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Jul 10th 2020
The Fast for Life Partner of Dreams- 16 Somvar Vrat

The wish of every female is to get a caring, successful, intelligent, and virtuous life partner, the life-partner who is devoted, and the one who genuinely loves her. The secret desire is to get one like Lord Shiva 1/8 Image
Who awaited millions and millions of years for Devi Sati to be reborn as Devi Parvati. If Parwati ji can get a deserving and balanced life-partner then why can’t all the other females in this world get one?

Devi #Parvati did rigorous puja, went through strict 2/8
examination of Her will and determination, and only then She found Her true love in the form of Lord Shiva. Females in #Kaliyug may not follow that precise and punctilious procedure but they can keep fast for 16 Mondays, starting from the first Monday of Sawan i.e. Monday 3/8
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