Daniel Schmidt Profile picture
Senior @UChicago. First-generation college student.
19 subscribers
Jul 6, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
For the past two years that I've been at UChicago, I've tried my best to fight back against what I witness on campus often: anti-white hatred and unquestionable obedience to the ruling class. Surprisingly, I've been pretty successful.

Here are the highlights.

*THREAD* In my first month at college, I couldn't participate in a debate tournament because I'm white (yes, you read that correctly).

I broke the story, and national publications picked it up. The tournament did not happen the following year.

Jan 23, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Charlie Kirk says Christians who aren't pro-Israel don't love the Bible

collegedissident.com/charlie-kirk-b… Charlie Kirk demands American churches support Israel

Jan 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I am excited to announce that I have launched COLLEGE DISSIDENT: the premier outlet for Gen Z dissidents.

Since I began college, I have used my Twitter to expose the insanity at my university. It's time other dissident students also have a platform:

collegedissident.com/vision/ We repeatedly hear how the Left has taken over the American college campus. But why? One reason: the mainstream conservative movement sucks. It's fruitless, uninspiring. It offers nothing viscerally exciting to young people.

Ignore the future of America, and you'll keep losing.
Nov 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
EXCLUSIVE: At my college, @UChicago, a class called “The Problem of Whiteness” will be taught in the Winter.

Since I began college a year ago, I've documented all the anti-white hatred I've seen on campus. Without a doubt, this is the most egregious example.

*THREAD* Image The course description describes whiteness “as a conspicuous problem within liberal political discourse” with “worldmaking (and razing) effects.”

Anti-white hatred is now mainstream academic inquiry. And you're not even allowed to call that out without being called racist. Image
Sep 9, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read

A new Illinois law will eliminate cash bail next year. Suspects charged with murder will be allowed back into the streets. Crime is now basically legal.

I go to UChicago. Thugs have murdered three students in the past year and a half. It’s only going to get worse. UChicago is one of the nation's most expensive and selective schools. It’s also one of the deadliest.

It borders two Chicago neighborhoods, Hyde Park and Woodlawn, with “F” crime ratings.

Less than a year ago, a Chinese student was shot and killed 0.1 miles off campus.
Aug 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Conservatives are losing on college campuses simply because almost all of them are cowards and losers. Leftist students are openly and militantly anti-white, anti-Christianity, and anti-American. Meanwhile, conservative students hold book clubs where they read Milton Friedman. In my experience, the messaging of conservative students has been pathetic. Leftist students speak in simple, concrete terms, and they identify a common enemy: white Americans. Conservative students quote John Locke and Ronald Reagan and complain about the national debt.
Aug 14, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
NEW: I just had the privilege to interview @RepMTG.

Topics we covered:

- Christian Nationalism and its appeal to young people
- The persecution of white men
- The anti-white agenda and its consequences
- The link between Big Pharma and school shootings

And much more

*THREAD* @RepMTG MTG: Anyone who calls themselves a Christian Nationalist will be persecuted. And if you’re not prepared to be persecuted, you need to ask yourself what faith means. It’s time for the Christian Church to start acting like the Christian Church. We have to be dedicated to Christ.
Aug 11, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
ANTI-WHITE DISCRIMINATION DEFEATED: My university's medical school, @UChiPritzker, just announced it will be changing its ILLEGAL program that would give a $2,000/month stipend only to students who aren't WHITE.

The dean, @FutureDocs, admitted the policy was illegal.

*THREAD* Here’s the Dean saying “diversity without inclusion is just traumatizing.” Except when white people are excluded.

These are the people who decide who becomes doctors. They utterly despise white people and will do everything they can to blacklist them.
Jul 25, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
As expected, Media Matters ran a hit piece about my interview with Tucker Carlson.

The hit piece calls me "racist" because I tweeted the phrase "White Lives Matter" last month.

These ghouls claim anti-white treatment is a conspiracy theory and then write this. Back in June, I tweeted “White Lives Matter” above this video, which shows a white woman being brutally beaten by a black man.

If the races were reversed... well, you know. But because the attacker was black, the story was quickly forgotten about.

Jul 24, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
I'm an 18-year-old college student. I just had the privilege to interview Tucker Carlson for 40 minutes.

We talked about how porn damages young men, why anti-white sentiment is so pervasive, why marrying early is the best, and much, much more.

*THREAD* Tucker’s advice for young men?

Drop out of college. Get married. Have more children than you can afford. Seek responsibility and adventure.
Jun 27, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
A phenomenal article was just published in the brilliant @DarrenJBeattie’s Revolver News about my experience attending an elite university (the University of Chicago).

If you're the parent of a white American child, you need to read this.

revolver.news/2022/06/colleg… @DarrenJBeattie Some disturbing statistics:

At the University of Chicago, the number of white freshmen has dropped nearly 8% in just 2 years.

At Johns Hopkins University, only 19% of the incoming class is white. 4 years ago, the incoming class had 50% more white students.

The list goes on: Image
Jun 20, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
I'm an 18-year-old white male. I was in middle school only 5 years ago.

I think I can offer some perspective on @dannagal's thread.

Yes, young white males increasingly identify as right-wing.

But why?

From my experience, here's what's really happening:

*THREAD* @dannagal Thought experiment:

Imagine you’re an 8th-grade boy. You’re beginning to be told by teachers, the media, and maybe your parents that you’re privileged because you’re a boy. It’s a basic truth, you're told.

But this just makes you confused. You start asking yourself questions.
Jun 13, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
I just finished my freshman year at an elite university that costs $80,000 annually (University of Chicago).

The students at a school like this are future politicians, billionaires, etc.

Here are 5 observations I made this past year about them that may shock you:

*THREAD* Image 1.) A staggeringly high number of them are LGBT+. I’m talking 20% to 30%.

Don’t believe me? At Yale, 23% of freshmen identify as LGBT+.
