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Oct 15th 2021
Those I first followed (in a non-Twittery sense) for craft as a kid/teen were journalists/essayists: HL Mencken, Molly Ivins, Dorothy Parker, Dave Barry, Nora Ephron, PJ O'Rourke. I loved Asimov's non-fiction books. And William Goldman's books about movies. #1stWritersIFollowed
(I couldn't tell which authors I first followed on Twitter; I think I just followed a bunch of my friends who are writers all at once.)
I don't think I follow any writers on Twitter I don't know/interact with personally (there are some I've not met in real life but we're friendly here) EXCEPT for @PaulRudnickNY, who doesn't know me from Adam but whose wit I've prized for so long that I'm happy to just fanboy him.
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