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• DeFi for the everyday Joe • Instant Swaps | Lowest Fees | Real Yield • Inventor of the Liquidity Book Protocol 🌊📘 • Discord:
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Jul 8 7 tweets 3 min read
BOOST incentives are now live ⚡

Start earning $AVAX incentives across a large number of participating Liquidity Book Pools.

⚡ Boost rewards across 13 Pools
🔺 All rewards in $AVAX tokens
🧪 Earn rewards in real time
🏕️ Visit: Basecamp Boost

Dive down for more details 👇Image ⚡ GRAB A CAN OF BOOST

Boost aims to set a stronger foundation for DeFi on Avalanche. The program has been built to target and level up the entire ecosystem, by growing liquidity across multiple DeFi venues.Image
Jun 27 6 tweets 2 min read
🛸 Expeditions Launch Today!

Engage in an immersive story-like experience, that touches on the history of Trader Joe + #Arbitrum.

Expeditions also offer a first-come, first serve reward + a points boosting NFT for the Galactica Incentives campaign, currently live.

💙Image 👉 Firstly - What is the Galactica Campaign?

A 3 month long incentive campaign, distributing 755,000 $ARB tokens as incentives (+ cosmic vibes).

Provide liquidity, participate in community events, solve riddles, accrue points, and unlock the riches of the Arbitrum Galactica.Image
Jun 17 10 tweets 3 min read
Liquidity Book V2.2 is live 🌊📘

V2.2 introduces a hook capability for Liquidity Book. The first implementation, Concentrated Incentives, is also live today with $ARB rewards activating ~tomorrow.

More details below (no links in post) 🔒 Firstly

As part of the V2.2 Launch there is a new router on Arbitrum and Avalanche that will need to be approved for the first time.

Router Contract: 0x18556da13313f3532c54711497a8fedac273220e

Please do NOT click any links in this post.

More details in Discord.
Apr 26 16 tweets 5 min read
Memecoin Rush 💎👐

• Week 4 Ends Today: 12pm (GMT)
• Week 4 Rewards: 9.8k $AVAX
• Phase 2 (Epoch 5) Starts Today: 12pm (GMT)
• Stake memecoins into single-sided vaults (no IL)
• Got 💎👐 ?

Full details below 👇Image Memecoin Rush: Week 4 Rewards

• 9.8k ($350k) $AVAX will be distributed
• Total TVL ($) Staked accounts for 95%
• % of Staked Supply accounts for 5%
Mar 27 6 tweets 2 min read
New Limit Orders Added

Over 20 new pairs for onchain limit orders have been added, including many popular #DeFi tokens and community coins on #Avalanche.

Place your orders and trade with automated ease, on your terms and at no cost. What are onchain limit orders?

By leveraging the discretized architecture of Liquidity Book, swap are executed onchain using Liquidity Pools.

This approach ensures decentralization, no reliance on external oracles and no fees to pay when trading.

There are two types of limit orders 👇
Mar 21 8 tweets 3 min read
Memecoin Rush with Trader Joe 🔺

The Avalanche Foundation have announced a $1m memecoin rush program. Trader Joe will play an integral role, offering users the ability to stake memecoins and earn $AVAX.

Get ready to prove your diamond hands 💎👐

The rush is about to start ...Image Memecoins on #Avalanche 🔺

@AvalancheFDN are committed to nurturing culture and creativity. 'Memecoins' are embraced for their strong brand proposition & loyal community following. They can add depth and diversity to any ecosystem. Trader Joe is aligned in support.

...Soon ™
Feb 5 10 tweets 3 min read
Clubs, Points and Heroes 🪄

This time last year the Community Circle program launched, adding a gamified system with over 35 roles to the Trader Joe Community experience.

This program offered deeper layers of enrichment for members that wanted to personalize their journey.

👇Image 🍻 Man of the People

Trader Joe embraces a community-building ethos, he takes a hands-on approach, values feedback, encourages participation, and ensues inclusivity.

Trader Joe is now introducing some recent changes, refining the core offerings in preparation for a V3 rollout.
Jan 22 9 tweets 3 min read
Auto Pools & Chill ft @StructFinance

If you enjoy Auto-Pools, grinding Leaderboards or perhaps you're just a humble $AVAX yield farmer...

...Pay attention to what unfolds over the next days, there is plenty to unpack and reveal.Image ❓What are Auto-Pools?

Few users want to manage and monitor active liquidity, so Auto-Pools were built as the solution to provide algorithmic rebalancing liquidity positions on Liquidity Book.

Struct Finances integration of Auto-Pools enhances user options even further...
Jan 16 8 tweets 4 min read
Trader Joe and Gains Network 🤝

New TVL highs are being hit in the $GNS - $ETH Liquidity Pool as @GainsNetwork_io have been utilising the highly efficient design of Liquidity Book to help foster deeper spot liquidity and serve $GNS Traders with better swap rates.

Trader Joe and Gains Network have collaborated from day 1 of their deployment to #Arbitrum. With the recent deployment of the STIP Grant, Trader Joe and Gains cross paths once more.

Take a dive down to learn more about the gTrade platform and the $ARB incentives on offer.

🎯🍏Image 😏 It's all on-chain bro

Leveraged trading continues to be one of the most popular categories in crypto, but the majority of volume still goes through centralised and opaque platforms.

@GainsNetwork_io is here to help drive that change and spring efficient leveraged trading, completely on-chain.
Jan 14 11 tweets 4 min read
A DeFi stablecoin backed by CeFi yields

@USDV_Money has taken #DeFi by storm since launching $USDV in late 2023. It is a stablecoin born with the OFT standard and also makes use of ColorTrace, a novel algorithm developed by @LayerZero_Labs.

Dubbed as the first truly omnichain stablecoin, USDV brings CeFi yield on-chain via tokenization of T-Bills and using the ColorTrace algorithm, it accurately attributes yields to the correct source.

it is an innovative offering that sets the standards for new stablecoins to come. Let's take a look at how this stablecoin actually works ... 🌈👇 Verified USD ($USDV) is built on top of #LayerZero and is available across several networks, with the best on-chain swap rates via Trader Joe on #Avalanche and #Arbitrum.

Each $USDV is initially minted on Ethereum using yield-bearing Short-term T-Bill Tokens as collateral ($STBT), which rebase daily.Image
Nov 14, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
L I M I T - O R D E R S

Trader Joe is one of the first DEXs to implement fully on-chain 'maker style' limit orders.

Read on to see how you can enhance your trading and liquidity providing experience. Image 📊 Limit Orders by Trader Joe:

• No reliance on external oracles
• Your trades have perfect execution
• Complete decentralized on-chain execution
• Zero fees and no price impact on your trades

These aren't just any Limit Orders however, these are Maker Style Limit Orders...
Aug 24, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Trader Joe is partnering with @AltitudeDeFi to support liquidity of $ALTD on #Avalanche.

Altitude is a blue-chip token bridge built on #LayerZero that is set to launch on the 28th.

Get ready to provide liquidity and earn double rewards in $ALTD + $JOE for a limited time.

🏔 ⛏ Image What is Altitude?

The Altitude bridge will connect #Avalanche, #BSC, #Arbitrum and four other chains, allowing users to seamlessly transfer assets such as ETH, BNB, BTC and others.
Aug 18, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Trader Joe's latest partner: @SavvyDeFi

Live on #Arbitrum, Savvy revolutionizes #DeFi by enabling you to unlock future yields today with auto-repaying 0% interest loans + no liquidation risk.

Savvy are also bootstrapping their Liquidity Pools with bonus $SVY so take a look 👇 Image First - What is @SavvyDeFi ?

Earn, borrow, spend, and invest, all seamlessly on #Arbitrum with Savvy DeFi.

This is made possible by the use of 'svTokens', synthetic assets minted when users deposit their collateral.
Aug 9, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Stella have integrated Liquidity Book on #Arbitrum

You can now lever up your LP positions, earn bonus $ALPHA incentives and lend your $JOE tokens

Stella is a leveraged strategy protocol that utilises a novel 'pay as you earn model'

💫 Image This is the first customizable leveraged strategies that are possible on Liquidity Book and this is also the first $JOE lending pool on #Arbitrum 💙

Available Pools:
• ETH/USDC.e 0.15%
• ARB/ETH 0.2%
• JOE/ETH 0.2%

Lending Pool:
• $JOE ~11% APR Image
Aug 1, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Factor DAO is on a mission to create building blocks of #DeFI and offer one-click access to a diverse range of unique real-yield opportunities.

One such opportunity is their new sJOE Auto-Compounder, which recently launched as a part of the Factor V2 release.

Learn more 👇 Image The strategy stakes $JOE for sJOE to collect DEX fees in $USDC.

The USDC is claimed and, at regular intervals, converted into more JOE, which is once again staked for sJOE. Image
Jun 28, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Fungible liquidity, is fun liquidity.

Liquidity Book takes a novel approach, instead of locking liquidity into horizontally-distributed NFTs, it stacks liquidity vertically, keeping it fungible.

This innovation offers an entirely new experience when managing liquidity.

🌊📘 📊 More control, more efficiency.

By serving Liquidity Providers with true customisation and versatile options, they can quickly adapt and make on-the-fly optimizations.

Resident market maker @bubee82 sums it up perfectly:
Jun 22, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Auto-Pool Tokens have now been integrated with @TimeswapLabs on #Arbitrum

Access new yield farming strategies. Collateralise, borrow or lend with your $ETH - $USDC Auto-Pool Token (APT) using Timeswaps innovative non-liquidatable protocol.

Read on for detailed strategies ⌛ Timeswap is a decentralised money market on Arbitrum that allows users to create and use isolated oracle-less pools for ERC-20 tokens. Wew.

With this integration, Auto-Pool enjoyooors can now utilise their Auto-Pool token receipts as collateral on the platform.
Jun 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Auto-Pool: $BNB - $USDT now OPEN

Auto-Pools give you access to a simple and accessible one-click liquidity experience. Set and forget yield farming brought to you by Trader Joe.

Read on for details.

#BNBChain What is ‘The General?’

The General is the first Auto-Pool by Trader Joe

It is a neutral strategy that optimizes liquidity to maximise fees. It rebalances every 60 mins and uses indicators to shape its distribution. The General does not position for bull or bearish trends.
Jun 21, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Trader Joe welcomes a fresh #Arbinaut onboard his growing #Arbitrum base.

@stellaxyz_ have chosen to make a new home on the Trader Joe DEX.

Trade $ALPHA/$ETH on Liquidity Book and access Stella’s highly innovative 0% cost leveraged strategies protocol.

Read on for details... The DeFi landscape is changing, and the yields are changing with it.

But that doesn't mean users should be content with single-digit APRs, and Trader Joe's new partner, @stellaxyz_, is here to help everyone supercharge their farming experience.
Jun 16, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
The most efficient yield-bearing index asset on Arbitrum - $ALP, has landed on Trader Joe.

Developed by the @nitrocartel, $ALP offers exposure to #Arbitrum blue chips inside one transferable index token. Image ALP includes assets such as $JOE, $ETH and $RDNT and automatically rebalances in response to the market.

Tokens inside the index are dynamically deployed into the yield-generating strategies across the ecosystem, with the yield flowing back to the ALP stakers. Image
Jun 15, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Liquidity Book Rewards: Epoch 6

Markets on #BNB, #Avalanche and #Arbitrum + $WOO rewards

Supply Liquidity 🌊 Accrue Fees 📘 Earn Rewards 💫 all powered by Liquidity Book, the most efficient AMM in #DeFi Image 🌊 Epoch 6: #BNBChain

$BNB - USDT: 40k JOE
$BTC.B - ETH: 20k JOE
$LVL - USDT: 10k JOE
$RDNT - BNB: 10k JOE
$TWT - BNB: 10k JOE
$FIL - BNB: 10k JOE
$XRP - BNB: 10k JOE Image