Téa J-Y Profile picture
Feb 18, 2022 25 tweets 3 min read
I opened the book by mistake. It was intended to help our daughter: An Internal Family Systems guide to eating disorder recovery. I’d confused IFS with FBT - Family Based Therapy - In the ED realm, I support the biological (inclusive of psychological) perspective, where FBT is gold standard.
Feb 17, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
@ParadiseLAust @SuziGTV Heres the main pivot (cw verbal family violence): My mom got the letter from Sarah Lawrence asking me to take a year off b/c I missed nearly all classes my second semester sophomore year. She told me I was causing her more pain then I caused during childbirth … @ParadiseLAust @SuziGTV … *(exceedingly difficult long labor ending in c section and severe blood loss and postpartum), as much pain as my father caused the time her hit her, and to take Jones out of my last name because only Yelvingtons do this to each other…
Sep 23, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
@kylebeachy I had a similar reaction. Form is also excluded to the extent that Lincoln's chart leaves out any and all metafictions or other texts that call attention to their textyness. @kylebeachy + also... challenging language as a tool of power by scrambling the sign-signifier relationship, or engaging in various strategies that destabilize the normative relationship between form and content, are both practices that have been foundational to various queer avant gardes...
Sep 23, 2020 16 tweets 19 min read
@doctorflopsy @Fatalisme_actif @scumbelievable @octocron This is a really important convo. The "boundaries" I meant are fortifications built either around the individual who reps for power, or their institutions, to prevent their being "corrupted" by an "other" whose practices have been constructed as deviant to justify oppression... @doctorflopsy @Fatalisme_actif @scumbelievable @octocron ...as opposed to those that marginalized people must maintain defensively. ...
Sep 22, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
This octopus / queer erotics kerfuffle that @reproutopia and @gracellavery are having to endure is emblematic of how grossly divorced our fetishistic and Puritanic conception of sexuality and erotics is from our bodies, nature and beings. Like our our "selves" or "souls," we see sex as a specialized, boundaried, shameful titillation rather than something that flows in and through everything.
Sep 13, 2020 19 tweets 2 min read
The first thing that the dad in THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE does is sing Gilbert and Sullivan, so obviously I hope that he dies Overt anti black racism in the first scene ?
Aug 27, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
For people who are out on the streets, does it help balance out the rage and hopelessness? b/c the position of watching on the internet and still trying to provide some kind of material support mostly just leaves me feeling like we are up against an insurmountably greater power whose tentacles extend far deeper than we are even able to see or appreciate
Aug 18, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
#LoriLightfoot is hot on my TL right now, so I thought I'd share what I just posted in a neighborhood group on *that other* site. (A thread) In addition to her loyalty to "law and order," policing, carceral logics, and treatment of protesters and other uprising participants, which activists who had testified before the Police Board under her leadership warned us about, here are a few of the things that I have observed
Aug 14, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Here is the thing - I think in order to be effective, the prevention of sexual trauma for young people needs to include pathways that actively enable them to know and articulate what does and does not bring them pleasure. And in the queer context, I think that this can come from elders, including within the context of a sexual encounter, people who already know how to do this themselves.
Aug 13, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The homophobic element of the myth of the older gay male predator is actually still pernicious. & tbh, I actually think the shame from it is what gets triggered when some young people later describe as “uncomfortable” an encounter they also acknowledge as consensual. & not to be too @sarahschulman3 about it, but if if you are surrounded by a bunch of people eager to fill in that shame hole with a bunch of stories that transform you into a victim they are all eager to attend to and care for and center ....
Aug 4, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I’ve already posted by current reading list and am already several weeks and three books into this but I think it makes sense to reshare as a #BlackAugust reading list. Image The specific topics I’ve been interested in are 1) black anticapitism (and by proxy black anti imperialism which I didn’t entirely know to fully seek or appreciate), and semi related topics of black cooperative economics and labor organizing ....
Jul 22, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
I just listened to the amazing first, Dyett Hunger Strike-focused chapter of @eveewing’s book GHOSTS IN THE SCCHOOLYARD It is such a wonderfully detailed and engaging narrative and analytical and historically contextualizing account of the community organizing process
Jul 7, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I said I like Simply Red and then Alexa heard Alexa play RED and soon Taylor Swift was invading our dinner and this is a true story about the things that have happened to me this evening Oh also I came and went from the vet twice using four Ubers because Hutson tore his nail and they forgot an antibiotic injection they were supposed to give him the first visit but at least the 80 dollar antibiotic was free (minus the thirty dollar round trip Uber)
Jul 5, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Sissy Spacek is doing artfully framed household chores. Julia Roberts is feeling her SHAME (by Evelyn Champagne King). I just realized that I would rather be listening to Evelyn Champagne King than finishing this series. They didn’t use music by Evelyn Champagne King on Homecoming, just to be clear. And no one has actually even said the word shame, Julia Roberts is just expressing hers and now I am thinking about the classics of Evelyn Champagne King, welcome to how my brain works
Jul 4, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
I had the thought today that I am curious about exploring Quakerism, is that crazy? I miss being part of a faith tradition and would like to be somewhere that unlike the United Methodist leftist circles of my childhood isn’t embroiled in a power struggle for the soul of the church and actually shows up for what it believes
Jul 2, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
Someone else had access to my Facebook account for... less than 24 hours about a week ago. Then I got put in a 7 day block and couldn't do anything to find out what they had done or why. When I finally regained access and finished the ID verification process... ...uploading my ID photo, within an hour, I got a message that said my account had been deactivated for violating whatever the heck they call their norms and values document, and the decision was final. Clearly because of behavior by whoever hacked, but I had no idea what...
Jun 26, 2020 11 tweets 1 min read
A young person just asked me how I spent the summer between my senior year of high school and first year of college. Here is my answer... 1) got hooked on the first two tales of the city miniseries during Bravo’s pride month “outfest,” then subsequently read all the books, then a lengthy fan fiction continuation on Armistead Maupin’s website discussion board.
Jun 9, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I’ve grown increasingly disillusioned with two persistent myths.

The first is that white people can organize primarily with or seek to primarily influence other white people. .... The second is that it’s possible to work within institutions to make them more receptive to organizers. ...
Jun 8, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
my publishing has been super micropress so the smidge of money I've gotten for books isnt very instructive about racial justice, only what a mess publishing can be in general. ... ...A hundred something in royalties for DANCE MOVIE, a $1,000 contest prize for BECOME ON YR FACE, and $500 flat no royalties for STRIKE A PROSE (more than it would've ever earned back in a royalty model) ...
Jun 3, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Here are some thoughts I wrote on Facebook about white responsibility in anti black attacks that have been happening in Chicago’s Latinx/a/o neighborhoods. ImageImageImageImage Brown People for Black Power Rapid Resonse: — facebook.com/48600884/posts…
May 12, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Two thoughts:
1. I keep getting in trouble for implying or outright claiming that the majority of white animal rights activists are racist fuckwads, but then hello Bryan Adams. ... 2. I've been saying for a minute that @richardmarx is by far the greater purveyor of white dude 80s power ballads for the receptionist who keeps their radio on a low volume tuned to the lite FM station all day, and now I feel VINDICATED. Hold on to the Nights, motherfuckers.