Propane Jane™ 🔥💣 Profile picture
Wife. Mother. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Doctor. Christian. Texan. Longhorn. Pragmatist. Democrat. Scorpio. Recycler. Politics Junkie. Proverbial Firestarter.
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Sep 13 4 tweets 4 min read
After years of xenophobic klan sentiment on the GOP campaign trail, the El Paso shooter drove ~10 hrs to gun down Hispanic Texans on White supremacy/nationalism’s behalf. The anti-Haitian rhetoric propagated by Trump/Vance/MAGA isn’t just a hateful lie, it’s stochastic terrorism.

Nobody gets to pretend the writing hasn’t been on the wall since Birtherism and Trump’s promise to build a wall but make Mexico pay for it. They tell us to “remember the Alamo” but expect us to forget El Paso, Buffalo, Pittsburgh (Tree of Life) and the Atlanta spa shootings.

Aug 31 6 tweets 2 min read
If JD doesn’t know any professional women who are happily married moms, he should just say that. 🙄 I had my 1st son 6 weeks before my Masters graduation/3 months before residency. My 2nd son was born 2 weeks before residency graduation. I prioritize EVERYTHING altogether, MFer!
Image This reminds me of 1 of my fave scenes in 1 of my fave movies, ‘Baby Boom’, when J.C. (Diane) finally accepts motherhood/a career change and tells her male colleagues, “I don’t want it all.” We’ve learned how to juggle kids & work without being miserable.…
Aug 28 4 tweets 2 min read
I recently saw a patient whom I’ve been seeing for almost 6 months and when I asked how he’s been doing since our last visit 6 weeks ago, among a laundry list of stressors, he said “there’s gonna be a civil war and I’m gonna end up dead.” 🥴🫣 It was telling b/c he’d never uttered that type of rhetoric with me before & the only thing that changed between visits was Biden passing the torch to Kamala. He mentioned it in passing then quickly moved onto something else but he said it like civil war was suddenly inevitable.
Aug 23 4 tweets 2 min read
This ‘Kamala’ pronunciation/enunciation lesson and group project with @kerrywashington is the bees fucking knees!!! 🔥🐝🔥🐝🔥 #DNC2024 The synergy of the Women’s Suffrage and Mom’s Demand movement themes is stunning. It’s not just that heartbreaking and unjust conditions spurred political action in both instances, it’s that success for both movements requires *smashing the patriarchy into tiny shards of glass*.
Aug 17 7 tweets 3 min read
Don’t buy the idea of “red” states perpetually never being in play, especially when said states have also been “blue” and/or purple in recent elections. Don’t buy the idea that time/resources are a “waste” when they’re spent on mobilizing apathetic and/or disenfranchised voters.
Image And especially don’t buy either of those ideas from someone who identifies as a “MAGA original/founder” who’s only anti-Trump now b/c he turned out to be the colossal fucking disaster and international embarrassment we told them he would be…
Aug 14 7 tweets 4 min read
I don’t doubt that 4 years as VP honed many of Kamala’s skills but I also don’t doubt that the energy the MSM and casual observers are so shocked and awed to see at her 2024 rallies is the EXACT same energy she engendered from her supporters in 2020. Y’all are just late as fuck. And what chaps my hide about it most is the main justification given is “her 2020 campaign failed” when she actually ended her campaign in December 2019. Primary voting didn’t start until February. She left to wait in the wings for Biden’s win and VP pick.…
Aug 7 9 tweets 4 min read
It doesn’t happen extremely often but sometimes I cry with my patients. Today was one of those days. I’ve been seeing her since March and the last time I saw her was late June, she was still feeling anxious/depressed so we made med adjustments and scheduled follow up for today… She told me she’d had side effects to the med wean/initiation and stopped the new med a month ago to let her body reset. I asked if her depression/anxiety symptoms worsened with no antidepressant on board and she said actually her mood miraculously improved 2 weeks ago…
Jul 22 4 tweets 2 min read
I see a lot of folk side-eyeing Obama for laying low so far in this moment & while I totally understand it, I also think there’s a very strong possibility that amidst their brother to brother deliberations he determined it’s best for Joe the 🐐 to captain the ship to the bridge. Like, just given the whole context of controversy & fervor for a contested convention rather than a “coronation”, plus the fact that it’d easily be viewed as the 1st Black POTUS exerting undue pressure to nominate a 2nd Black POTUS/1st woman POTUS. He’s still the no drama guy.
Jul 21 5 tweets 2 min read
Madam President Kamala Devi Harris or bust.
First campaign ad: #Harris2024 #TheAntiTrump #JusticeIsOnTheBallot
Jul 15 19 tweets 9 min read
One thing about the narcissist psyche is it *can’t fucking stand* not being the center of attention. So much so that Trump’s exploitation of the shooting at his Klan rally is now the 2nd time he’s frantically spun controversy & chaos to reposition himself in the media spotlight. IOW, Trump’s so hungry for attention/ faint praise that he’s willing to take the risk of diverting 👀 away from 2-week wall to wall coverage of Biden’s age/political viability (that per conventional wisdom served Trump well) to sensationalize a mass shooting by a Republican perp.
Jul 14 5 tweets 4 min read
The story of the Trump rally shooting isn’t the prospect of “sympathy votes” or MAGA’s perennial martyrdom of Trump, it’s that the gun violence visited upon America by the NRA/GOP has now been directly visited upon Trump/MAGA too. They’ve inevitably victimized their own selves. When you stoke domestic terrorism you don’t get to feign shock, awe and martyrdom when domestic terrorism eventually comes for you. The call is coming from inside the GOP’s house.
Jul 12 7 tweets 4 min read
Maybe it’s b/c Kamala was my 1st choice in ‘20, but the “Biden isn’t being the bridge he said he’d be” gripe is so absurd. The millisecond he announced her as his choice for VP, I had ALL the confirmation I needed that Biden was a bridge to Kamala. Misogynoir kills brain cells.
Image The bridge is staring you in your face but you’re pretending it’s not there because it eventually leads to a Black woman being your POTUS one day. We see you. Image
Jul 5 9 tweets 5 min read
It’s not so much that the “cut-and-runs” don’t trust Biden/Harris in 2024, it’s that they didn’t (still don’t) trust the *predominantly Black woman base of the Democratic Party* who ultimately chose BOTH halves of the winning 2020 ticket. They never wanted US to be the deciders. These are the same mostly White “moderate” pundits & electeds who thought Obama should be primaried/replaced & Hillary deserved a brokered convention instead of a “coronation”. They started ‘20 vilifying both PBO & HRC in favor of their preferred alternatives. Ain’t shit changed.

Jul 2 10 tweets 5 min read
As I’m wont to do, I’d like to take y’all for a quick stroll down memory lane b/c the conversation around Biden’s age is so severely lacking in couth and nuance that I’m about to crawl out of my skin…. When Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, he literally framed it as ‘look, I know I’m old, but America is in such tremendous peril that I’m compelled to un-retire and lead the battle for the soul of our nation.’ We had a ginormous field of youthful candidates, but HE WON.
Jun 28 5 tweets 2 min read
If the argument is Biden’s too old to do the job he’s *already been doing exceptionally well* for the last ~3.5 yrs, doesn’t it then follow that VP Harris has been secretly doing it for him, thereby proving that she’s fully capable of being POTUS if something happens to Biden? Y’all aren’t fooling anyone but yourselves, WE know full well what a line of succession is b/c we already voted for it in ‘20, resoundingly. WE already have a VP we trust to be a heartbeat away from the presidency and her name is Kamala Harris. Put some respect on it & #ExpectUs.
Jun 9 20 tweets 12 min read
‘I’m Black, and being a felon or putting your name on sneakers isn’t getting my vote’ | 🎯🔥💣 via @LeslieStreeter… “To even pose this as not just a possibility but a campaign strategy is deeply condescending, dehumanizing and cynically, diabolically racist.”
Jun 1 8 tweets 4 min read
If the GOP was capable of producing a scrupulous candidate who could *both* appeal to moderates and speak explicitly to the bigotries & grievances of the GOP base without committing endless crimes, they wouldn’t have had to hitch their wagon to an aspiring felon in the 1st place. Aside from the fact that Trump’s hubris and ego would never allow him to step aside, he’s irreversibly stuck to the GOP base like glue b/c he echoed their fear, jealousy and hatred of the 1st Black POTUS and promised them he’d “take our country back” and make America White again.
Nov 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Reality is the predominantly rural & suburban White Texans who keep electing Republicans aren’t actually winning anything but the freedom to die of Whiteness without interference from a functional social safety net. Their electoral “victory” ultimately amounts to self-sabotage. Image They’re gonna keep killing themselves with guns, drugs/alcohol & science denial and the folk they just elected will keep not giving a fuck. Their kids will remain uneducated, unmotivated & uncompetitive and the wages of Whiteness won’t be enough to sustain them or turn the tide.
Oct 10, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
FYI the reason why the usual suspects are so busy trying to stir up shit betwixt and against Black & Jewish ppl is b/c we’re the 1st & 2nd most reliable Democratic voting blocs & the midterm election’s quickly approaching. Intersectionality is OUR POWER.… Matter of fact, it was this same intersectionality & solidarity in the fight for civil rights (and against White supremacy) that fueled passage of the CRA in the aftermath of the “Mississippi Burning” murders of 1964. It’s a bond solidified by trauma.…
Aug 9, 2022 10 tweets 7 min read
Don’t be surprised or deterred by the fact that Republicans would rather double down on paranoid, persecutory delusions than face their own culpability in Trump’s criminality. Their entire platform is rooted in feigned victimhood, evasion of consequences and blatant lies. Image The GOP’s had ample opportunity to throw Trump under the bus yet they refuse to do it b/c 1) they’re all partners in crime who are covering each other’s asses and 2) their base is too propagandized and rabid to back away from the ledge. Faced with facts, they retreat to fantasy. Image
Jul 30, 2022 12 tweets 8 min read
Translation: despite the urgency of beating back GOP fascism/treason, a lot of White Independents & “moderates” would STILL rather pine away for an imaginary coalition they don’t have the numbers to build than join a *multicultural* coalition that successfully elects Democrats. Ever notice how they wait til the last 3-9 months before an election to decide they’re suddenly so dissatisfied with the menu options that they’d risk an alternative path that’ll most assuredly result in further dystopian bullshit at the hands of the GOP/White voting majority? 🧐