How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, that got me looking for the *earliest* use of boilerplate. Google Books helpfully gave me this source from 1540:… tests can be written like scripts, e2e tests need to be "treated as an artifact": you write supporting infra, you create domain objects, you document, etc. You have to be intentional about it. It's more expensive but in return you get a lot more coverage of interacting parts saying Flex is a good idea, just pointing out that it's grounded in an attempt to solve a meaningful domain problem (businesses don't want to manage 60+ independent annual subscriptions) and it's just "let's find a way to make our product worse" it is possible, but people are looking for the wrong analogies? With a "good" analogy, you can answer a question about a topic by walking through the rules of the analogy. "Monads are like burritos" doesn't help because there's no intuitive rules in the burrito analogy of the custom stuff I run on my computer: really love pushing the boundaries of tools, and I love thinking of mathematical representations of problems and properties. Because of those, I really like writing property tests. If I liked those things less, I'd be less effective with property testing!