scott cunningham Profile picture
Economics professor paying it forward with 55 burgers, 55 fries, 55 tacos, 55 pies, 55 Cokes, 100 tater tots, 100 pizzas, 100 tenders, 100 meatballs
Hamid Mazloomi Profile picture Duong Le Profile picture Sanjay Mishra, PhD Profile picture Aeon Chou Profile picture Julian Profile picture 6 subscribed
Feb 8 11 tweets 2 min read
I'm really very different when I teach causal inference because I make us use spreadsheets to calculate individual treatment effects off of potential outcomes, make us write down treatment assignments based on a hypothesized treatment assignment mechanism, use the switching… …equation to select a potential outcome based on that treatment assignment, and then use all of that to emphasize the difference between a potential outcome and a realized outcome.
Aug 13, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I think Goldin and Katz idea of skill biased tech change is the right paradigm to use when understanding ChatGPT as a disruptive force. We don’t have a good understanding of its longrun effects bc all studies are short run so far as it’s so new. But consider this. 1/ @erikbryn et al have a study looking at a staggered rollout of generative AI at a firm of customer service agents; workers had access iow to a ChatGPT bot to assist them with customer complaints. As with many studies I’ve seen, big increased productivity gains. 2/
Feb 3, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
We are now t-1 days away from the first Mixtape Sessions workshop of 2023 - my flagship intro to causal inference aptly named "Causal Inference 1". Here's the link:… Same pricing as always:

$1 for current residents of low income countries
$50 for students, postdocs, predocs and current residents of middle income countries
$595 for everyone else, which includes 30 min office hours if you want them.
Jan 13, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
I'm teaching a class this semester called "Issues in Economics" for undergrads, non-majors, from outside the business school. I had such an amazing experience teaching my history of econ thought class as a readings and discussion class, I decided to do it again. 1/ I googled "how many pages should I assign each week for college" and found that on average college students were reading between 30-40 pages a week in their classes. I wasn't sure if that was total pages, or per class. 2/
Jan 13, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Just wanted to pop in and share abt some upcoming workshops at Mixtape Sessions. There's two coming in February that I wanted to first announce, then another one later. The first is my causal inference I workshops. You can see the description here:… I'm currently rewriting the Mixtape. In my mind it's called "New Edition", and it's really taking a lot of willpower not to mine 1980s R&B boy band New Edition lyrics to find lines for each design. Knock on wood at least one is out there. Anyway, the workshops reflect updates.