SlickRockWeb 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
CEO of SlickRockWeb, SEO guy & part time citizen journalist. A numbers cruncher, problem solver, and now @DFRLab trained Digital Sherlock #infoSec #infoOps
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Jul 12, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Seems kind of bribey!! 🤷‍♂️ Seems to be a very interesting coordinated effort that is very well funded and links to almost all of the House Democrats that have come out against Biden. Are these House Dems just really naive or are they all part of the scheme. 🔥🔥 I have a feeling this is going to blow up.
Oct 23, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
🔥🔥 Now that Sidney Powell has flipped on everyone else in the #BigLie (Michael Flynn as well possibly)… these prior details about David Hancock apparently having a phone recording between Donald Trump and Sidney Powell at Lin Wood’s Tomotley about the time General Flynn got his pardon from Trump … well 💥💥
From @visionsurreal earlier this summer …
Aug 22, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
I have become fascinated with one of the more obscure defendants that was named in the @faniforDA indictment that most prominently included Donald Trump and his efforts to reverse the Presidential outcome (his loss) in Georgia. The name is Rev. Stephen Lee and he is an ordained Missouri Synod Lutheran minister & a connection to NAR (New Apostolic Reformation). 1/9 Here is the relevant section of the @faniforDA indictmetn that discusses Rev. Stephen Lee's invovlement and the relevant charges. Basically he traveled to Georgia to help with the efforts of overturning Trump's loss there after the 2020 election. Lee was indicted for attempting to coerce election worker Ruby Freeman into falsely admitting election fraud. 2/9
Jul 16, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
There is alot of talk that the new Qanon movie "Sound of Freedom" is being heavily astroturfed and this thread by @CyKoore sure seems to support that idea. Lots of talk that big blocks of tickets are being bought up by unknown dark money sources and lots of videos of empty…… In fact Angel Studios themselves crowd-sourced the purchase of tickets to the #SoundOfFeeedom movie that supposedly were then provided free of charge to patrons wanting to watch the movie. It would appear millions of tickets were procured in this manner both by Angel Studios and……
Apr 7, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
This is looking more and more like a classic Kremlin hack and leak disinfo Op. Pretty clear with the fabricated Russian vs Ukrainian troop losses. We have found a couple pro-Kremlin accounts dispersing the documents on Twitter well before the NYTimes. Accounts involved in prior Kremlin #disinfo Here is one pro-Kremlin troll account that has a clear past history of pushing out / boosting prior Kremlin disinformation operations. This account pushed out a portion of the leaked document hours before the New York Times article and promoted the part that was fabricated showing a significantly lower level of Russian troop losses than that of Ukrainian troop losses. Oddly levels lower than what even the Russian MoD has admitted to in the past. We redacted the sensitive parts of the screenshot of the original tweet.

Without having the original un-rendered image its difficult to assess how it might have been photoshopped / manipulated but it does appear text insertions were made in the "Total Assessed Losses" section. See image 2. Because the documents appear to have been leaked as photos of the physical copies there are bends and warpage in the final image. This was not fully taken into account in the manipulated / fabricated image.
Mar 29, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
So remember a few months back when @NickKnudsenUS and I believe @visionsurreal also before that brought this to our attention .... this crazy Watchman Decree pledge / NAR adjacent video? One part of it seemed especially odd? The part that pledged "we declare we will be energy…… This section in particular in Emma Brown's new @washingtonpost article talking about how Ginni Brown's CRC group was only ever on one amicus brief and it was with the "American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers" group. Who here would be shocked to learn that we may soon find……
Mar 22, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
Well this was a rather STUNNING relevation by Lev Parnas tonight ... that Hunter Biden was drugged in kazakhstan in 2019 by the Russian FSB with the cooperation of the CEO of Burisma and his harddrive was copied and possibly manipulated by Russian Intel to be used later as…… Lev Parnas goes on to implicate Rudy Giuliani in a rather eye popping way ... including prior in the Twitter space the allegation that Giuliani had access to and used a Russian asset for the past 15 yrs.
Feb 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A Kremlin #disinfo Op is ongoing. Videos & likely fake interviews portray a fake narrative of "Zelensky forced conscription / mobilization in Odessa & elsewhere". Problem is many if not all these videos are not conscription but rather arrests or other easily explained events Its about 4 or 5 videos very heavily recycled by clear troll accounts and I am willing to bet most are standard arrests of either Russian collaborators or any other type of standard detainment during war time.
Jan 13, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
Besides the acknowledged narrow scope of the new NYU #disinfo study one of the biggest issues IMHO with the study was the utilization of voter survey data. The issues targeted by the Kremlin was much more nuanced than voter survey data available 2 the authors.. AFTER THE FACT 1/4 Image This was no fault of the authors given they had to do a retrospective study. The authors did find subtle shifts (but not statistically significant) and if you looked at the questions that would have been most relevant to the Kremlin ... these pro-Kremlin shifts were largest. 2/4 ImageImageImage
Jan 13, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
I’ve always believed that one of the greatest benefits that Twitter provides to foreign influence operations like Russia in 2016 is “narrative seeding” & pushing the narrative needle among journalists & social media influencers. #osint #RussiaGate #MuellerReport #disinfo #infosec NYU @CSMaP_NYU and its authors are also trying to push back on the right-wing narrative that continues to be ubiquitous in RW circles that the Kremlin’s efforts at interfering with our 2016 elections had no effect. The the narrow scope of their research did NOT conclude that
Jan 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Rosalie is more kind to this study than I will likely be (still reading it). But her assessment is spot on. The questions they asked & tools they used gave them an answer. Problem is its not definitive & doesn't advance our understanding of whether foreign influence #InfoOps work For example I could argue, with lots of empirical data, that the attitudes of Republicans towards NATO and Putin / Russia HAVE absolutely shifted significantly towards the Kremlin's favor ..exactly as the Kremlin has wanted. Neither of these narratives were looked at in the study
Jan 8, 2023 6 tweets 6 min read
Really interesting article and must read. Aligns with what @visionsurreal, @jennycohn1 @gal_suburban myself and others have been finding. Here is one thread we did on ATH at the Capitol on #Jan6th a few months ago cc @davetroy @TaylorMatthewD
Dec 22, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
So this is a super interesting line of questioning of General Michael Flynn. Does anyone know what was written in this letter … that may or may not be a forgery? Hmmm …. the J6C appears to be referencing this forged letter from the Iranian group that tried to mess with the 2020 elections.
Nov 1, 2022 11 tweets 12 min read
BREAKING: There are at least 2 separate hacking campaigns going on & focusing in on the #Twitter blue checkmark verification process. One appears to be #phishing based and another far more nefarious .. and possibly a state actor using Twitter DMs. More shortly. Be alert #infosec All political candidates running & in office are typically Twitter verified (blue checkmark). Most major journalists are as well. This is a HUGE target 4 a #cyberattack by a nation state actor. This campaign which is still under the radar is very worrisome
Oct 30, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Its even worse than this now. Fake 911 dispatches have been crested and circulated. Its a firehose of disinformation to make the obvious right-wing political violence towards the Pelosi’s appear to be anything else. #disinfo #Election2022 This is the perfect meme for all the @GOP politicians who refuse to condemn this political violence against Paul Pelosi and Nancy Pelosi. Exactly how they couldnt condemn the attempted coup on #Jan6th after they were called out. Image
Jul 29, 2022 19 tweets 13 min read
Wow, @donie wasn't kidding. This really is a fascinating indictment from the DOJ. Russian FSB having proxy control and influence over three political groups in the US since at least 2014. This is going to be a fun one to watch play out. #disinfo #InfoOps… Well US group 1 is rather obvious. I remember a number of yrs ago I was told they were infiltrated & a Kremlin proxy group and I didn't fully believe it at the time. Over the yrs its become obvious and really clear more recently with their propaganda around the Russian invasion.
Jul 28, 2022 10 tweets 9 min read
More pro-Kremlin propaganda & war denialism. This accnt claims #Mariupol is one of the safest cities in Russian occupied Ukraine & is having summer concerts in the park. BS Kremlin #disinfo. Not clear what video they pilfered this from but its NOT current or correctly attributed As @SarahAshtonLV points out its impossible to believe given the total devastation in #Mariupol & given at the very beginning of the clip you see #Ukraine colors / flag on the stage. No way this would occur in Russian occupied #Mariupol #StandWithUkraine
Jul 20, 2022 13 tweets 9 min read
So Department of Defense kind of released some emails from Jan6th after a FOIA request. Although the 48 pages were mostly repetitive with a lot of redactions ... they did reveal a few interesting tidbits.… A few items on this report that are especially interesting. Reports of protestors with baseball bats were discounted apparently. Like this guy, who carried a baseball bat all day and was I believe the 2nd or 3rd person to break into the Capitol on #Jan6th on the west side breach.
Jul 11, 2022 10 tweets 8 min read
New 🔥🔥: Jericho March organizers quickly pivoted to promote the #Jan6th Trump rally at the Capitol within days after a late night impromptu meeting where Sidney Powell, Gen. Michael Flynn, and Patrick Byrne were snuck into the White House to meet President Trump. #Jan6Hearings On Dec 12th, 2020 a Trump rally to protest Stop the Steal of the 2020 election (in their minds) was held in Washington DC called the Jericho March... also sometimes referred to as the 2nd Million MAGA March. General Michael Flynn was the keynote speaker at the event.
May 22, 2022 24 tweets 16 min read
#Durham Sussmann trial take away so far. The FBI either never fully investigated the Trump Server / Alfa Bank comms and/or it botched the investigation. @emptywheel has a nice write up & notes Durham uses an FBI witness who admits he's not a DNS expert.… Image This part is just stunning 2 me. Durham's FBI expert, who admits he doesn't know the technicals of how DNS works, concludes there wasn't a hack (something secondary to the odd DNS traffic) & then calls the methodology "horrible" & concludes the analysis by the FBI is done? #OSINT ImageImage
May 4, 2022 17 tweets 12 min read
An intriguing piece of #OSINT was revealed in a tweet by Staci Burk days ago. Its not clear she realizes the possible significance. Days later she would receive another "credible threat" demanding she delete her twitter accnt & stop talking. Out of fear it appears she compiled. In a recent @Propublica article about the #BigLie (Trump's continued fraudulent claim the 2020 election was stolen), Ms Burk is mentioned & implies she came up with some of the election lies. Burk posted a NEW late Nov. 2020 text 2 refute this & suggest she was used as a conduit