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One of your most crucial relationships is the one you have with money. #MoneyTalkWithL #7amthoughts 🫖
Jan 3, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Want to invest in stocks?

Just like any other profession, there is a learning curve involved here too. No easy money. The stock market looks sexy from the outside, but is brutal.

@nareshbahrain shares insights:

Identify yourself: Trader, gambler, investor or crowdsourcer?

Traders have rules to protect capital. In gambling, the house has rules to protect itself. Investors have various strategies. Tips & Hope are not strategies.

2/ @nareshbahrain
Nov 3, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Extinction is the norm, Survival is the exception.

Nature is not cruel, only pitilessly indifferent
- Richard Dawkins.

Capitalism is not cruel, only pitilessly indifferent
- Sanjay Bakshi

@Sanjay__Bakshi at #MICIN draws parallels between evolutionary biology & investing. Black Swan Events will occur & catch us by surprise. When they do, Capitalism shall be pitilessly indifferent.

-ve: Death. Destruction. Extinction.

+ve: New players. Adaptation. Cost cutting. If we resist this or fight it, we risk going extinct.

@Sanjay__Bakshi at #MICIN
Nov 3, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Rupal Bhansali says it so well.

Rules of investing are not just different, they are asymmetric.

In investing, it is not enough to be correct. If there is a consensus there is no payoff.

So not only must you be right, you must also prove everyone else wrong.

#MICIN So you score no points if you are correct, and the consensus is with you. But you also score negative points if you are incorrect.

Those penalty points are the albatross of investment capital. Which means, you can lose a lot of money if you get things wrong.

#MICIN Image