Ben Wikler Profile picture
Chair, Democratic Party of Wisconsin / @WisDems. Husband and dad of three amazing kids and one glorious doggo, Pumpkin.
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Jun 14 31 tweets 6 min read
ALERT! This November’s election is not the only upcoming battle for democracy in Wisconsin. There’s a sleeper menace coming up just 60 days from now—on August 13. 🧵 Wisconsin’s State Legislature—dominated by Republicans thanks to more than a decade of vicious gerrymandering (more on this downthread) has put two Constitutional amendments on the WI ballot on August 13. They’re… bad.
Jun 13 22 tweets 6 min read
Trump calling Milwaukee—host of the RNC and the biggest city in the state most likely to tip the presidential election—a "horrible city" is generating a firestorm of coverage... and blowback. 🧵 NYT: Behind Closed Doors, Trump Disparages Milwaukee, Host of His Party’s Convention…
Jun 5 24 tweets 5 min read
Paradoxically, the level of cynicism about politics in this election means that you, reading this right now, have far more power over the outcome. And Trump’s conviction makes that even more true. Here’s why. 🧵 Before I go on, if you care about who wins on November 5, you can use your power to make a difference by donating to @WisDems, which will turn your dollars into statewide voter mobilization. Only together can we defeat MAGA. Chip in here:…
May 31 24 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday, we all heard the verdict: Donald Trump, guilty on 34 counts.

No one—not even a former president—is above the law.

And yet, today, Trump is still the Republican nominee for president. And now the jury that matters most here is… you. Let me explain. 🧵 Before I dive in, note: if you care about the outcome of the 2024 elections, you can make a huge difference by donating *right now* to @WisDems, which will stretch every penny to defeat MAGA. We’re trying to rack up 100 donations by midnight. Chip in:…
May 24 21 tweets 6 min read
A state party’s convention is a peek into that party’s soul. The Republican Party of Wisconsin held its convention last weekend. What did we see? [THREAD] I should note—the Wisconsin Democratic convention is coming up this June 8 and 9. On our stage, you’ll see champions of democracy, freedom, and decency. You can get tickets online here:
May 10 32 tweets 9 min read
Here’s a story about Wisconsin politics that will make you say “JFC.” 🧵 You might have heard about Wisconsin’s notorious gerrymander. Few know the story of how the GOP used that gerrymander to break our democracy even more—thanks to something called the Joint Finance Committee. The JFC.

Pull up a stool, grab a drink, and hear the tale.
Apr 30 25 tweets 7 min read
Trump's in Wisconsin on May Day tomorrow—an international day celebrating workers and union organizing. Which is almost offensively ironic. 1/ Wisconsin has always been at the front lines of the fight for unions and working people, from the Bay View Massacre in 1886 to the first comprehensive public sector union law in 1959.…
Apr 26 13 tweets 4 min read
Expect the Senate race to be close this fall—unless Wisconsinites find out what Eric Hovde thinks of them. 1/ Are you a farmer? Eric Hovde thinks your retirement age should be pushed up to 72 because after all, “you’re largely driving around on a tractor” and you don’t “engage in hard labor.”…
Feb 20 7 tweets 2 min read
NEW: California GOP rich guy Eric Hovde is running for Senate… against @TammyBaldwin in Wisconsin.

He’s being sent to Wisconsin from Orange County by Mitch McConnell and the megadonors in Washington to help pass a national abortion ban.

RT to help spread the word! Why are the Republicans sending a California megamillionaire to Wisconsin?

It’s simple. They need someone who will put them, and their rich and powerful friends, FIRST while putting middle-class Wisconsinites LAST.

Eric Hovde is their #1 guy.
Dec 31, 2023 29 tweets 8 min read
END OF YEAR DEADLINE: Democracy or dictatorship? Trump’s threat likely comes down to a handful of votes in a handful of states—and maybe even JUST Wisconsin. Help @WisDems roar in ‘24: Chip in to help us reach our goal of 124 donations by midnight:… If you’re freaking out about polls, do two things.

First, take a breath. Polling this early doesn’t predict much. It just tells us we have work to do.

Second, channel your anxiety into actually helping raise $ and volunteer in the places that will decide the outcome.
Nov 30, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
MIDNIGHT DEADLINE: Tomorrow, Wisconsin candidates for local offices begin gathering signatures to get on the ballot for April elections. Their races will decide who administers the Nov 24 elections. MAGA is coming. Chip in to help WisDems stop them:… Wisconsin elections are administered hyper-locally—by 1850 municipal clerks, who are in turn chosen by mayors and city councils. County judges make quick decisions about disputes. Hundreds of these officials will be up for election this spring.
Nov 16, 2023 33 tweets 6 min read
The Poller Coaster: Sometimes, you’re up. Sometimes, you’re down.

And at the end of the day, those climbs and drops don’t always tell you all that much about where you’re going to wind up.

Tough polling. Strong elections. What gives, and what does it tell us about 2024?

Before last week’s elections, Dems nationwide read with horror new polls: A New York Times/Siena battleground survey had President Biden lagging Trump in 5 of the 6 most critical swing states, while a CNN poll put Trump ahead 49%-45% nationally.…
Nov 2, 2023 22 tweets 7 min read
Oh no—this is devastating news. Ady was the best of us. I first knew Ady, starting in 2013, as a dear friend, dreamer, and fellow organizer.

Later, he was shattered by his ALS diagnosis. And then he figured out how to turn it into fuel for social change—and found transcendent, electrifying purpose.

Throughout, he was hilarious. Image
Oct 31, 2023 22 tweets 6 min read
🚨Mike Johnson is Speaker. Trump: GOP frontrunner. Senate: 2 seats from GOP majority. The threat of a "Trump Trifecta" is very real in 2024... & WI is the key. We have a plan to fight back & win. Join @briantylercohen, @IAmPoliticsGirl, and me this Friday:… Mike Johnson—the “key architect” of the House GOP’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election, foe of Social Security and Medicare, anti-abortion and anti-LGBT extremist—is now second in line to the presidency.
Oct 24, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
SENATE ALERT: Two mega-millionaires—poised to break the record for the most personal wealth ever spent on a campaign in Wisconsin—are running shadow campaigns against Tammy Baldwin. This is Ron Johnson’s playbook. 1/… On the surface, Wisconsin’s Senate race looks quiet. Tammy Baldwin, our dynamite incumbent, doesn’t yet face a serious announced opponent. You might imagine you can sleep on this one.

That’s exactly what the GOP wants you to think.

The underlying reality? A serious threat.
Oct 20, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵JUSTICE DEFENDED: Join @BrianTylerCohen and @IAmPoliticsGirl (and me and other guests!) for a LIVE online/offline event Friday, Nov 3 at 7pm to help @WisDems! Laugh, cheer, and build energy for a blue Wisconsin in '24—we've got just ONE YEAR TO WIN:…
One Year to Win is a tradition at WisDems. Each cycle since 2017, we use the one-year-out moment to knock doors, update our data, energize our volunteers statewide, and find the new voters we’ll need to win the following November. It’s been critical to our success.
Oct 13, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵NEW: In Wisconsin, the public uprising halted the GOP’s rush to impeach Justice Protasiewicz before she could rule on the state’s gerrymandered maps. But now Robin Vos is threatening to impeach if the court rules against him. Outrageous. Help fight back:… Watch this clip from an interview that will air this Sunday.

First, Vos backpedals from his old threat to impeach *before* a ruling. But then he expands the threat—declining to take off the table the idea of impeaching the entire Supreme Court majority.
Oct 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
NEW: We’ve now learned that even Robin Vos’ own secret impeachment advisor has told him not to impeach Justice Protasiewicz—that there is no evidence to warrant impeachment, and would appear “solely partisan,” “unreasonable partisan politics,” and would “backfire.” 1/ This advice from former Justice David Prosser preceded last Friday’s well-reasoned opinion by Justice Protasiewicz dissecting the arguments for her recusal—and making clear that she is bound by her oath to consider the case.
Sep 22, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
🧵 The Assembly gaveled out of session on Thursday evening. They won’t return until Oct 10.

You know what that means?

It means we’ve survived Phase One of the fight against the GOP’s outrageous attempt to overthrow the Supreme Court election through an illegal impeachment. You made this happen. Without your voice, outrage, and organizing, it’s entirely possible that Robin Vos and the Assembly GOP caucus would have already voted to impeach Justice Protasiewicz by this moment, and WI would have been at the center of a horrific constitutional crisis.
Sep 13, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
NEW: Robin Vos announced this morning that he’s appointing a secret squad of unnamed former Supreme Court justices to “investigate” the criteria for impeachment of Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Protasiewicz. He’s doubling down his threats. Push back.… Vos seems increasingly erratic and desperate. Yesterday, he called a big press conference to propose a new redistricting bill. When we saw the fine print, though, it was clear that his bill would still give him the power to gerrymander. Read this thread:
Sep 6, 2023 36 tweets 9 min read
🚨 RED ALERT: Republicans in the Wisconsin State Legislature are threatening to impeach Justice Janet Protasiewicz—before she’s even heard a single case. A desperate, unconstitutional, and obscene threat to democracy… and 2024. Here’s what’s happening & how to fight back:🧵 The WI Constitution is ripped on one half, on the left side bold text reads "DEFEND JUSTICE" with a button that says "FIGHT BACK" The principle is simple. When voters elect someone, politicians can’t overturn the election just to stay in power.

That idea is fundamental to American democracy, a shared understanding around which our government is based.

It’s time to help the Wisconsin GOP find out.