Conflict and Environment Observatory (CEOBS) Profile picture
Charity working to reduce the harm to people and ecosystems from armed conflicts and military activities. Our military and climate tweets are @milemissionsgap
Mar 21, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
The UK will send its 120mm CHARM3 depleted uranium tank ammunition to #Ukraine, alongside its Challenger II tanks.

H/t to @declassifiedUK for spotting yesterday's PQ… CHARM3 is not a silver bullet, or great news for #Ukraine... 1/9 DU is chemically toxic and radioactive, its use in large calibre ammunition can create lasting exposure risks for military personnel, those tasked to deal with military scrap, and civilians. Here's a little video of why DU is a problem. 2/9
Jun 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
3 weeks on from the pledging conference where the NL, FR, FI, DE, QT, SE, US, UK and others pledged half the $80m needed for the emergency salvage operation to remove oil from the SAFER tanker off #Yemen, where do things stand? 1/5 Last week the US and NL issued a joint statement urging "public and private donors to consider generous contributions to help prevent a leak, spill, or explosion" - $40m is a drop in the ocean...… 2/5
May 5, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
Russia's front around the northern #Donbas town of #Lyman appears to have led to fighting in and around the Holy Mountains National Nature Park (Святі Гори національний природний парк), also: Sviati Gori. we've picked up fires around the park in the last week. #Ukraine 1/5 🧵🔽 The park (green area), which comprises chalk cliffs along the Donets river is 91% forested and is highly biodiverse, with 1/3 of the species found in #Ukraine recorded. Sviati Gori's boundaries are visible via 2/5
Mar 4, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
While attention has focused on the safety of the design of PWR reactors at #Zaporizhzhia NPP after last night's attack by #Russia and the fire, we also need to take the volume of radioactive waste stored at the site into account. 🧵⬇️ 1/x #Ukraine As @friends_earth noted in 2015 “With a war around the corner, it is shocking that the spent fuel rod containers are standing under the open sky, with just a metal gate and some security guards waltzing up and down for protection.”… 2/x
Mar 2, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
For more insights on how the #Ukraine invasion is impacting wheat exports, and the implications of that for #FoodSecurity and political stability in the MENA and elsewhere. 2/x The view from #Iraq on the knock on effects of the #Ukraine invasion on wheat prices…
Mar 2, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
We're seeing increasingly heavy shelling of residential areas in #Ukarine. Alongside the massive civilian costs of the use of explosive force in cities, we also need to consider how this indiscriminate practice impacts the environment, and as a result, human health. 🧵🔽 1/x Image 2/x When buildings are hit, building materials are pulverised, generating large volumes of dust. PBM dusts are typically a heterogeneous mixture of materials, such as cement, metals, PCBs, silica, asbestos and other synthetic fibres.…
Mar 1, 2022 14 tweets 12 min read
We spoke to @DeutscheWelle about the risks that Russian use of indiscriminate explosive weapons poses to #nuclear facilities in #Ukraine. Looking forward to a new @Greenpeace briefing on this tomorrow… Disputed claims from #Russia and #Ukraine over control of the Zaporizhzhia #Nuclear plant (and its 6 reactors). In welcome move Ukraine formally requesting @iaeaorg oversight of #Chernobyl zone occupied by Russia
Mar 1, 2022 10 tweets 8 min read
1/x Concerned over reports that fighting may focus on #Mariupol today. The city is home to at least 56 industrial enterprises, including the massive Avostal and Ilyich iron and steel works, plus many other chemical and engineering enterprises. #Ukraine Image 2/x #Mariupol already has some of the worst air quality problems in #Ukraine and Europe because of these industrial activities. If heavy weapons are used, we may see fires at sensitive sites, pollution and damage to pollution prevention infrastructure.…
Jun 16, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
#Military emissions make a significant contribution to #ClimateChange, our new blog explores why this is and what needs to change. A lack of transparency means we don't know how large their contribution is but we do have some stats⬇️… #ClimateAction 1/6 Global military expenditure rose to almost US$2 trillion in 2020, this is important for military emissions because a large proportion are indirect and come through supply chains and lifecycle costs. Here's a chart. It's really not all about emissions from engines. 2/6
Jun 14, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
In focusing on the security risks of #ClimateChange have we neglected to ask how conflicts affect emissions? Our new overview explores how the environmental and social changes that occur in war influence emissions, and why we need to track them… 🔽 1/7 Image The direct emissions in conflict are the most obvious, for example attacks on oil infrastructure, or scorched earth policies. But we also see significant changes to land use that have a major bearing on whether areas store or release carbon. 2/7 Image