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#CyberSecurity R&D | #XSS | #WAF #bypass | #hack2learn | @RodoAssis | @KN0X55 |
K3nw4Y Profile picture Anas S'a Profile picture robiProgrammer Profile picture doesntgooutside Profile picture 5 subscribed
Jun 17, 2019 8 tweets 4 min read
Gonna start a series of tweets about current bypasses in #XSS Auditor, 1 per day.

Bypassing Auditor increases dramatically the success of a XSS attack and the impact of such flaws, affecting users of following major browsers:

Chrome, Opera and Safari.

Stay tuned! 😎 #XSS Auditor Bypass #1

The easiest one, HTMLi breaking out from script block (it must land where JS syntax is not affected though).


Notice the source code becomes red flagged (sign of Auditor) but it still executes.