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Apr 27th 2021
1/ EXCLUSIVE White House backs 2030 milestone on path to net zero grid. But what you may have missed, is @Reuters also broke the release of new @EnergyInnovLLC @GoldmanSchool @gridlab research showing how we can do it. #2030Report.…
2/ First the #2030Report, a supplement to the 2035 Report, outlines a pathway to achieving an 80% clean grid by 2030 while rapidly electrifying transportation and buildings, with analysis from @GoldmanSchool @Nikit_Abhyankar @phadkeamol & Umed Paliwal.…
3/ The report finds achieving an 80 percent clean electricity grid by 2035 is technologically feasible, would not raise customer costs or compromise reliability, and would deliver major benefits to all U.S. regions including $1.5 trillion in clean energy capital investments. Image
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