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Nov 25, 2022 23 tweets 4 min read

There are many reasons for people seeking asylum. There could be as many reasons as the number of individuals seeking protection. It doesn’t have to be a war or disaster for people to be forcibly displaced. /1 Globally there are 4.9 million asylum seekers. Looking around this beautiful but miserable world, that doesn’t seem like a huge number. The world of 8 billion is not overwhelmed by asylum seekers, never mind Europe. /2
Nov 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
What happened to the report "Violence Against Women - an EU Wide Survey 2014" by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency? It was the biggest face-to-face survey to with 42K women. EU average for Women experienced physical and/or sexual violence by partner and/or non-partner was 33% /1 Compared to EU Ireland was 26%...
Women experiencing
Physical violence by partner EU: 20% | Ireland: 14%
Sexual violence by partner EU: 7% | Ireland: 6%
There much more detail in FRA Site
Since 2014, have the EU states acted on these figures? /2
Nov 20, 2022 30 tweets 5 min read
To the People of East Wall, Dublin
With respect

I came to Ireland during the so called Celtic Tiger. I am a migrant worker. I have seen unimaginable monies made by a minority elite while during the richest times of this country many ordinary decent people barely got by. /1 I have seen homes sold for such amounts that many hard working folks couldn’t even dream of buying one. Those lucky enough to get a mortgage were signing away their lives and those who couldn’t were crippled by rents. /2