Matt Wolking Profile picture
VP of Communications @AxiomStrategies. Political campaigns, media, fact checks, national security.
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Nov 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Here are 5 times Nikki Haley’s staff had to clean up her screw-ups. 🧵 June 2023: Nikki Haley is asked what “care” should be given to a 12-year-old child who wants to be transgender. “What should the law allow?”

Haley says there should be no law against chemical castration or a double mastectomy on a child.

Haley’s staff later says the opposite.
Feb 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Democrat Dianne Feinstein announces she will stay in the Senate for nearly 2 more years, nearly 1 year after it was reported that colleagues worry she is mentally incapable of doing the job.

Colleagues worry Dianne Feinstein is now mentally unfit to serve… Image As Feinstein Declines, Democrats Struggle to Manage an Open Secret… Image
Jan 31, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
"dozens of parents whose children have socially transitioned [genders] at school told The Times they felt villainized by educators who seemed to think that they — not the parents — knew what was best for their children."… "Parents of all political persuasions have found themselves unsettled by what schools know and don’t reveal. ...

"Other self-described liberal parents said they registered as independents or voted for Republican candidates for the first time as a result of this issue."
Nov 5, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
While WaPo hardly covers real news about Democrats, it goes out of its way to cover dumb stuff if it hurts Republicans.

Example: Liberal groups calling out "election deniers" with a small car caravan in Vegas.

But ... the election denying was coming from inside the house! 1/5 The liberal groups who planned this caravan **to denounce election deniers** are the Center for Popular Democracy Action and Make the Road Action.

@popdemoc's leadership staff includes Jennifer Epps-Addison and Jennifer Flynn Walker.

Guess who qualifies as "election deniers"?
Oct 14, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Cowardly, rage-prone Abigail @SpanbergerVA07 is afraid of debating cool, calm police officer @yestoyesli unless BOTH of the moderators are on Spanberger's team.

Spanberger can’t defend her anti-parent agenda or her rubber stamp support for Biden 100% of the time. #VA07 Spanberger is still supporting Democrat Elizabeth Guzman, who is introducing legislation to jail parents for child abuse if they do not affirm their child's wish to identify as transgender…
Sep 29, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
In the last 10 days:

NM Republican Mark Ronchetti's home window shot out

Two staffers for TX Republican Gov Abbott violently assaulted

MI 83-year-old pro-life volunteer passing out info shot in the back

ND 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson run over in politically motivated attack
Sep 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
If Joe Biden actually meant what he is going to say in tonight's speech, he'd fire @PressSec @K_JeanPierre Joe Biden would also dump Kamala Harris as his VP. She said in 2020 that it was "absolutely right" that Trump is "an illegitimate President who didn’t really win" in 2016.
Jun 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This video from 2010 features a GM official acknowledging that the Chevy Volt's plug-in battery was being charged by Lansing's fossil-fuel powered electric grid.

95% of Lansing's electric at the time was derived from coal power, according to J. Peter Lark (who was fired in 2015) USA Today did a "fact check" of this video in July 2021, which was itself pretty misleading.…
Mar 30, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Total meltdown from Mehmet Oz when his anti-fracking, anti-Pennsylvania energy columns were brought up at the #PAsen forum.

Here he is in 2015 advocating against fracking jobs, touting New York's ban on fracking. Mehmet Oz in 2018: "you should impose a ban on living near" oil and gas fracking sites, they caused birth defects in Pennsylvania. "Avoid drinking water from the area." #PAsen
Mar 18, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
Holy shit. In the last 5 years, newspaper columns authored by Mehmet Oz advocated for gun control, "including assault weapons bans, red flag laws, New Zealand-style gun buyback programs, universal gun purchaser licensing and mandatory waiting periods."… Even though the syndicated column bears Oz's name, he claims he didn't have anything to do with them.

But in 2013 he touted "my newspaper column"…
Oct 1, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Mid-level Biden staffer Andrew Bates has no idea what is going on inside the Biden campaign ImageImage Remember when Andrew Bates denounced DNC speaker and anti-Semite Linda Sarsour, only to have his superiors throw him under the bus and apologize to Sarsour?…
Sep 17, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Key parts of Olivia Troye's departure email to White House Coronavirus Task Force members, dated July 23:

(1/4) "Having been on several conference calls into the late night hours starting in January, to supporting you day and night in every possible way to help you succeed in this mission, I have witnessed first hand how dedicated & committed all of you have been to doing the right thing"
Jun 1, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
@Yamiche The Wendy’s near the 3rd Precinct in Minneapolis. Note the circle-A. Image @Yamiche the Hay-Adams in D.C. Note the circle-A. Image
May 21, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Chuck Schumer claims Republicans are "slander[ing] the family of the president's opponent with conspiracy theories invented by none other than the Kremlin," which is false and a shocking level of projection.
May 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
May 2, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
@yashar Watch the interview. It’s pretty obvious. And photos of his home setup show it’s right there. Image @yashar His eyes give it away.
Apr 19, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
THREAD: Joe Biden’s bizarre behavior on the issue of China travel restrictions continues in his latest attack ad.

For weeks he attacked President Trump’s restrictions. Then, 2 months after they were imposed, Biden’s staff claimed he supported it. Now he's back to attacking it. Biden's video says "Trump let in 40,000 travelers from China into America after" the restrictions were in place.

These were "American citizens and other authorized travelers” that fell under the exemptions in President Trump’s order, according to The New York Times.
Apr 4, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Today, Joe Biden demonstrated again that he has no clue what is going on.

He called for President Trump to “appoint a supply commander to coordinate critical materials.”

President Trump already did this – last month! The Supply Chain Stabilization Task Force at FEMA is headed up by Rear Admiral John Polowczyk of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“He is working 24 hours a day, and is highly respected by everyone,” said President Trump.
Apr 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: DOJ and HHS "announced the distribution of hoarded personal protective equipment (PPE), including approximately 192,000 N95 respirator masks, to those on the frontline of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) response in New York and New Jersey." The FBI discovered the supplies during an enforcement operation by the DOJ's COVID-19 Hoarding and Price Gouging Task Force on March 30 and alerted HHS, which used its authority under the Defense Production Act (DPA) to order that the supplies be immediately furnished to the U.S.
Mar 29, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
"the fact that there is a distinction between what Fauci is saying & what the President is saying is not the media's doing" says @maggieNYT

Dr. Fauci disagrees: "There really fundamentally at the core... are not differences." Says "pitting one against the other" is "not helpful"
Mar 26, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
How in the world did one of former NSC staffer Ben Rhodes' favorite reporter obtain this "playbook"? If "playbook" story is accurate (a big if given that Team Obama is behind it), then Team Obama failed to follow NSC’s pandemic playbook.

Bloomberg News and the LA Times both reported the Obama-Biden Admin failed to replenish the National Stockpile of N95 masks after H1N1 in 2009