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#1pmBriefing, case numbers:

144 new cases today (Auckland 127, Northland 2, Waikato 9, Bay of Plenty 4, Hawke’s Bay 1)
7-day rolling average of cases: 182

82 people in hospital (5⬆️ from yesterday), 9 in HDU/ICU (1⬆️ from yesterday)

>20,000 vaccine doses given yesterday.

Canterbury: yesterday’s case is a child isolating at home in a family who recently returned, and now considered a border case.
Northland: 2 new cases to be added tomorrow.
No new cases today in Wairarapa, Wellington, MidCentral, Lakes or Taranaki.

One more person has died😔

Full press release includes regional updates for Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay, and Canterbury -…

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#1pmBriefing, case update:

145 new COVID-19 cases. (Auckland: 127, Waikato: 13, Bay of Plenty: 4, Canterbury: 1, from yesterday)
7-day rolling average number of cases: 183

77 hospital inpatients (1⬇️ from yesterday)
8 in HDU/ICU (1⬆️ from yesterday; 1 in Lakes district)

The MoH have a brief note about the new Omicron variant. I have written about this yesterday (…) and am working on an update.

I hope this variant is a reminder to please get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.

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QR code scanning is doing better, in fact a new record.
3,223,695 poster scans over ~23 hours.

Keep it up!

There’s a reminder that if you have any symptoms, please get tested, even if you’re vaccinated, and stay isolated until you return a negative test result.

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