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'May Sickness' (五月病 'gogatsu-byō') is a term for a seasonal disorder that strikes just as Golden Week comes to an end.
After the flurry of changes that take place each April, it may seem like May should be smooth sailing, but returning to work/school after the break is tough. ImageImageImageImage
It may seem like a small thing, but sweets absolutely help lift a gloomy mood...


Kameya Yoshinaga (亀屋良長) has done the impossible and perfectly captured the blue skies & cotton puff clouds of May in sweet form☺️

The wonderful 'hikōki-gumo' (ひこうき雲)✨ ImageImageImageImage
While 'May Blues' doesn't sound particularly serious, in some cases it can lead to depression, anxiety & insomnia.
In April the new school/work year begins, and there's a feeling that Golden Week only helps exacerbate feelings of disorientation, mental exhaustion, & apprehension.…
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The weather is warm and the baby ume are plumping up thoughts naturally turn to refreshing 'ao-ume' (青梅 'unripe plums')🙌
Kameya Yoshinaga's (亀屋良長) vibrant 🍑-like version contain a delicious ume jelly within.

#和菓子 #Kyoto #京都 #青梅 #wagashi #ume #plum ImageImageImageImage
For those who can't wait for the fruit to mature, juicy looking 'aoume' (青梅) offer a nice, sweet alternative.

@shioyoshiken's (塩芳軒) annual offering...

#wagashi #和菓子 #Kyoto #京都 #青梅 #ume #plum ImageImageImageImage
One sweet I was very sad to miss out on this year was @o_itotatsu's 'Kyōto-carrot' (京にんじん), created to celebrate the 'year of the rabbit'.
Hopefully he'll be inspired by more local vegetables in the future🙏😉

Photo thanks🙇‍♂️
#itotatsu #Kyoto #京都 ImageImageImageImage
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When the Harvest Moon (お月見) and Feast of Chrysanthemums (菊の節句) arrive together, you know plates will be groaning and bellies will be full🙌

one for the dog
one for the crow...
rice cakes
-Issa (小林一茶).
Trans. Lanoue.
#京都 ImageImageImageImage
Nao-san tucks in to Kameya Yoshinaga's (亀屋良長 @yoshimura0303) 'hane-usagi' (はねうさぎ).
Break open the cute moon rabbit and add hot water to create delicious oshiruko (お汁粉), a sweet bean soup.

#お月見 #moonviewing #moonrabbit #月の兎 #wagashi #和菓子 #Kyoto #京都 #お汁粉
Each rabbit comes with a random kohaku (琥珀) moon. The phase of the moon-sweet determines your fortune...a full moon represents the best luck you can have.

Nao-san got...🥁...a full moon!🎉

A thread all about kohaku and other types of sweets⬇️

#亀屋良長 ImageImageImageImage
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伝統の和の要素を残しながらも、味も見た目もかわいく進化した新感覚の食べる #アート#ネオ和菓子」。

透き通った見た目が美しいようかんについて、老舗和菓子店「百花園」の太田新太郎専務は「和の伝統を大切にしながらも、洋の要素を取り入れたようかん」と話す。… Image
百花園では、新たな #和菓子 の創作に挑戦している。

百花園・太田新太郎 専務:
「若い方が和菓子に馴染みがない」というのをよく耳にするので、その時代に合ったお菓子を展開していけるようなブランドにしていきたいと思って始めた… Image

若い世代にも味わってもらいやすいよう、あんこの量を調節。#フルーツ などの素材の味を引き立たせ、食べやすくしているという。

HIYORIKAでようかんを出して4年目。手応えも感じるようになったと言う。… Image
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Happy "Owl Day"!🦉🙌

when the owl hoots
how many are left?
-Issa (小林一茶), 1810.

#OwlAwarenessDay #InternationalOwlAwarenessDay #owls #フクロウ #Japan #ukiyoe #浮世絵

Image thanks🙇‍♂️ - &
Through a play on words, in Japan owls have come to be celebrated as bringers of luck and relievers of suffering.

🦉'Fukurō' (梟 'owl') can be broken down into homonyms for...
🍀'luck comes' (福 'fuku' /来 'ku' /郎 'rō').
🤕'without hardship' (不 'fu' /苦労 'kurō').
#Japan #梟
Owls make a regular appearance in Beniya Miyake's (紅谷三宅 @beniyamiyake) annual line-up.

Last autumn's creations were known as "owls that bring good fortune" (幸運を呼ぶミミズク)🦉😋

#wagashi #和菓子 #フクロウ #梟 #紅谷三宅
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Just beside our Camellia Garden teahouse runs Kinukake-no-michi (きぬかけの路 the 'Silk-draped Path'), a 2km stretch of road that joins the UNESCO World Heritage sites of Kinkaku-ji (金閣寺 The Golden Pavilion), Ryōan-ji (龍安寺) and Ninnai-ji (仁和寺).
An iconic golden pavilion (restored after a novice burnt the original down in 1950), the world's most famous Zen garden, & a former imperial palace are just some of the most well-known attractions to be enjoyed along Kinukake-no-michi.

But always venture off the beaten track!😉
But what does the road have to do with draped silk?
Well, Kinukake-no-michi (きぬかけの路) winds through the foothills of Mt. Kinugasa (衣笠山), known also as Mt. Kinukake (絹笠山).

The mountain is named after an incident involving Emperor Uda (宇多天皇).
#Kyoto #Japan #衣笠山
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Wibbly-wobbly warabimochi (わらび餅)☺️

A popular summer snack in Kansai, the melt-in-your-mouth warabimochi is a jelly-like sweet traditionally made from bracken starch (わらび粉 'warabiko').
It's covered with sweet, toasted soybean flour (黄粉).
There is a legend that Emperor Daigo (醍醐天皇 885-930) loved a particular type of warabimochi so much that he bestowed on it the rank of 'dayū' (大夫 -5th court rank). Over time 'Oka-tayū' (岡大夫) came to be used for warabimochi in general.
#Kyoto #Japan #わらび餅 #warabimochi
As real bracken starch (warabi) can be very expensive, many stores nowadays substitute it with potato, tapioca or kudzu (Japanese arrowroot) starch.

Today's delicious warabimochi is from Sagano's 'Chikuji-an' (嵯峨野/竹路庵). It's absolutely buried in kinako!🙌
#Japan #Kyoto
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Between July 10-14th the floats that will participate in the Gion Matsuri's first parade (the 'Saki Matsuri' 先祭り - July 17th) are constructed. The parts are laid out, slotted together, and then meticulously bound in rope.
#Kyoto #祇園祭
The 'hoko' (鉾) take around 3 days to complete, the smaller 'yama' (山) only 1. Float decorations are displayed in the 'kaisho' (会所), the meeting place of each 'float neighbourhood'.
Using only rope to bind the float skeletons allows for much more flexibility during the parade. ImageImageImageImage
Float frames are known as 'yagura-gumi' (やぐら組み 'turret style'), and the method of binding is called 'nawa-garami' (縄がらみ 'rope construction').

Ropes are held in place by a series of intricate knots, such as the 'prawn knot' (海老結び) & 'female butterfly bow' (雌蝶結び). ImageImageImageImage
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chirr-chirr! insects also
work their looms...
stars of Tanabata

Tanabata (七夕), also known as 'Hoshi-matsuri' (星祭り 'Star Festival'), celebrates the reunion of Orihime & Hikoboshi on the 7th day of the 7th month. ImageImageImageImage
Tanabata (七夕) evolved from 1 of the 'Go-sekku' (五節句), 5 events held on auspicious days throughout the year. Imported by the imperial court from China, these festivals now coincide with the 1st January, 3rd March, 5th May, 7th July and 9th September.
#Kyoto #Japan #七夕 #京都 ImageImageImageImage
Some of the year's most arresting sweets appear at Tanabata🥰

🌟Kameya Kiyonaga's (亀屋清永) 'ama-no-gawa' (天の川) and 'hoshizukuyo' (星づく夜)
🌟Tsuruya Yoshinobu's (鶴屋吉信) 'hoshi-matsuri' (星まつり) and 'tanabata' (七夕)
#七夕 #和菓子 #京都 ImageImageImageImage
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Each year Shimogamo-jinja (下鴨神社) holds a special tea gathering called 'Hotarubi-no-Chakai' (蛍火の茶会). Over 600 fireflies are released beside the Mitarashi-gawa (御手洗川) as evening falls, bringing an otherworldly feel to the tea ceremony.
What better way to celebrate firefly season than with Kameya Yoshinaga's (亀屋良長) cooling 'hotaru-no-yoru' (蛍の夜 'evening fireflies').
The sweet is a type of 'kingyoku' (錦玉), a jelly made from boiling agar and sugar...particularly popular in summer.

In the traditional calendar June 11th-15th is known as 'kusaretaru kusa hotaru to naru' (腐草為螢), 'rotten grass becomes fireflies'. There was a belief, imported from the mainland, that fireflies were born from grass decaying in the humid early summer heat.
#Japan #fireflies
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In Kyōto 'kanrensetsu' (観蓮節), 'lotus flower viewing', coincides with the culmination of the Gion Matsuri, when the gods of Yasaka-jinja arrive at their temporary holiday abode in the city.
Temple ponds offer a welcome distraction from the sweltering summer days. ImageImageImageImage
this world
bristles with thorns...
yet there are lotuses
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶), 1815.

The mesmerizing, ultrahydrophobic surface of lotus leaves😵‍💫👏😊
#Japan #Kyoto #京都 #Yakushiji #薬師寺 #Nara #奈良 #lotus #蓮
Lotus flowers in many ways perfectly compliment spring's cherry blossoms: sakura (桜) have become a symbol of life's impermanence in Japan, whereas the lotus (蓮 'hasu') offers a more hopeful message of enlightenment and rebirth.

#Kyoto #京都 #Japan #lotus #蓮 #ハス #観蓮節 ImageImageImageImage
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cherry blossoms-
over there an edge
of Old Japan
-Issa (小林一茶), 1798.

This weekend marks the start of sakura season here in Kyōto, and the crisp weather suggests the trees will be putting on a special show this year.
#Japan #桜
It's often difficult to gauge when to start celebrating the various blossoms...but this isn't a problem inside the teahouse😋🌸

a bevy of teahouses
cherry blossoms
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶), 1819.
#wagashi #和菓子 #Kyoto #Japan #blossoms
Incredibly it's been 2 years since Miho-san performed tea ceremony beneath the (now gone!) weeping cherry tree😱

Nodate (野点)⬇️
🌸 (overhead)

Introducing 'Chabako' (茶箱)⬇️
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Food plays an important roll at Higan (彼岸).

On the first and last day of the equinoctial week, rice dumplings (団子 'dango') are offered at the family altar. Rice cakes covered in bean jam (botamochi in spring and ohagi in fall) are presented mid-week.
Botamochi and ohagi are popular during the equinoctial weeks, when they are made as sacred offerings & enjoyed as tasty snacks.
Glutinous rice is soaked, cooked and formed into a ball. Around this ball a thick sweet bean paste is packed on.

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Just as people are beginning to take down their New Year decorations, a bundle of green appears in the tea room.
Known in English as ground pine, wolf’s-foot clubmoss and stag’s-horn clubmoss, 'hikage-no-kazura' (日陰蔓) will adorn the alcove for a few weeks. ImageImageImageImage
With the spread of Omicron, we've put our official Hatsugama (初釜 first tea ceremony of the year) on hold😑...but rather than feeling glum, we've been toasting the fresh year here in the office with Nijō Wakasaya's (二條若狭屋) 'New Year Amabie' (アマビエ~ニューイヤー~) 🥳🎉 ImageImageImageImage
Nijō Wakasaya's seasonal Amabie-themed sweets have been a constant delight throughout the pandemic.
'New Year Amabie' mimics a kagami mochi (鏡餅)🍊🤣

A previous thread about the disease-deflecting 'deity' Amabie⬇️

#Japan #Amabie #和菓子 ImageImageImageImage
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🌊✨🙏AMABIE (アマビエ)🖌️🤒🙌
In Kyōto and many parts of Japan the pandemic revived a half forgotten deity, dusting her down & repackaging her for a new generation.
'Amabie' (アマビエ) has gone from being the savior of small, rural communities, to icon of the COVID-19 age.
Occupying the grey area between 'yōkai' (妖怪) and 'kami' (神), Amabie (アマビエ) was a 3-legged, mermaid-like creature said to protect against disease.

As the pandemic unfolded, her image was once again seized upon and popularized as a protective charm🙏
The most famous sighting of Amabie (perhaps the only sighting) was in Higo Province (肥後国 Kumamoto), mid-May 1846.
An official went to investigate a mysterious glowing by the coast and was confronted by a long-haired, beak-mouthed, 3-legged, scaly being from the deep sea.
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For 'doyō ushi-no-hi' (土用丑の日 'midsummer day of the ox'), & this day only, @narumi_sekihan sell a very special sweet.
The eel-shaped 'unagi-manju' (うなぎ万寿) offers an adorable alternative to gobbling up real freshwater eel (an endangered species).
Until November 7th contemporary artist Yamaguchi Akira (山口晃) is exhibiting his work at 'ZENBI' Kagizen Art Museum.
To celebrate the event Kagizen Yoshifusa (鍵善良房) have produced 'Tameiki-chan' (ためいきちゃん), a pointy-headed, rather melancholy-looking sweet.
#kyoto #京都
Kyōto is hardly crying out for new mascots, but surely there's room for one more😉


#Kyoto #Japan #wagashi #KagizenYoshifusa #Tameikichan #京都 #和菓子 #鍵善良房 #ためいきちゃん
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Botamochi (牡丹餅) and Ohagi (御萩) are simple rice cakes covered in bean jam. Served around the equinoctial weeks, they have become powerful symbols of spring & autumn.
Less well known are their summer and winter versions, available around the solstices.
Yesterday was the last chance to try @o_itotatsu's summer ohagi, known as 'yofune' (夜舟 'night boat').
The name is an allusion to the unexpected texture of the looks like a plain rice cake, but when you bite into it you discover that the rice is smoothly mashed.
Boats arriving to the wharfs at Hagi by night would not reveal the nature of their goods to the customs officials until the light of day. 'Night boat' has thus come to mean an 'unexpected result'.
'Yofune' look like normal 'ohagi', but their texture and taste are different.
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deep silence-
the shrill of cicadas
seeps into rocks
-Matsuo Bashō (松尾芭蕉 1644-94).

A morning visit to our neighbour's garden😇

#Japan #Kyoto #Zen #Ryoanji #京都 #龍安寺
Accompanying our morning matcha are some rather unusual souvenirs from Nao-san's trip to Yōkoku-ji (楊谷寺)...kitsune and hydrangea-shaped wagashi.
It's very rare for temples to sell fresh sweets, but this is a development we wholeheartedly support😋
#everydaymatcha #和菓子 #京都
Yōkoku-ji's sweets are made by a store called 'Kuchifuku-dō' (口福堂) in Saitama. 'Engitsune' (えんぎつね), the kitsune-shaped nerikiri (練り切り), was filled with a citrus-flavoured bean paste. The 'Hanachozu' (花手水), as the name suggests, was inspired by flower basins.
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