Brian Krassenstein Profile picture
AI, Technology, Crypto, Web3, Political commentary - @KrassenCast - Follow My Brother: @EdKrassen.
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Sep 19 6 tweets 5 min read
The Russian Engine of Disinformation EXPOSED:

What I am about to tell you with 47 days until the election is incredibly important for EVERYONE who cares about America to understand.

Please share this thread because it won’t get amplified as much as the Foreign lies do:

The Russian government plays a central role in funding and orchestrating these disinformation campaigns.

They don’t act alone, though. One of the main players in this effort is an agency called the Social Design Agency, or SBA. It’s one of several Russian-backed organizations that specialize in creating and distributing propaganda that serves Russian geopolitical interests. How does it all work?

Now, the way this machine works is fascinating—and deeply troubling. Let’s take state-run media outlets like Russia Today, or RT, for example. These outlets are technically news organizations, but make no mistake: their real purpose is to serve as a vehicle for Russia’s disinformation.

What RT does is fund and promote individuals who already have influence—both inside and outside of the United States. Here’s the kicker: most of these Americans don’t even realize they’re part of this scheme. They unknowingly amplify the exact messages Russia wants them to. Why? Because these messages align with their existing beliefs, their political leanings, or the narratives they want to push.”Image
Aug 23 5 tweets 2 min read
Now That the Democratic National Convention has concluded and RFK Jr. is out of the race, who will you vote for? After the first 1,000 votes, Harris is up 76% to 23% Image
Jul 9 4 tweets 4 min read
Since Trump’s name has appeared in Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs 69 times, I thought that I’d post a thread with ALL VERIFIED IMAGES of Trump and Epstein or Maxwell.

I have personally verified that all these images are real. Feel free to reshare and fact check me.

It’s important that America sees these.Image
More images:

Dec 12, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
So now that the two of us are back on Twitter, we'd like to bring up a few VERY IMPORTANT lessons we've learned since being banned.

(Please read the entire thread before responding). While we were gone, there was a lot of misinformation spread about us that we were unable to really punch back at until now. There will be a time and place where we will do this in more detail.
Dec 11, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING: The 3-year plot by me and @edkrassen to artificially boost Tesla's stock price in order to make @elonmusk wealthy and bored enough to buy Twitter and unban us has finally worked!

(Please read thread below) It all started the day after @edkrassen and I were banned, May 24th, 2019. We knew that after Dorsey's meeting with Trump at the White House, days prior to our ban, that he was compromised. Therefore if we ever wanted our Twitter accounts back, we would need a spectacular plan.