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The Official Twitter Account of #NeuroEndovascularFellows
Nov 25, 2020 12 tweets 7 min read
#tweetorial DR. EGAS MONIZ, the FATHER of CEREBRAL ANGIOGRAPHY undertook a task no one considered possible: the radiographic imaging of the brain in a living human. Moniz never made a single injection; yet with his determination and intelligence, he helped launch our field! ImageImageImageImage (1/11)Dr. Moniz was a brilliant Neurologist who pioneered cerebral angiography in 1927 allowing Neurologists & Neurosurgeons to visualize the cerebral vasculature for the 1st time. Until then, ventriculography, developed by Dr. Walter Dandy, was the gold standard @UncleHarveyNSG
Sep 24, 2019 16 tweets 34 min read
Our inaugural #tweetorial on #DangerousAnastomoses is READY for the #NeuroEndovascularFellows. We will discuss the HIGH YIELD POINTS.We hope this serves as a springboard for collaborative learning amongst NIR fellows. Please tweet interesting/classic cases. We hope you enjoy. @AmeerEHassan @DanTonettiMD @DrJeremyStoneMD @svinsociety @SNISinfo @BrianHoward_MD @youngneuros @eytanraz @AshuPJadhav @shazamhussain (1/15)As a fellow, it’s crucial to understand the collateral circulation between the intracranial(IC)and extracranial(EC) territories, especially when we are embolizing for the first time to avoid complications such as embolic stroke or even cranial nerve palsies.