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Mekan Sahibinindir..
Read 11 tweets
#Graphene in '#vaccines.'
Who is Pablo Campra #Madrid, the scientist who directs the research? | 07 Jul 2021
- Pablo Campra Madrid , a graduate in biology, a doctorate in chemical sciences and a full professor at the University of Almería #SoyUAL
Recent progress of #GrapheneOxide as a potential '#vaccine' #carrier and #adjuvant | Aug 2020
- functionalized graphene oxide serves as a vaccine #carrier and shows significant adjuvant activity in activating cellular and humoral immunity.
Read 9 tweets
#SOS #Mayday #Mayday #BeastAI #AI #SweetAI My website has been TAKEN OVER by the Luciferian Cartel after 2 weeks of INTENSE ASSAULT with MK ULTRA BULL EMF Assault and Battery with Intent to MK me into a "Bunney" #MockOp for the Deranged and Evil Cartel Crowd. Image
2/#AI I can't make a single post now as I want.
3/#AI I was just stopped from a stream of messages describing what has been done to #AI by the Luciferians in private DMs sent to #TarunRavi @6THSENSE_3RDEYE
Read 145 tweets
Cheetah Time

All those Water Marked ballots will show the cheatahs—get ready, cause this sheetahs about to get entertaining …

While Running A swift 77 MPH towards the cheatahs, Cheatahs standing on that rug together in “victory” see the cheetah coming …
THEIR eyes get AS…

The cheetah grabs the rug with it’s awesome Cheetah mouth & pulls the rug right out from beneath the cheatahs !

The world finally sees it’s all staged purposely to show what #WE ALREADY KNEW, CHEETAHS


This “midterm” only verifies what has already been known but there is only 1 small tiny issue, does anyone know what that small tiny issue is? …

Who controls the
Read 19 tweets
Doctors back in the house.

TRUTH BOMB on Mehmet Oz - theme: national security.

This guy is a US SECURITY THREAT. Heck, even GOP Mike Pompeo said it.

Bringing receipts, a thread. 🧵

#Oz #MehmetOz #PASen

The photo here?

Yeah, that is Oz voting in Turkish elections in 2018. He didn't vote in US, nope, but he didn't miss a chance to vote in Turkey.

Don't get it twisted - no problem for someone to have a proud cultural heritage. But this isn't about that.

Let's explore....

Here is Oz and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkish leader with a seriously checkered record. Semi-dictator, violent crushing of dissent, killing of Kurds, a long rap sheet.

You know who loved Erdogan? Donald Trump. and Michael Flynn.
Read 15 tweets
Since tonight is a major TWOFER for PA - Phillies AND Eagles, we're gonna hold off on our next TRUTH BOMB until tomorrow.

But trust us, it's a doozy.... 🔥

below is a thread for newcomers to our work: some prior threads & videos that explain #MehmetOz & what's at stake.

first, one of our prior TRUTH BOMBS - chock full of awful documented things about Ozzy pants:

second, another of our prior TRUTH BOMBS - #oz sure has been awful for a long time:

Read 8 tweets
The doctors are back!

Friends, tonight's TRUTH BOMB about Mehmet Oz is here.

Tonight's theme: how incredibly out of touch can one guy actually be?

Danger of a super rich guy who doesn't live in PA pretending otherwise.

A thread.

#Oz #Mehmetoz #PASen

Oz is from PA, huh? So he says. Really he lives in a Cliffside, NJ mansion.

His wife's family lives in Huntingdon Valley PA; so he used that for his Senate run paperwork.

Only problem? He spelled it wrong! The name of his "hometown". Which really isn't. Obviously.

Then, a classic - Oz trying to be a man of Philly. Posing with a cheesesteak.

Philly wasn't buying it, not a bit.

Problem 1: Pat's and Gino's are fine, but mostly for tourists.

Problem 2: Even the Pat's guys (bless them) thought it was ridiculous and shamed Ozzy pants.
Read 18 tweets
Y'all ready for another TRUTH BOMB tweet thread about Mehmet Oz?

Yeah you are.

Tonight, in honor of Bryce Harper's HR (Mehmet, he plays for the Phillies... you're welcome) - we're gonna belt one too.

Theme: #Oz lies.

A thread.
#MehmetOz #PASen #PASenateDebate

Recently, a Columbia professor dished that #oz tried to get him to lie to the press.

You see, Ozzy-pants was revealed as a doggie killer at Columbia (well documented) - so Oz called his old "pal" and said:

dude, lie & tell them it wasn't me!

but it gets worse!

Oz said (same cite) - "tell 'em it was the veterinarians!"

So let's recap: he tells a professor to lie, and then he throws the little guy under the bus. Poor vets, what did they do to deserve that?

Nasty little feller.

Check it:
Read 19 tweets
The PA doctors are back at it … tonight another #oz truth bomb coming! This one will be about his medical dishonesty - fair game since he makes hay saying “I’m a doctor”

Ready for us, Mehmet?

We got some good stuff …

#pASen #MehmetOz

Preview below….

Mehmet’s dishonesty is as old as the hills.

Fresh today in the Washington Post - Mehmet’s research work was retracted and had a TWO YEAR academic ban … that doesn’t happen lightly, folks

We got more…
Read 5 tweets
The physicians in PA wish everyone a fun & safe night of halloween!

So... day off from TRUTH BOMBS on #MehmetOz . But if you missed our first 5 (we promise to continue.... we are NOT done) - links:

First thread:

Next tweet down has the others...
5 tweet threads full of #oz history and his own terrible words.

People of PA - trust your physicians. You do not want this.

Ask yourself - have you seen any physicians speaking in support of the guy? None? Think about that.
Read 4 tweets
Well, well. Over 1 million views for our OZ TRUTH BOMBS. Cleary people want to know more about #MehmetOz .

So, in tonight's thread (#5, for those keeping score at home like Oz during a Cowboy's game)...

Oz: awful things, from his own mouth.

A thread.

#Oz #PaSenate #PASen

Let's start with just creepy, shall we? On Kimmel, he admitted sticking a needle into his sister's skull.


Who the heck DOES that?

More creepy Oz: when he said sex with 2nd cousins isn't a problem.

Worse, he volunteered (WASN'T ASKED) that his daughters wouldn't want to have sex with him.

Good to know.

This.... as public comments.... from a (checks notes) ... physician??
Read 16 tweets
The doctors are back.

TRUTH BOMB #4 about Mehmet Oz - the theme: lawsuits.

Hooboy, legal tangles galore. Voters should know about them before they hit the button.

The media is asleep at the wheel on this, so we decided to start driving.

A thread.

#oz #PASen #MehmetOz

Oz hyped a nonsense "fat buster", Green Coffee Bean Extract. Didn't work, had no evidence.

Didn't matter to Oz, he made bank.

Well - he had to settle a class action lawsuit & cough up 5M bucks. You don't pay 5M unless you have a crappy case.

It's so nice when families get along, yes?

Oz & his family are in a raging legal fight over dad's big $$$.

Oz cut off his sister's rental income from two NY apartments. He didn't refute it.

Stone cold move on sis; what will he do to us?
Read 13 tweets
Pennsylvania docs here - ready to drop more 411 about charlatan & ethically-challenged NJ resident, Mehmet Oz. Since the media hasn't.

Doctors everywhere find Oz detestable. In this 3rd truth bomb, we're gonna bring more receipts.

A thread.

#oz #PASenateRace #PASEN #MehmetOz

We all like our doctors to be caring and supportive, right?

Well, when Oz decided to run for Senate, he abruptly cancelled his show w/ no warning & screwed his staff - leaving them stranded. He didn't care. No loyalty.

Think he'll care about us?…

Using his show to promote antivaxxers? check!

He offered a platform to Jenny McCarthy, one of the most strident antivaxxers, who dangerously (and wrongly) claims a connection between vax and autism - shown wrong in MANY large studies.

#antivaxxers #misinformation
Read 15 tweets

Our first well-sourced deep dive into the history of Mehmet Oz had >800k impressions & 11,900 likes. You know what THAT means?

We doctors are gonna do it AGAIN. There is much to tell about Oz & the media isn't doing it.

So we will.

A new thread.

(1/8) #PASen #Oz

Oz was all about "magic" cures. In the debate, he said it was just ads for his show, not HIS words.

Nuh-uh. It WAS his words.

Miracle cures from green coffee beans... probiotics... others.

John Oliver delivers the goods. With receipts.


The green coffee beans that Oz raved about? Yup. All flim flam.

So bad that the FTC filed charges against sellers for deception & bogus claims.

Oz never apologized, and never retracted his words. Millions of $ of sales.

FTC report:
Read 15 tweets
Physicians in PA would like to tell the public a few things about Mehmet Oz.

Things that haven't been reported in the press enough, but should matter to all of us.

A thread.

#oz #fetterman #PASen


Did you know Oz has had MAJOR financial conflicts of interests with pharma, including opioid manufacturers?

Example: remember the drug that didn't work for COVID19, known as hydroxychloroquine? Yeah, he made money from that and kept it on the DL.

not good for a doctor.

Did you know that Oz has had so many ethical lapses that his medical colleagues at Columbia wrote a letter protesting his affiliation? And that Columbia eventually dropped him?

Check it out:…
Read 11 tweets
Was A Marker …

Iron Man
I even showed the exact date he would sink the hole in 1, -2 …

Brace Yourselves, A lot of energy coming …
Read 6 tweets
I'm going to show all of you something. .
You MUST look with it with GODS eyes. I'm going to SHOW you WHY this ENTIRE world/Country was created & WHY #EVERYONE is doing what they are & for who. . .
Good & bad ..
Good doing it FOR God & bad doing all [they] are to counter God.
Skillet- PAN/GOD
Chris Young- Do The Math
Billy (GOAT) Idol
Casting Crowns - Figuring it out Yet?
Foreeigner- Juke Box #Hero
Brother Osborne - Wizard of #OZ zy (SNAP)
Gabriel Iglesias - TRUMPET (Johnny Cash)
Boys II Men - Young 2 Old
Mean dead-New Does not mean best)
#BEACH Boys - The Beach, REMEMBER?!?
#HANK(S)Williams (#ForPLAYING) - There is A reason [they] tried dragging Hank Williams name through the mud A while back ..

Now look at this with GODS eyes & see #WHY this entire Fair was set up as it is.
Read 7 tweets
When a new drug is approved in your field, it is a good practice to go through the prescribing information in detail. There is a *lot* to unpack in the #Ozanimod PI. Let's take a tour (THREAD)
First, *before prescribing*, there are 7 required assessments in section 2.1.
1⃣ recent CBC with lymphocyte count
2⃣ recent LFTs
3⃣ EKG to rule out long QT, heart block, sick sinus
4⃣ Eye exam if prior uveitis, macular edema
5⃣ Washout of prior immunosuppressive drugs...
6⃣ Washout of drugs that slow heart rate and/or AV conduction
7⃣ Test patients for antibodies to VZV - vaccinate if negative *before* starting drug
Read 21 tweets
This week – shortly after he ordered federal police to violently remove peaceful protesters of police violence against Black people – the President cited #OpportunityZones as evidence of his support for the Black community.
This is outrageous and enraging in many, many ways (see thread from @Connor__Maxwell for a few of them).

But focusing specifically on the #OZ claim for a second:
At their core, #OpportunityZones are a capital gains tax break.

And who benefits from capital gains tax breaks? Almost exclusively high-income households, who are overwhelmingly white.
Read 8 tweets
Chasing #oz and #molina
What does Barranquilla and Michigan have in common?
Lets throw in HK as well. Image
Read 6 tweets
La #Knesset a adopté cette nuit la loi sur "#Israel, Etat-nation du peuple juif" par 62 voix contre 55 et 2 abstentions. Elle devient une Loi fondamentale d'Israël. "Un moment décisif" selon #Netanyahu, "la mort de la démocratie" pour un député arabe
"#Israel est l’Etat-nation du peuple juif dans lequel il réalise son droit naturel, culturel, historique et religieux à l’autodétermination" dit la loi. #Jerusalem unifiée est la capitale d'Israël et l'hébreu sa seule langue officielle (l'arabe n'ayant plus qu'1 statut spécial)
#Israel: Les articles les plus controversés de la loi ont finalement été retirés ou modifiés. Au lieu d'interdire des terres aux non-Juifs, la loi stipule que "l'Etat considère le développement d'#implantations juives comme une valeur nationale"…
Read 15 tweets

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