadows, out of view of independent witnesses. Predators, like Biden, attack when there’s no one else around. Same thing for physical evidence, and a lack thereof. Since fingers don’t ejaculate, you have to take the victims word for it and assess their credibility exclusive of evidence that simply does not exist.
Mar 23, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1) 40% of people in this country cannot afford a $400 emergency. That was the economic state we were in before the pandemic. We can argue all day long about personal responsibility versus income inequality but now's not the time. This is reality. 2) So we have a situation where business has effectively stopped and the most vulnerable among us - working people - have been stripped of their ability to earn a living. As we can see - even in times of great national duress the politicking in DC never stops. Gov't is worthless.
Aug 20, 2019 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
We are reaching out to you for your assistance in putting an end to the recent political censorship on Twitter. We are on this platform for the purpose of supporting President Donald Trump... We understand that the digital landscape is the political battleground of the 21st Century. Not unlike knocking on doors or handing out fliers, we share information in the hope of spreading the President’s message and motivating others to get out and vote so that we can continue