Joe Wagner Profile picture
"I see his blood upon the rose And in the stars the glory of his eyes"
Nov 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is the worst attempt at a Yes Chad meme I've ever seen. OP seems to want to do both Chad and Wojak at the same time.

It's like if someone made a This Is Fine meme, but replaced the dog with the cat from Woman Yelling at Cat, with zero explanation. A complete category error. That, and you have to try out every possible direction combination to be sure of how to read the panels.
Jun 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I would be interested to see a First Amendment lawyer write an explainer thread on the claim that if Jewish and Muslim law allow abortion then banning it violates religious liberty. I'm just a stupid dumb non-lawyer but my impression is that the state banning something that is merely optional in someone's religion wouldn't make for a 1A violation.

The argument that it is *required* in some religions if the mother's life is in danger would prob be stronger,
Sep 1, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
If Trump's support among the military is slipping, it's probably because he is the embodiment of several of the character traits that service members hold most in contempt. But first, I want to say that I normally prefer not to discuss this because the question "which candidate does the military support?" is not something I easily associate with free, democratic countries.
Jan 19, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
Growing up as a white kid in Manassas, Va, I learned early that African American Christians were usually protestant. There was a black lady down the street and her two daughters who were catholic and went to my parish (I played house with the younger girl), but I knew they were a rarity. They had recently converted and were almost the only black family at All Saints, which was the largest catholic parish in the Arlington diocese.

I did learn in adulthood that there were a large number of black catholics in New Orleans,
Nov 3, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
@conor64 is right.… The big issue this election is not legislation, it's not judges, and it's not healthcare.

It's whether or not a campaign of lies to whip up fear of immigrants will turn out to be a winning or losing strategy. Image
Jul 28, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
It's theologically tricky to explain just how intercessory prayer plays into Providence, whether God actually "changes his mind" based on prayers, etc.

But I'm thinking this newly popular concept of the "prayer warrior" is one of the worst ways to understand it. Prayer doesn't work by fighting either against God or with God. And if martial metaphors are ever apt for speaking about prayer or the service of God, it is when someone understands war far better than prayer.