Stephen Horn Profile picture
- Independent journalist - Future local media baron: @TriangleTrumpet (coming soon) - Published @j6documentary - Contact:
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Mar 15 11 tweets 5 min read
1/ A sheriff's office used its governmental power to obtain the identity of an anonymous online critic who made 1A-protected post

This ID was provided to subjects of the criticism, despite no finding of criminal activity

Should this not be a national story?
🧵🧵🧵 Image 2/ If you're a local here in NC or interested in first amendment issues, checkout the full article at @triangletrumpet

Otherwise, keep scrolling for the thread…
Feb 13 16 tweets 5 min read
1/ Members of a radical transgender cult linked to four homicides including the recent shooting of a federal agent in Vermont were holed up in Chapel Hill before the most recent murder

Who are the Zizians, why are they killing, and what were they doing in our state?
🧵🧵🧵 Image 2/ For the full writeup at @triangletrumpet, which includes additional information and links to sources:…
Feb 10 20 tweets 8 min read
1/ @chccs superintendent Nyah Hamlett will be moving to her next DEI position after a scandal-ridden term

Hamlett was discovered to have plagiarized in her doctoral dissertation, and she's facing a lawsuit for "maliciously" using the court system against critics
🧵🧵🧵 Image 2/ Hamlett came to North Carolina from the Loudoun County, VA

Months after her departure as Chief of Staff, the school district was embroiled in a scandal when it attempted to cover-up the rape of at least two female students by a skirt-wearing male Image
Jan 24 18 tweets 8 min read
1/ On December 4, a 10-year Muslim convert made his way to the RDU airport to fly to Morocco and join the Islamic State in Africa

What the would-be jihadist didn't know is that his ISIS contacts were undercover FBI, and he'd been under surveillance for months
🧵🧵🧵 Image 2/ Alexander "Alec" Justin White aka "Sulaiman Al-Amriki," 29, of Durham, was arrested and charged with Providing, Attempting, and Conspiring to Provide Material Support to a Designated Foreign Terrorist Organization per court documents unsealed last week…Image
Dec 31, 2024 10 tweets 7 min read
1/ Seven of the biggest sponsors of H-1B(*) visas in North Carolina are recipients of the state's Job Development Investment Grant, with a combined $128,328,750 in tax-dollars awarded

Each of these companies has sponsored more visa applications for higher average wages than the non-visa jobs they are required to create to receive for the grant money

(H-1B visa holders are not counted as "qualifying jobs" as defined by law)Image 2/
Infosys Limited (d/b/a Infosys Limited of India)
Visa Applications: 3,361
Visa App. Avg. Base Salary: $88,273

Grant Jobs: 2,000
Grant Jobs Target Avg. Salary: $72,146

Grant Amount to Company: $22,387,500
Grant Cost to State: $29,850,000 Image
Nov 21, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
1/ Will the enforcers who trampled our rights in 2020 ever face consequences?

Today, the NC legislature nearly unanimously voted to promote one of the police chiefs behind the shutdown of the 1st Reopen NC event and arrest of a citizen for "non-essential" protesting
🧵🧵🧵 Image 2/ Bodycam video and court documents show then-Chief of the State Capitol Police R. E. "Chip" Hawley played a major role in the repression of the protest

Hawley was nominated as SBI Director by Cooper last year, but the confirmation was delayed till today…
Oct 22, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
Are dementia-ridden seniors a possible explanation for the ActBlue zombie donor phenomenon?

Let's break this down before it becomes a narrative based on the evidence available and my experience finding and interviewing victims here in North Carolina Image 2/
2023: Analysis of FEC data by citizen journalists revealed a pattern of high-quantity small-dollar contributions made by often unemployed & senior donors, sometimes totaling $100k+
When visited in person, many denied having made the reported donations
Oct 10, 2024 14 tweets 6 min read
1/ The City of Durham will be paying $1 million+ in reparations to black applicants who failed an entry exam for firefighters

The DOJ says the 4th grade level questions on reading, writing, math, etc. "disparately impacted" black applicants, who were 3x more likely to fail🧵🧵🧵 Image 2/ The complaint filed Monday by the DOJ in the federal court alleges that the city "unintentionally engaged in a pattern or practice of discrimination against African-American applicants" by "making hiring decisions based on a written examination"
Aug 23, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
1/10 Patriot Front is a white nationalist group known for their performative vandalism and costume-coordinated marches

But are they all feds? The case of a North Carolina member who was just arrested and charged may be illuminative
2/10 Kai Liam Nix was charged with four federal felonies and removed from the Army after left-wing journalists reached out to the Army based on information provided by the antifa researchers at Appalachia Research Collective…
Jul 29, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
1/ Let's break down how the ActBlue zombie-donors/smurphing/political contribution laundering appears to work, based on my boots-on-the-ground experience investigating it here in NC
2/ In our investigation (based on 2021-2022 FEC records), we found

- 2 citizens who denied giving the $20k+ each attributed to them
- 2 donors who did not live at their reported address
Jul 24, 2024 18 tweets 7 min read
1/ You may know Roy Cooper as the mild-mannered NC governor who's a top VP pick for Kamala Harris

I know him as the tyrant who trampled our rights and had demonstrators arrested for opposing his executive orders while he himself did a photo op at BLM protest
🧵 Image 2/ On March 14, 2020, Gov. Cooper issued Executive Order No. 117 banning gatherings of more than 100 in a "confined indoor or outdoor space"

The order was written to prohibit church services, but not office spaces, malls, or retail establishments…
May 8, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1/8 - Project READY is listed as a "Helpful Resource" in the North Carolina Public Library Standards, published by @StateLibraryNC and @US_IMLS

@US_IMLS funded Project READY to teach library staff about "race and racism, racial equity, and culturally sustaining pedagogy"
Image 2/8 - The Standards also include the following:

"The importance of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) is encompassed throughout these standards as a foundational aspect of all library services including the elimination of barriers to access."
Apr 22, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Misconduct: "Participated in January 6 riot"

An unnamed MPD Officer received a 10-day suspension in 2023 for his behavior undercover on J6

Could be Officer Tomasula, who recorded himself acting as an agent provacateur with shouts of "keep going!", "go, go, go!", etc.

"MPD spokesperson Paris Lewbel clarifies that the unnamed investigator (a rank similar to detective) 'was disciplined for violating general orders relating to undercover operations during the January 6th insurrection.'"

Feb 29, 2024 9 tweets 9 min read
🧵As an NC journalist who pays attention, here's eight examples DEI/wokeness at Duke:

1. Duke Health Anti-Racism Pledge
In May 2021, Duke issued a pledge declaring "racism is a public health crisis"

Although allegedly "guided by science", under pushback from an adjunct associate, a "Duke Health senior administrator" made the following admission:

"I concede that I cannot find a randomized blinded trial that proves implicit bias is the cause of worse health outcomes for African Americans. Believe me. I have looked."……Image
One of Duke's "signature diversity initiatives"

This NIH funded program "provides focused research training opportunities for students from backgrounds historically underrepresented in science and medicine"

The NIH definition of "Underrepresented Populations" includes women, non-White/non-Asian racial groups, people with disabilities, and people from disadvantaged backgrounds

I believe a claim has been filed regarding this program with the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR)

Feb 3, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
According to multiple witnesses, this video captures NC Superintendent of Public Instruction Catherine Truitt interrupting a speech for Michelle Morrow, her opponent in the GOP primary, before "storming out"
JoCo School Board member Michelle Antoine was speaking in support of Morrow, highlighting that Truitt "created an Office of Equity" and "wants to get rid of magnet schools"
Jun 10, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
The Town of Chapel Hill paid $4,500 to commission this piece of art for "Pride Month"

Let's look at what the artist had to say about each side:
1/ Image "Say Gay! is a direct response to the “Don’t Say Gay” bill signed into law recently in Florida. Restricting conversations for young kids around concepts of gender and sexuality, this law is dangerous and regressive."
2/ ImageImage
Mar 31, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
1. The Raleigh City Council is considering an ordinance prohibiting "harassment" in city regulated areas at otherwise 1A protected events

This would include following, surrounding, crowding, or cornering a person for the purpose of threat or intimidation… 2. Although the Mayor cites Black Hebrew Israelite and anti-abortion demonstrations, I have witnessed the type of behavior which would be criminalized by this ordinance at antifa/left-wing demonstrations…
Mar 29, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Based on this reporting, this definitely seems to be the Proud Boy informant who was identified as "James Knowles" last year

See this thread with the leaked documents relating to the CHS, including the texts he sent to his handler immediately after the breach of the Capitol perimeter at the Peace Circle
Mar 25, 2023 13 tweets 7 min read
Yesterday, a video was released showing undercover Metropolitan Police (MPD) officer(s) in the crowd on J6 making provocative statements

Here's a thread on the history of what we know about these agents:
June 30th, 2021

An FBI Agent files a criminal complaint against VA resident Fi Duong

The included statement of facts describes an MPD "Undercover Employee" (UCE) meeting Duong on January 6th, and passing him off to an undercover FBI agent… ImageImage
Mar 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: In a filing today, the DOJ has confirmed that an undercover police officer at the Capitol on January 6th encouraged people bypassing a police line to "Go! Go! Go!" and "Keep going! Keep going!"… The filing was made in response to pro-se defendant William Pope's fight over discovery material
Mar 14, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
1: Court Documents Reveal Identity of Officer Who Shoved Trump Supporter Off Staircase (🧵)

On January 6th, Derrick Vargo was severely injured when he was pushed off a ledge on the West side of the Capitol

Vargo was carried off the scene unresponsive… 2: A document released last month in court reveals the identity of the masked Capitol Police Officer as Bryant Williams

Officer Williams was named as a victim in the government's case against Barry Bennet Ramey, who was convicted of assault etc.… Image