Ben Wikler Profile picture
Chair, Democratic Party of Wisconsin / @WisDems. Husband and dad of three amazing kids and one glorious doggo, Pumpkin.
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Sep 4 13 tweets 5 min read
Today in the @WisDems Starting Lineup of state leg candidates, meet Sarah Keyeski—the Democratic nominee in Wisconsin's 14th Senate District. A farmer’s daughter, parent of 6, and mental health counselor, Sarah believes in supporting causes bigger than herself. 🧵 Image Thanks to our fair maps, SD14—which includes Columbia, Sauk, & Richland Counties, plus parts of Dane County—has dramatically changed from a deep-red district to a lean Democratic district, a perfect seat pick-up opportunity. Image
Aug 17 35 tweets 6 min read
This coming week will be huge—but take a moment to soak in what happened in Wisconsin on Tuesday. A landslide against a GOP power grab. Even *without* Milwaukee and Madison’s Dane County, the GOP’s constitutional amendments lost. There’s a lesson here. 🧵 This thread tells a story, and it’s also a huge thank-you note—to everyone, from Governor Evers to allied groups to local volunteers—who made this victory happen.

One essential element: grassroots donors. Thanks! Can you chip in to help us keep fighting?…
Aug 14 27 tweets 8 min read
ENDORSEMENT ALERT! Great Democrats are running in all eight of Wisconsin’s Congressional districts—and we aim to flip some seats, and flip the House. With yesterday’s primary behind us, meet our stellar candidates… and get ready to work for them! 🧵 Prelude: as a donor to @WisDems, your contribution is vital to providing support to Democrats up and down the ballot, and spreading the word on who’s looking out for the best interests of Wisconsinites. Chip in here:…
Aug 14 9 tweets 3 min read
The Wisconsin GOP used to pass bad laws through the rigged state legislature, and then Scott Walker would sign them, and the GOP-aligned Supreme Court majority would rubber-stamp them.

No longer.

Their backup plan? Constitutional amendments, timed for low-turnout elections. 🧵 12 of the last 13 Constitutional amendments in Wisconsin have passed. Legislators can word them however they want—often, as tonight, with intentionally confusing language.

Not subject to the Governor's veto. Pass 'em in back-to-back legislative sessions, then send to voters.
Aug 2 22 tweets 5 min read
In Wisconsin, we Democrats have been building our ground game for the last eight years. Now, the battle for the airwaves has begun. 🧵 You’re not a spectator—you’re in this fight. By donating to WisDems, you’re helping us reach out to voters across Wisconsin, to fight MAGA extremism and keep our state blue. Chip in here:…
Jul 26 15 tweets 4 min read
There are years when nothing happens, and there are weeks when decades happen. This was one of those decades-long weeks. 🧵 Speaking of weeks, we’re less than 15 weeks from November 5, and the most important election of our lifetime. Won’t you donate to WisDems now to ensure that Wisconsin goes blue on Election Day? Chip in:…
Jul 23 26 tweets 6 min read
Today, Vice President Kamala Harris kicks off her campaign for president in the state that tipped Biden-Harris over the top in 2020—Wisconsin. The state Kamala Harris once called home. This is our moment. 🧵 Before I dig in here, I should say—if you want to help make sure Wisconsin goes blue for Kamala Harris this November, chip in now and share this thread. We’re cranking our voter mobilization machine into overdrive.…
Jul 19 32 tweets 5 min read
Holy smokes. Long year this week. Now it’s decision time… for each of us. 🧵 Before I lay out my theory of this moment, note: if what you saw at the Republican National Convention horrified you, don’t wring your hands in despair. Roll up your sleeves. You have the power to make a difference by donating now to WisDems. Chip in:…
Jul 19 13 tweets 3 min read
Deep breath. The Republican National Convention in Wisconsin is over. Now the work gets real. In WI, we know from painful experience what happens if MAGA seizes control again—and how to stop them. Read my @CourierNewsroom op-ed, summarized in this 🧵
But first, today is also the LAST DAY of our CHEDDAR STORM—and the response so far has been phenomenal! It’s not too late to chip in. Show the GOP your commitment to WisDems by joining the more than 4000 supporters who’ve donated this week. Chip in here:…
Jul 15 22 tweets 7 min read
This week, MAGA Republicans from all over the U.S. are coming to Milwaukee for their convention so they can officially make Donald Trump their nominee. Once you know why they picked this city, you’ll know exactly what to do. 🧵 The GOP is counting on the Republican National Convention to launch them to victory in the state that *just* escaped their grasp in 2020. But we can make it backfire. Help build a Cheddar Storm—a simultaneous flood of donations to WisDems. Chip in NOW:…
Jul 11 12 tweets 5 min read
In case you missed it amidst media/political drama:

- inflation falling
- crime falling
- border crossings falling
- climate emissions falling
- inequality falling
- energy production growing
- real wages growing
- jobs growing
- unions growing
- stock market growing At @WisDems—the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, here in the state that tips the whole country—we’re working 24/7 to make sure people hear what’s actually going on. Can you chip in to help us?…
Jul 4 24 tweets 4 min read
This is a thread about two dates, and two ideas for what America should be. July 4 and July 1. 🧵 Independence Day. July 4. The day America declared its independence—and fought a war that, at the cost of many lives, ended the dominion of kings.
Jun 30 28 tweets 8 min read
Tune out the noise. Focus on the stakes. If you want the freedom to make your own decisions about abortion, birth control, IUDs, or IVF in 2025, then you care what happens in Wisconsin in the next 127 days. 🧵 Summary of this thread: Trump has a plan to shred reproductive freedom. The entire election could hinge on Wisconsin. Today’s the end-of-quarter deadline—and if you donate now (our goal is 100 new donors), you help us beat Trump. Chip in:…
Jun 28 12 tweets 3 min read
Last night, one candidate needed a lozenge. The other one needed a reminder that he’s not running for dictator of North Korea. Today, the stakes in this race—freedom, democracy—are the same as yesterday.

What to do? Recommit. 🧵 It wasn’t Biden’s strongest night, especially at the start. Then, right after the debate, he gave a fired-up speech at a debate watch party. And then, today in North Carolina, he was on fire:
Jun 18 13 tweets 4 min read
Trump is in Racine, Wisconsin today—site of his Foxconn boondoggle and Biden’s Microsoft triumph. What happened there perfectly illustrates a key contrast in this election. 🧵 Before we dig in, take note: you can help make sure that more Wisconsinites get info like this, and it can swing the entire presidential election. Chip in to help WisDems spread the word:…
Jun 14 31 tweets 6 min read
ALERT! This November’s election is not the only upcoming battle for democracy in Wisconsin. There’s a sleeper menace coming up just 60 days from now—on August 13. 🧵 Wisconsin’s State Legislature—dominated by Republicans thanks to more than a decade of vicious gerrymandering (more on this downthread) has put two Constitutional amendments on the WI ballot on August 13. They’re… bad.
Jun 13 30 tweets 8 min read
Trump calling Milwaukee—host of the RNC and the biggest city in the state most likely to tip the presidential election—a "horrible city" is generating a firestorm of coverage... and blowback. 🧵 NYT: Behind Closed Doors, Trump Disparages Milwaukee, Host of His Party’s Convention…
Jun 5 24 tweets 5 min read
Paradoxically, the level of cynicism about politics in this election means that you, reading this right now, have far more power over the outcome. And Trump’s conviction makes that even more true. Here’s why. 🧵 Before I go on, if you care about who wins on November 5, you can use your power to make a difference by donating to @WisDems, which will turn your dollars into statewide voter mobilization. Only together can we defeat MAGA. Chip in here:…
May 31 24 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday, we all heard the verdict: Donald Trump, guilty on 34 counts.

No one—not even a former president—is above the law.

And yet, today, Trump is still the Republican nominee for president. And now the jury that matters most here is… you. Let me explain. 🧵 Before I dive in, note: if you care about the outcome of the 2024 elections, you can make a huge difference by donating *right now* to @WisDems, which will stretch every penny to defeat MAGA. We’re trying to rack up 100 donations by midnight. Chip in:…
May 24 21 tweets 6 min read
A state party’s convention is a peek into that party’s soul. The Republican Party of Wisconsin held its convention last weekend. What did we see? [THREAD] I should note—the Wisconsin Democratic convention is coming up this June 8 and 9. On our stage, you’ll see champions of democracy, freedom, and decency. You can get tickets online here:
May 10 32 tweets 9 min read
Here’s a story about Wisconsin politics that will make you say “JFC.” 🧵 You might have heard about Wisconsin’s notorious gerrymander. Few know the story of how the GOP used that gerrymander to break our democracy even more—thanks to something called the Joint Finance Committee. The JFC.

Pull up a stool, grab a drink, and hear the tale.