Ivan Bogatyy Profile picture
Building on @zkSync. Friend of the family @dragonfly_xyz. Previously GP Metastable Capital, @GoogleAI @TensorFlow.
Aug 23, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
Had a blast working with @garyvee and @ajv on a massive @ArtBlocks_io instant floor sweep via @Mining_DAO !
After tense 4 hours of coding and debugging, executed without a hitch. More details on how we did it 🧵👇/1 First off, they're very crypto-savvy, so sharing private keys was out of the question. Everything had to be done on @ajv's machine.
So we built a custom Metamask RPC for him to sign the purchase transactions, but store them privately to complete later all at once. /2
Aug 2, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
What do you do when you're a gigachad like @0x650d and want to buy 100 cryptopunks at the same time, while being certain it will go through with no front-runners jumping out of the dark forest to interfere?
You contact @Mining_DAO There are many MEV tricks related to NFTs. Bots can back-run new listings, snapping up NFTs before they even appear. Sellers can front-run a purchase and relist at higher price. Would-be buyers can sit and wait for the price to drop, but front-run anyone else who decides to buy.
Nov 18, 2019 15 tweets 6 min read
I just published a new attack that breaks Mimblewimble's privacy model. This attack traces 96% of all sender and recipient addresses in real time. Here's a summary and what it means for the future of privacy coins:
medium.com/dragonfly-rese… To understand this attack, you have to understand anonymity sets. Every privacy coin works by "hiding" your transaction within an anonymity set. Think of this like the crowd that your transaction is indistinguishable from.