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Mar 11th 2023
March 10, 2023

*LP Deputy Governor Candidate Oyefusi held hostage and humiliated at LASUTH*

Once again, APC has exhibited its pettiness and high intolerance& of the opposition Labour Party.

This afternoon Deputy Governor Candidate of Labour Party, #GRVforGOVERNOR #19years
Princess Islamiyat Oyefusi, in company of other State Assembly candidates, Honourable Segun Adelana, aka Aluta, Honourable Funke Awolowo, Honourable Olumide Oworu, aka Tari of the Johnson's fame and other Labour Party members paid sympathy visit to the patients of yesterday'
train crash/mishap at Lagos State University Teaching Hospital LASUTH.

As soon as they were identified as Labour Party members, the CSO and other officials at the hospital denied them entry, stating that there is an order from the Governor to deny members of LP access to the
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