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Back on Twitter after “Permanent Suspension” of 803 days. In #TwitterFiles16, Hosts of MG Show: @intheMatrixxx / @shadygrooove M-F 12:05 East
Rhonda Profile picture President-elect Lynardo ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Profile picture ❌BigMamaTEA❌ Profile picture Louis C. Peach 🕳️🐇 Profile picture Postcards of the Hanging(s) Profile picture 36 subscribed
Jul 19 7 tweets 2 min read
WATCH: Just after President Trump’s speech at the RNC Convention, Opera Singer, Christopher Macchio, Sings "Nessun Dorma".

Nessun Dorma is played at the end of the film “The Sum of All Fears”, where ALL Traitors & Deep State Actors were executed.

The Sum of All Fears is mentioned 9 times in the Drops. Coincidence? Here are the Sum of All Fears drops. Pause to read.
Jul 18 31 tweets 15 min read
THREAD: This will be a thread going over post 4014 from top to bottom. I came across something and shared it with @shadygrooove, @Pouissant17 and others and you are not going to believe what we found.

“How do you harm opponents accomplishments re: economy, unemployment, ……………….?”

“How do you accomplish all of the above?”Image Here is the post in full before we dig in.

Why are they pushing back the [D] convention?
COVID-19 concern or strategic for last minute change?
Change of Batter coming?
Why was she 'saved' from officially announcing?
Why was she 'reserved' for a last minute change?
How do you attempt to 'sneak one in'?
How do you attempt to ensure victory?
Adopt National Vote-by-Mail?
How do you convince American it was legitimate?
Release fake polls indicating favorable leads in swing states?
How do you harm opponents accomplishments re: economy, unemployment, ……………….?
How do you terminate opponents highly effective rallies?
How do you shelter [D] lead candidate from embarrassing debates and/or rallies?
How do you shelter [D] corruption re: FISA-RUSSIA-FLYNN-etc. from reaching the mainstream?
How do you extend the trade negotiation deadline w/ CHINA?
How do you limit [test] Constitutional rights of people?
How do you provide cover for State Govs to adopt new voter laws?
How do you effectively control the population?
How do you expand big tech overreach re: tracing / privacy issues?
How do you fix [taxpayer bailout?] the long-broken economies of CA & NY?
How do you enrich select people/co's by promoting a solution to a global crisis?
How do you keep people living in fear and isolation in order to accept the above?
Define 'insurgency'.
How do you accomplish all of the above?Image
Jul 16 14 tweets 4 min read
The first shot hit two bystanders, and the railing?

Two points make a line. Three points, confirms it. Do we know know where that shot came from?
@SecretService @FBI @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump Witnesses claimed that they saw somebody up in the water tower, they also said someone was shot in the water tower?

What is going on here?
Jul 13 21 tweets 9 min read
Remember when Anons were asked if “Autists need Red Bull?”

Well it leads to Susan Rice and Flynn during Obama’s former national security adviser Susan Rice took a stage in mid-January with President Donald Trump’s incoming successor, Michael Flynn. Rather than pass a baton to Flynn, she said, she should “give him a case of Red Bull.”

Flynn goes on to be fired in 23 Days. Was Flynn Sabotaged or knowingly participating?…Image
Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.

Hope not.
Might as well go sit in the CIA.
Russia grounding our military planes in Syria.
Military aircraft crashing in US.
Autists need Red Bull?
Jun 29 17 tweets 7 min read
I have a question for @Trideum. I am being harassed by one of your Executives (Ken G) calling me inappropriate names and harassing many people other than myself.

He is on X all the time and this could possibly be harming his job performance.

Does this behavior coincide with TRIDEUM’s ethics and employee contract?Image .@Trideum looks like your executive is feeling the heat. He and you will be hearing from us. Image
Jun 22 11 tweets 4 min read
Bill Maher, the highly overrated “Star” of the ratings challenged show with the Fake, Loud and Obnoxious laughter pouring out of your set every few seconds, even when nothing was said that was funny (which is most of the time!), suffers from a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, sometimes referred to as TDS. Republicans should stop using him as a reference point, his show is dead!Image 1843
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/11/2018 13:15:19 ID: 8chan/patriotsfight: 140

Do you remember their names?
We do.
Do you really believe you are still safe?
The World is WATCHING
Jun 15 25 tweets 10 min read
June 18 2013 - Michael Hastings dies in a mysterious car accident after emailing Joe Biggs, Flynn family friend who later became leader of the Proud Boys and was just charged with Seditious Conspiracy for the insurrection.

Was Joe Biggs “really” Michael Hastings “friend”? Joe Flynn Replying to @hifilofipod and @GenFlynn referring to Michael Hastings.

“Michael H had some problems with his car that night .... Too bad ... so
sad” Image
Jun 13 9 tweets 6 min read
Eugenics and Planned Parenthood – Margaret Sanger

Learn history: The term eugenics is basically a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population, historically by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior and promoting those judged to be superior. But the Germans did not invent eugenics. In fact, they were inspired by the founder of the taxpayer funded Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger. The truth behind the genesis of that organization and its founder are much darker than most Americans realize. #PlannedParenthood Anon asks: Then we need to dig Planned Parenthood. Whatever they're doing to babies/fetal tissue might be more sinister than ever imagined!

Review the Congressional investigation on PP.
Be prepared for what you learn.
Next question - how are they allowed to operate?
These people are SICK!Image
Jun 9 5 tweets 2 min read
When did the public first learn re: FISA warrants re: +3 [non Page]?
If FISA warrants deemed to be illegal [ALL SURV LEAPFROG HOPS] what happens to MUELLER's case(s)?
How do you invalidate a claim?
Conspiracy to commit….
Rubber bullets sting but do not last.

Why did Flynn take the bullet?
Rubber bullet?Image
RUBBER BULLET?: Justice Department drops criminal case against Michael Flynn

Under Biden’s Administration.…
Jun 7 8 tweets 3 min read
Is the “convicted felon” about to get un-convicted? #Trump2024

The Jurors Cousin. Image
May 6 5 tweets 1 min read
DJT posts this on his Truth Social “Is Donald Trump's VP pick on this stage?” Image United we stand. Image
May 4 6 tweets 2 min read

Col. Earl Matthews says Army leaders stripped Trump of authority on January 6
Claims they plotted to balk orders to deploy the National Guard to the Capitol

NG whistleblower: Trump was 'divested' as Commander-in-Chief on Jan. 6

NG whistleblower: Trump was 'divested' as Commander-in-Chief on Jan. What say you @GenFlynn and Chuck?
May 4 12 tweets 7 min read
Alex Jones is at it again… drooling over as·sas·si·na·tion.

There will be no civil war.
Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative.

All assets [F + D] being deployed.
[Some] who once supported POTUS [sleepers] have/will turn [puppets & puppet masters].
Control of narrative = control of public opinion
Control of public opinion = power
INFORMATION WARFARE. What did Q say about AJ? (Thread)

Actors will act.
We target NBC.
NBC targets Q.
We are in control. Image
Apr 19 7 tweets 2 min read


Here is the alleged sub stack of Max Azzarello who set himself on fire. Pause to read.

Apr 15 5 tweets 2 min read
This looks like a Q+ post. 😳

THIS IS A WITCH HUNT. Image 4/15/24 Trump posts this on Truth Social at 11:55am

4/15/18 Q1155
Focus should also be on Supreme Court promise.
Only dropped here.
POTUS validating drops via Twitter per plan/timing.
Future proves past.
Comms understood?

Apr 12 4 tweets 1 min read
President Trump and @SpeakerJohnson presser at Mar-A-Lago. Trump takes questions. This is what a Real President looks like.
Mar 17 7 tweets 2 min read
Part 1 : President Donald J Trump MediaBuzz Interview Part 2 : President Donald J Trump MediaBuzz Interview
Mar 9 8 tweets 3 min read
“Robert DeNiro has a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Such a stupid sounding guy, a low IQ individual!”— Donald J. Trump

Robert DeNiro has a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Such a stupid sounding guy, a low IQ individual! Image
Mar 4 5 tweets 2 min read
Funny how [they] say we dox people when it exactly the opposite.

Just last week @PoohCozy doxed my daughter and posted a pic of her at age 15.

Image Here is my convo with Breb [@PoohCozy] about the doxing of my daughter… he pretended to be buddies and then turned on us.
Mar 2 34 tweets 15 min read
DARK MONEY: Nonprofit headed by former @GenFlynn spends large sums on Flynn family, promoting election-related issues. Yet nothing ever gets done?

Here @JosephJFlynn1 admits that the America Project with Patrick Byrne was modeled after Arabella Advisors which connects to America’s Future and more.

Q said “Keep digging Anon. They all have foundations & institutes for a reason. Stupid!”

Interview with Joe Flynn was approx 2 years ago. Since being taken over by the Flynn’s , one of the country’s oldest conservative nonprofit groups has been bleeding cash, while paying its leaders hefty sums, an Issue One review of federal tax filings reveals.

In April 2021, America’s Future — a nonprofit founded in 1946 and previously led by high-profile operators such as Phyllis Schlafly and retired Maj. Gen. John Singlaub, founding member of the CIA— named retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as the chairman of its board of directors.Image
Mar 1 9 tweets 3 min read
QUESTION: What if Lin Wood is @DenyTheMark2020?

Below is the message from “The Parousia” after we asked him to come on our show and they declined.

Read his comment sent in DM with Breb that Breb sent to me.

“We cannot go onto their show. We will always respond to genuine inquiries. We are working on something that will help but the timing must be right. It is The Word they cannot discuss outside of their very limited, controlled narrative. This is extremely dangerous, and you should know by now, it's very real and deeply connected.

We have followed them for quite some time. We know. Let their entire audience dig and verify what has been shared as The Breb Room has done. Is it all connecting, or nothing important?

Anyone believing the entire Agenda can be stopped and resolved through courts and elections does not understand what is at stake or how deep this goes. Racine is the answer. The world cannot chase ghosts. They must pinpoint. This is David versus Goliath. Only together, with Jesus Christ is the Root exposed, Agenda revealed and the Mark of the Beast denied.”Image .