Jeffrey Lieber Profile picture
Back for the election. Let's use Elon's platform to save Democracy. Won't buy a single thing ever advertised here...just so you know.
It's The GirlPie! Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Quick story of how 92.54% of jobs go. #1: Artist does the dog and pony show. #2: Company says “YES, we want this!” #3: Celebration. #4: But then Company offers 3 nickels and a pack of gum, waaaaaay below anything anyone might ever accept. #4 Artists’s reps… …respond to being insulted. They counter waaaaay above what the deal will be, “All the planets and gold plus a unicorn!” #5: Everyone in in a fucking state. Both sides know roughly what the deal will be, but for some inane reason we play this traditional insulting game…
May 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
(1of4) Why shutting down productions is the best (FASTEST) way to get us all back to work.

The cost of a shut down production day starts at $100,000. Could be more. Much more. It's never less.

And these are right now costs that hit the books today.

Shut downs also mean... (2of4) ...meetings. "Should we try to go tomorrow? Can we move somewhere else? Can we even get the @!#@# trucks to show up?"

Meetings mean emails. Emails means annoyance. And all of this is centered on negative numbers in some spreadsheet somewhere.

This is important, 'cause...