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For the Twice-Born; All Posts Are For Research and Educational Purposes. GateKeeper. Sherab Rabpel.
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Jan 31 4 tweets 5 min read
Traditional Approach to Eclipses - April 8th 2024

Lets approach the April 8 2024 Solar Eclipse using traditional principles as outlined in Hephaistio's Apotelesmatics text:

We can see here that there are a series of considerations:

1.) The Actual Regions of Visibility
2.) The stations and key synodic phases of the planets occurring during the eclipse
3.) The Time of day the eclipse occurs
4.)The duration of the Eclipse from start to finish
5.) Interpretation

Although this Eclipse will apply to the entire path of visibility across the U.S., for ease of use, let us consider its visibility (#1) in San Antonio Texas.

Let us first consider the effects of Duration (#4) and Time (#3).

The first thing we can consider is that the Duration (#4) of the Eclipse lasts 2 Hours and 39 minutes, which for a Solar Eclipse, converts to an effect lasting 2 years and 8 months after the Eclipse is observed.

For The Time and Fruition of the Results (#3) of this eclipse we check the Time of Day in which the Eclipse occurred. In the above chart, the Eclipse occurred at Midday, meaning that the effects of the Eclipse will be most strongly felt 1 year and 4 months from the date of the Eclipse (i.e. August 2025).

The next consideration is to determine which planets were making stations or special phases within their individual synodic cycles.

We can also see that certain alignments have a coinciding intensifying effect, while other alignments have a diminishing or relaxing effect.Image
In this case, Mercury is in the process of passing through important synodic phases within its cycle (#2).

First, let us consider which of the 7 types of Visibility Mercury is currently in. To do this we will reference the Jyotish text "The Brihat Samhita:"

From previous emergence of the Sun , retrogradation, and submergence back into the rays of the Sun, Mercury was visible for approximately 18 days.

This places Mercury either in a Theekshna or Ghora course (both of which are malefic). Such courses are said to bring adversity to the mundane sphere.

Looking into the Orbital conditions of Mercury we see that it's currently in a Fire-Sign Trinal Retrogradation Cycle (in which Mercury will be retrograding only in Fire signs from April 11 2024 to November 19th 2025).

Looking into Mercury's Vertical cycles we see that just 7 days before the Eclipse mercury stationed in its First of 5 vertical stations within its extended Northern Declination cycle.

We also see that 6 days before the Eclipse Mercury stationed Rx in the sign of Aries, and is traveling at -64% of its speed during the Eclipse.

Because of this slower motion of Mercury, it will ignore the nearby Jupiter and New Moon influence and sink into the sign of Aries, blending into the nature of Mars.

This gives the malefic combination of Mars influencing Mercury, both by sign, and also due to Mercury's station in declination. The effects (#5) of such a Mer-Mars combination give rise to thieves, fraudulence, etc:
Further, within the actual eclipse chart, the New Moon occurs between Venus and Jupiter and the Moon applies to Mercury. For the diurnal angles of San Antonio, Venus is strong and angular while both Saturn and Mars are fallen away (cadent).

Seeing that this Eclipse will effect leaders such as Governor Abbot and President Biden another approach would be to see how the Eclipse directly influence there personal Charts.Image
Jul 12, 2023 56 tweets 71 min read
~The 30 Lunar Phases of Jyotish~

The thread will commence from this point (so bookmark here!)

As I enter a new personal mandala cycle (a longer transit moon-to-natal-sun cycle), i think the next best step is to explain the lunar phases, having previously explained chandrabalam.

Just as chandrabalam is the foundation for many personal lunar cycles, the 30 Lunar Phases are also the basis for muhurta/electional astrology and its many applications.

The Lunar Tithis are 1 of the 5 astrological considerations which make up the traditional Hindu Panchanga (almanac).

Of these Five (panch-) Limbs/Components (-anga), Tithi is by far the most influential consideration [amongst: Vara (day), Nakshatra ("star"), Yoga (sun-moon-"star"), and Karana (half-tithi)].

This thread will require the basic understanding of the harmonious and inharmonious geometrical alignments of the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition, along with the aversions. (As these become the basis for the harmonious or inharmonious alignments underlying the sun-moon phase relation.)

The thread will begin at the approaching New Moon with a day-by-day description of each of the 15 Lunar phases (waxing/waning) as they occur up until the Full Moon.

Seeing that many users on twitter are scattered across the timezones, I will be aligning the lunar descriptions to the Sunrise Tithi occuring under EST.

In the days leading up to this New Moon, a series of posts will be made covering the initial basics required before describing the unique qualities of the Lunar Phases.

So as of now we are in that introductory and prepatory region.

More to follow tomorrow...Image ~Preface~

One of the overlooked nuances of the Earth-Moon relationship is that the Moon does not revolve around the center of the Earth itself, but rather that the Earth and Moon both rotate around a shared center of gravity. This shared point is located about 3,000 miles from the center of the Earth, which is about 1,000 miles below the surface of the Earth, and remains there constantly. What’s interesting is that we think the earth merely spins on its own axis as it revolves around the Sun, but in reality, the Earth is not only spinning on its own axis, but also rotating around this shared center of gravity every Lunation cycle as well. It’s a subtle difference, but one with larger astrological implications.

This common center of gravity, 1,000 miles below the Earth’s surface, actually rotates in a 3,000 mile radius circle every Lunation cycle, causing the Earth to be nearer to the Sun by 3,000 miles during a Full Moon, and 3,000 miles further from the Sun around the New Moon. This coinciding effect may likely contribute to the different energetic qualities of the Lunar Phases, and is known as a phenomenon called “Tidal Lock,” and is also the reason why we always see one side of the Moon. As we later advance from Tithis, to the Lunar orbit’s fluctuations we will also come across a phenomenon known as “Libration,” which has its own force and cycles, which can nullify or overpower the fundamental energies of the Lunar Phases. This same libration effect is also responsible for potentially exposing upwards of 9% more of the Moon’s surface as it “nods” sideways and forwards and backwards in its orbital motion.

Another interesting point of clarity, is that the Lunar Phases (Tithis) exert their strongest influence throughout the day, suggesting that the energy of the Lunar Phases is actually some kind of Lunar gravitational distortion of Solar Radiations! For instance, around the beginning of twilight sunset (when the Sun is 30 degrees above the descendant), the solar radiation and extremely low vibrational waves (ELF waves), diminish by a factor of 10; meaning, that as night falls, the power of the Lunar Tithi subsides.

This day-time influence points toward some connection between the energies of the Lunar Phases and Solar Radiation as we will discuss further on. It also implies a difference between when the force of the Tithi or the Nakshatra will predominate in a Natal chart depending on if the individual’s birth occurs during the day or at night.

Further, although the energies of the Lunar Phases will decline after sunset, the vibrational changes of the Moon, due to its speed, are continuous day or night. What this does, is sets up a combined system of considerations between the Lunar Phase and the Moon’s speed; as the Speed will always affect the energy of the mundane sphere in both day or night circumstances, whereas during the day, the two factors of Tithi & Speed will combine in either a constructive or destructive alignment of influence.

So there are these ever-changing “sweet spots,” within the Lunar cycle, of peaceful and wrathful combinations that form between the energies of the Lunar Phases and the changing speed of the Moon. Most of the combinations are counter-productive forces, but occasionally, you get these combined auspicious, or combined malefic forces, that give rise to these stronger special “yogas.” These yogas are due to the constructive and destructive interference waves between the combined harmonious and inharmonious forces inherent within the innate Lunar condition. However, in order to learn this 2 part system we must start with the bare-ground basics, i.e. Tithis.Image
Jul 2, 2023 20 tweets 10 min read
Do you want to learn Chandrabalam?

A personal lunar cycle based on the increasing and decreasing periods of magnetism, will power, vitality, influence, wealth, etc?

All you need to know is your Natal Moon position and the position of the Transit Moon at any given time. I'm only going to show this system once, as it's a highly cherished and guarded principle.

With this knowledge, you will be able to more accurately use the larger changing lunar force in your favor.

This system has its use in everything from Medical to Electional Astrology.
Apr 3, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Jan 8, 2023 15 tweets 8 min read
Bitcoin & General Market Activity

The Mercury Cycles and its General effects on the Market and its specific effects on BTC.

The following Thread goes over the Combined Orbital Parameters and their Resultant Pattern Formations. Image 1.) Mercury contra-parallel the Sun

Odd thing to start with but important to clarify. Notice that the Green Dashed line coincides with smaller cycles and relief rallies in much larger Bull or Bear trends.

Notice for the 2023 one of these alignments occurs in October. Image
Jan 7, 2023 55 tweets 18 min read

The 4 Types of Astrological New Years

1.) The 5 Samvatsara Yuga system - Vedanga Jyotish
2.) The Jovian 60 year Cycle - Surya Siddhanta & the Brihat Samhita
3.) The Equinox and 4 Seasonal Syzygies - Tetrabiblios
4.) The Jan 1st New Year Image PREFACE:
This thread will be fairly in depth for a 240 twitter word count.

It is the belated New Years thread, and is not necessary to fully grasp for the on-going astrology series to come.

I'll try my best to guide you through the concepts worth grasping (look for an *).
Dec 12, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
If only people really understood which return charts actually functioned and how to cast them. Sadly everyone is perpetuating an empty technique. I'll say one phrase: Tithi Pravesha and leave you with snippets from the Liber Hermetis. Few will understand.

That's the truth.
For tithi pravesha:
Take the natal degree range between the Sun & Moon falling nearest the Solar degree return. This is the lunar phase return; you will have 12 of these monthly returns every year. The effects will begin the day prior to the exact return at the nearest sunset. Image
Dec 2, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Quickly Finding Turning Points

A brief example of finding what's "important" in an ephemeris, for mundane events and shifts. Image 1.) The current Month is December 2022. Looking at the Longitudes we can see the Sun shifts signs on Dec 22nd. A solar shift usually has a range of 26-30 degrees in which mundane events briefly intensify. Image
Nov 25, 2022 15 tweets 7 min read
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry:
On the topic of the "Number Nine"
#mason #masonic #freemason Number Seven
Nov 22, 2022 44 tweets 12 min read

The Idealized 360 day year, and how to orient oneself in it 1.) Recently, i was sent down a rabbit hole of calculations over a simple "mistranslation" by David Pingree in the classic Yavanajataka text.

In this thread, I would like to clarify a few common misunderstandings and give away 2 secrets and 1 forgotten technique.
Nov 11, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Astrology of Earthquake Timing:
So as you can see here, Dutchsinse's method of using deep earthquakes to forecast how a seismic eave will travel through a region is key, but lacks a precise day.

Using mainly the Moons orbit you can find the precise day. ImageImage Now I'm not going to give away the entire system. But it depends only on Jupiter, Sun&Moon. But mainly falls upon the Moons orbit for timing. Whereas the Sun-Jupiter determine an "Earthquake season."

I'll let you figure it out, but one very important timing key is the Ap/Node=Mo Image
Oct 22, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
I'm going to throw this out there as a free schizo-post, and then give you some traction for application.

What if time is not just linear, but a series of different qualitative "pockets of time" (much like each mirror pane in the infinity tunnel effect), and each of these energetic pockets of time are not necessarily connected in sequence, but rather in different kinds of numerical/harmonic patterns which leap over and weave amongst each other?

Each little moment of time is connected in different ways and
Sep 10, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
King Charles III and The Turning of the Seasons according to Ptolemy:

Recently, I've been interested in the rationale behind this 17 day period of mourning (which was changed from 10 days; for unknown reasons),and I think I now see why: it's astrological. 1.) Claudius Ptolemy's - Tetrabiblios - Book II - Chapter XI:

The charts of the Seasons are obtain from the nearest Full or New Moon to the entrance of the Sun into the Equinoxes or Solstices. This in turn divides the year into 4 main sections; having their own results.
Sep 6, 2022 25 tweets 7 min read
October 25 2022 Solar Eclipse & Queen Elizabeth II:

Given that the writing is on the wall, let us explore the upcoming Solar Eclipse of October 25 2022 in relation to the planetary positions of Queen Elizabeth II birth chart. Image Traditionally Solar Eclipses represent a transference of power amongst the ruling elite in the region of its path of visibility. Whereas Lunar eclipses affect the general public, cultural, and class strife amongst the populace.
Jun 17, 2022 55 tweets 16 min read
The Future BTC Trends:
This thread is a primer for astrologers on how to do technical analysis solely using time. Price is not discussed, just trend changes and cycles.

Only Mercury's cycles will be used as BTC has 88 day cycles and variations of 88 and 44. Image 1. Mercury 0 declination marks the Top of cycles.
1. We can see the dates of Merc crossing 0 declination in blue which approximate tops.
2. Applying uniform orbital motion correction gives the corrected Precise tops in red denoted by the "P." Image
Jun 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

I am not apt to giving away the secrets I've collected through research, but here is one technique which is well known thanks to the efforts of Dr. Benjamin N. Dyke's translation of Carmen Astrologicum from Umar al-Tabari's translation of Dorotheus Image THE RISING AND FALLING OF THE MOON:
The first consideration is the Lunar Maximum and Minimum Declinations and trend reversals.
But to ascertain this one must combine the ecliptic and nodal inclinations. Image
Apr 9, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Let's make good use of this Image Exposition begins
1.) Image
Mar 5, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
So as posted a long time ago this 18.6 year cycle along with the Mcwhirter and Saturn square Uranus combination is why economic hardship was predicted starting May 15th of 2022: 4-years of falling prices, business stagnated, breadlines, soup kitchens, despair, and unemployment. 1.) The point of this is to stress that with rising energy costs comes increased costs for transportation of goods. All of this will trickle down into every single product from animal feed to the distance between processing and packaging factories, & ultimately the cost of food.