Doug Shockratees ⚖️🐝💜💛 Profile picture
Sometime-attorney, sometime-social-worker, tea-leaf reader, starer-at of maps, habit of creatures, tweedler, law-talkin’ wood elf. Any pronoun. Not a cat.
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Mar 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Remember that every one of those motherfuckers begging for SVB bailout and "how little it would cost" will still be screaming bloody murder to prevent YOU from receiving unemployment, student loan forgiveness, SNAP, etc. And they'll donate bailout money to starve-the-poor GOPs. That's why @POTUS should not be swayed by their outcries about "the poor workers." Help ALL workers. Not just those who are incidentally connected to funds of greedy selfish tech chuds.
Jun 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
For a conservative, the only reason needed for a reprehensible act is “I want to” and “you can’t stop me.” That’s why the opinions are incoherently reasoned. It’s an essentially criminal ideology that accepts no limits on the ruling class’s power to do harm. And that’s why conservatives will keep lying, keep cheating, keep hoarding. French never believed Roe was safe. Conservatives don’t believe in any rights. It’s a “whatever power wants, power gets” philosophy. It’s monarchy of six. It’s despotism.
Jan 17, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
It really is a textbook incitement. He sent out announcements asking them to show up at location and date. When they got there, he named the specific location of the attack and exhorted to go there and “fight” its occupants. He then said he’d meet them there. Moreover, when he was told that his invited mob had followed his instructions and were violently attacking the Capitol and its occupants, he didn’t say “oh wait, I didn’t mean that!” Witnesses said he expressed joy and satisfaction that his incitement had resulted in violence.
Jan 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Humbled (or more like humiliated) by giving myself a hyperextension injury a couple weeks ago. It’s still not completely gone, but I can tell it’s muscle and not disc bc it hurts only when I tense muscle and not just when I bend.

Yes, humiliated. Why? I was doing my normal rotation which, for that day, was planks, high kettle swings, bridge and ab wheel. Now an wheel is famous for hyperextension injuries but I’ve been doing it for years and I always use a mark on the floor and face a wall so I know I’m not hyperextending.
Jan 16, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Boebert's gonna have to hire her mom as her staff, I guess. Which'll be great, as we'll get more chances to compare her face with "bullhorn lady" who directed the insurrection participates which way to go.

(Hint - the photos look like exact matches to me.)
Jan 16, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
“‘Please verify that you do not support this behavior,’ she wrote on the police department’s Facebook page, along with a screenshot of Trabert’s post.
Seconds later, her message disappeared.”

Then, the police chief claimed his son was a “fake plant”?… The Sheriff is using his public office to push the “false flag” lie, which blames the insurrection on non-existent “antifa,” and not on white nationalists like his own son who bragged about overthrowing the government and photographed himself at the scene of the criminal attack.
Jan 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I just don’t get that there are actual people who believe that “leftists” or “antifa” stormed the Capitol. Why would leftists want to KEEP Trump in power? These people bragged to their families and friends that they were doing assassinations to keep Trump in power. There’s apparently also a propaganda being circulated that the attackers were only “a very small group.” Do these ppl’s phones not have enough bandwidth for photos?
Jan 14, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Also, Brandenburg 1) did not involve a specific direction to commit a specific attack at a specific day/time/location, 2) no specific IMMINENT attack was linked to Brandenburg’s incitement. Trump’s speech fails the Brandenburg test and can be prosecuted. Trump’s speech was not mere “general advocacy of violence,” which Brandenburg held protected. Instead, Trump’s speech fits perfectly into Brandenburg’s prosecutable test:
Dec 16, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: a point worth addressing is "how would/should VP respond if GOP retained its majority, then voted to suspend/amend a Senate Rule depriving the presiding officer of power." Paragraph 6 of the article wasn't as strong as it could have been, on that point. The problem with that attack is encapsulated in the Senate's official history (cited graf 7) -…

The Senate's official history on its site recounts the Constitutional fact that the majority leader's presiding powers are derivative.
Dec 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
For all those “why didn’t Biden do this when he was VP, then?” - I’m collecting my responses in this thread: Also:
Dec 15, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
This point was raised by several - does Harris have to actively preside all the time to make this work?

No. She can re-delegate (and then un-delegate) to a chosen senator. That’s in graf 7 of article.

Why wasn’t it done before? Don’t underestimate the power of inertia. Also, perhaps they just didn’t think of it. The Constitution’s clear that the VP is President of the Senate. The essence of being President (of anything) is to preside over it. And that’s exactly how it was done until 1937 (per official Senate history linked in the article).
Dec 9, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
I hear talk about "sedition," which is a criminal offense prosecuted only by prosecutors who choose to do so.

Query who might have standing to sue under related CIVIL statute 5 USC 7311 "Loyalty and Striking." Sec. 7311 is mostly known as the anti-federal-strike statute, because it prohibits labor strikes against the federal government. But it also bars any person who "advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government" from holding a position in the US government.
Aug 8, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Huge difference between:

“Trump’s doing everything to steal the election! Let’s scramble to protect our votes and make sure they count!”


“Can’t you see Trump’s already got the election stolen! Only a dummy would think voting matters!”

2 is part of the election stealing. A huge part of election stealing is convincing most of the opposition to give up in advance and stay home.

That’s why Trump isn’t bothering to hide his efforts. He wants you to think it’s already a done deal so you won’t bother voting.
May 8, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Really simple. How many South Koreans lost their jobs? Zero. Bc their government swiftly implemented widespread testing, followed by contact tracing and complete isolation. And South Korea ensured that ppl who had to stay home were compensated, and ensured that the quarantines were real and not some heh-heh-if-you’re-white-you-don’t-hafta joke.
Mar 11, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
While looking at campaign tactics, and trying to predict what the Berners will do next, I keep coming back to “accelerationism.” It’s the naive belief that change will come faster if we destroy our government and start over.

Yes, change will come.

But not the change we want. Name a time when a revolution destroyed a constitutional democratic republic, and replaced it with another, better constitutional democratic republic.

I’ll wait.

(That’s not what happens. Authoritarianism results from revolutions against democracy.)
Dec 14, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Not really. Rudy could claim he was Trump's lawyer, though illegally (due to inactive status). The AC privilege belongs to both lawyer and client, and clients aren't dinged for having a lawyer who doesn't comply with bar rules.

But Rudy has more privilege problems than that. It's a common problem of the mob "consigliere" -- AC privilege ends where participation in the crimes begins. Attorneys legit defend clients for all kinds of PAST crimes. But when you get your hands dirty in a PRESENT crime, "crime/fraud exception" neuters privilege.
Oct 12, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Understand, when you see stuff like this, that Jesus is merely a side hustle for fascists like Barr. As with centuries of monarchy, sowing a myth that God chose you to take power and rule over the populace with an iron fist is essential. This is the raw power lust the founders feared. Barr is the reason why church and state were separated, and religion was given a free sphere completely outside our political life. Fascists like Barr, under the shadow of the cross, have been dismantling that in front of our eyes.
Oct 11, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
When you elect a mob criminal, that’s what happens.

Priority when we regain American control is to give the force of criminal law to guidelines, practices and norms that formerly protected us from having a compromised political party put a criminal into office. Prior to Trump, it was believed the parties would self-filter their own candidates for criminal behavior and tendencies, as well as for conflicting loyalty to America’s enemies.

Nothing in our modern system anticipated an entire political party becoming owned by an enemy nation.
Sep 28, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Only one explanation makes sense: Russia spent years, perhaps a decade, corrupting and compiling kompromat on a critical mass of the GOP. Why choose the GOP? Simple. They’re preselected for corruptibility by racism and greed. Sitting ducks. If you’re already willing to say: “I want babies to starve, parents to die without health care, elders on street without money or safety,” all bc of a trash book you read in high school, you’re preselected for corruptibility because you have lost your human component to greed.
Sep 22, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
If ODNI next week appears before Congress and refuses to perform the purely-ministerial duty to hand over the whistleblower complaint, that would be a good time to exercise the inherent contempt power as outlined here by Kurt. Why here, and not in the other cases Congress has taken to court, where witnesses have claimed non-existent uses of executive privilege and the bogus “absolute” privilege?

Because the nation needs a firm judicial ruling rejecting those expansions of executive power.
Sep 21, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
While we’re talking about framing, I hope y’all think twice when some tweep with a bunch of dubious followers tries to flame you up with “We could just inherently arrest all of them right now and throw them in jail! If you’re not doing that, you’re with Trump!” It is never a good idea to try and out-fascist the fascists.



You can do your own historical research on that. Has it ever worked? No. It results in fascism in a different garb. It does not save democracy.