Louis Fishman لوي فيشمان לואי פישמן Profile picture
Associate Prof Brooklyn College; Author of Jews and Palestinians in thelate Ottoman era: Turkish, Israeli/Palestinian affairs; working on a book, more to come!
Jul 31, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
This comment is directed only to the Turkish MFA Affairs. I apologize to those who might have understood that this was done to minimize Palestinian suffering. Let me explain in a few tweets. First, the MFA either is purposely exaggerating numbers, or they just do not know. The answer to that is, I honestly do not know. However, it is an official agency, and this may be done as fake news; what I do know is that Turkey has a long list of numbers it minimizes, such as its conflict w/Kurds and the denial of the Armenian genocide. So, yes, it matters.
Nov 18, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
"From the River to the Sea" is a statement I have heard for decades, and my fondness or sheer disdain for it was often based on who was saying it. Yes, for some, it means justice for all--Palestinians and Jews--and for others, it is a total disregard for the Israeli population. The first time I heard it was "antisemitic" was on CNN during this current war. I was shocked since it really is only directly related to the struggle over the land; it is a slogan that seems relevant as long as long as there is an occupation and blockade of Gaza. Really, folks.
Oct 28, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
For those who see Hamas as a resistance movement, we need to remember they reached where they are due to a decade’s long understanding with Netanyahu; the same needs to be said to the pro-Israel camp: Netanyahu made his bed. This has led us to the catastrophic days we are at. Hamas’ attack must have shocked Netanyahu. He, like many were paralyzed by the ability of Hamas to lead such an operation. Hamas too must have been surprised at its own success. The massacre of hundreds of innocent Israelis and kidnappings however paralyzed it. There’s no return.
Oct 15, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
The script is well-known: Since 2008, Hamas and Israel go at it every few years. Rocket fire in Israel; Israel hits hard. Until this round, a few Israelis were killed in the face of hundreds of Palestinians. This led to a cease-fire and new understandings between the two powers. In the past decade or so, Hamas knew the price to reach a new understanding, receive more leverage against Israel, and even more importantly, arrange a flow of money via the Israeli gov provided by Qatar (with the head of Mossad even arranging it during visits there). No secrets.
Jul 5, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
#Breaking: Israel releases info that the Israeli woman, @elizrael, known on Twitter for her work on Syria, is being held in Iraq by a Shiite group. This came after she went to Iraq to do research. She's never hidden the fact she was Israeli, making the story even stranger. Elizabeth Tsurkov is a Ph.D. student at Princeton, and it's beyond me how @Princeton would give permission to an Israeli citizen to do research in Iraq. Hopefully, she'll be released as soon as possible. It's reported she has been held since March (her last tweet from then).
Mar 26, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
The moment protesters break through barricades in front of Prime Minister's residence. One newscaster calls this by its name, a popular uprising. Tomorrow a nationwide strike is on horizon, joined by universities. The military is more fragile than ever. In Tel Aviv unbelievable photos of main freeway blocked at 12AM. Protests happening throughout Israel. Netanyahu's firing the Defense Minister is being declared as the blatant attempt to transform the country to a dictatorship. Netanyahu has sparked a fire he has yet to see-huge.
Nov 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The Turkish off-the-rails evangelical cultish Islamic preacher, Adnan Oktar-famed throughout the Islamic world via his work as Harun Yahya-has been sentenced to an 8,658-year prison sentence. For years the gov gave him free rein to spread his off-the-wall anti-evolutionary ideas. Image He was found guilty of: "leading a criminal gang, engaging in political and military espionage, sexual abuse of minors, rape, blackmail and causing torment." How he was only arrested in 2018 remained a mystery since for decades it was clear he was leading a cult.
Jun 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Thousands of students at a university festival in Kayseri, in the middle of Anatolia shout in unison: "long live Mustafa Kemal [Ataturk]." For a gov 2 decades in power that wished to replace this ideology with their own, this can't be the expected outcome. I should've said they're singing since they're singing the "İzmir Marşı." This song over last few years has found renewed popularity; during last elections, it literally became a rallying song against gov. I might add singing it here does not make one a hardcore Kemalist as well.
May 31, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Canan Kaftancıoğlu, the head of Istanbul's main CHP opposition branch, is sent to prison today to serve a near 5 year sentence for social media posts against gov (insulting public official; degrading Turkey; insulting pres). She's architect of Istanbul opposition election win. Some articles are mentioning she very well could be released later today, or, in a few days, contingent she adheres to ban on doing politics. I might add that one of the media posts she was convicted of is almost a decade old. Of course, I will keep all posted as events unfold.
Jan 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
What happens when a Rabbi gets stuck in the snow in Istanbul? He gets saved and taken to a mosque where he prays morning prayer, stressing Jews are free to pray in mosques, not like churches which are forbidden. Why Istanbul? He is in charge of giving kosher licenses for export. Thanks to @Jofischer007 for sharing this article with me which appeared in Yediot (unfortunately I could only read the part that was not behind the paywall). Also, @gelibolu2015 also shared a different tweet about this. So, that turns out to be nice feel good story for the day :)
Nov 8, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday I watched #TheClub (#Kulüp #Netflix). Since released days ago its taken over Turkish audiences w/its depiction of Jewish life in Istanbul in the 1950s. I admit hearing Ladino and seeing a life that once was brought tears to my eyes. Indeed its a beautiful story as well. Image First a huge shout out to director @zeynepguntan (Zeynep Gunay Tan) for doing a brilliant job at bringing together a crew of actors, studio people, and much more. Especially for being so sensitive in capturing Jewish life, by including a set of advisors from the Jewish community.
Jul 15, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Huge: After 7 months of protests by students and faculty over state's appointment of pro-gov rector to Bogazici University, Erdogan has removed Melih Bulu from his position. A rare moment where protests produced results. Will the university now be able to appoint its own rector? This seems absolutely unbelievable to so many. The protests led to many arrests from an active student body and from faculty who stood out on the lawn of the prestigious state school turning backs to the rector's office. But it is now in the news, so, yes, it seems very real.
Jun 15, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
"Death to Arabs, death to Arabs!" Generations of Israelis were raised on this and it was normalized under Netanyahu. Some people still question why I call them fascists; its a stain on the Jewish people and memory of those who were killed for being Jewish. I might add that I am not one to tries to make collective statements; however, my comment is not just related to this video alone but rather goes back years when I was a Jewish educator during grad school. I was lucky to teach Jews from all denominations and I saw great humanity.
Jun 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
A religious-nationalist. A former staunch secular TV presenter. A former Likud strongman. A Russian-immigrant. A former general. An openly gay man. A Palestinian Islamist. And a staunch feminist. This is Israel's next government. Many pointing out there are no Mizrahi Jews; well, Gideon Saar's mother is Bukharan (I should have pointed that out). But yes, for most part this gov continues exclusion of Mizrahim (Jews from Arab countries/Arab Jews) and Sephardim (Ladino speakers from former Ottoman lands).
Jul 20, 2020 32 tweets 14 min read
Strange days. Flying to Tel Aviv on Turkish Airlines-my usual trip but nothing is usual in #COVIDー19 days. To get to airport I got in a car for the first time in 5 months. I’m now at an almost deserted airport. In this thread Ill document my upcoming month. It’ll be interesting! ImageImage I came prepared in #COVIDー19 overalls. Nice to see @TurkishAirlines handing out a hygiene kit. Also checked our temperature before boarding. Only 3 flights from Terminal 1: Paris, Istanbul, Casablanca. Turkish usually flies 3 a day to Istanbul, now 3 a week! Strange days indeed! ImageImage
Feb 28, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
If Turkey is looking to US (and NATO) for sympathy it seems they might be in for a rude awakening. Turkey has systematically snubbed the US/NATO for the past few years. So, beyond empty statements like "We stand by our NATO Ally Turkey," it does not seem much is in store for now. So , yes, the US will "call for an immediate end to this despicable offensive by the Assad regime, Russia, and Iranian-backed forces," but will remember it was Turkey that wanted US out of Syria. It will remember it was Turkey that just months ago tested the Russian-made S-400.
Feb 27, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I've covered Turkey for 20 years. Its hard to grasp what's happened tonight. It seems to be a total breakdown of Turkish foreign policy, a domestic issue unlike it, leaving a country sad, angry+confused. And, still fears+chatter of number of soldiers killed rising. Just terrible. Now official number is 33 soldiers killed. The numbers are being slowly dripped to the public and some place the number higher than this. Currently 4:15 AM, Turkey will be awaking to a new day soon, and people are going to want answers from a gov that got them into this quagmire.
Oct 22, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
Russia and Syria are the biggest winners of the new Russia-Turkey deal. I'd also argue that any resettlement plan Erdogan had for the region is all but lost dream. If US capitulated to Turkey last week, Turkey capitulated to Russia today. Can't see they received much out of deal. So, as I did last week, lets break this down. Why claim Russia and Syria are biggest winners? Did Turkey really lose out? And, what now for the YPG and the Syrian Kurds? Of course, this is an initial agreement, and could change here and there. But the spirit of it is quite clear.
Oct 17, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
I think anyway one reads this document, the US capitulated to Turkey's demands+thus Erdogan secured a major strategic victory, which will allow Turkish army more leeway on ground. However a quick look shows the document is not worth paper its written on, with many unclear goals. So let's break this down. I think obvious point is it gives zero recognition to YPG, or Kurds. This document pretty much equates the YPG as being terrorists, a Turkish claim, and one that most in US Congress are clearly arguing against. This in itself is a HUGE Turkish gain.
May 14, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
As a historian of Israel/Palestine--and a human--I would like to discuss @RashidaTlaib's recent statement about the Holocaust and its relation to the Palestinians. I think it is important to first watch it, to understand what we are talking about. I think we should first start off saying that calling her words antisemitic is absolutely absurd. Some people as well have been quick to judge her portrayal of history as manipulative--or lacking a general understanding. However, once put in context, I think this too is mistaken.