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Mar 19th 2019
About to present on what's new in @BricsCAD with @heidilhewett at #abc2019
Michael Smith of @Hexagonppm makes the closing address at #abc2019
Michael goes through the history of software developed or acquired by Intergraph (now @Hexagonppm) #abc2019
Read 9 tweets
Mar 19th 2019
Australasia BricsCAD Conference 2019 #abc2019 part 2. Peter Clarysse from @Bricsys starts his presentation with a brief history of his involvement.
Heidi says hi! #abc2019
Pieter (not Peter) explaining how @BricsCAD #BIM uses machine learning algorithms to help make a bunch of dumb 3D solids into a detailed BIM model. #ABC2019
Read 11 tweets
Mar 18th 2019
Here in Brisbane, the Australasia @BricsCAD Conference 2019 #ABC2019 is about to start. I'll be tweeting about this today. I'm sat between @upFronteZine and @heidilhewett
Damian Harkin @damianharkin explains the family tree that links the space race with @Bricsys via @Hexagonppm and @BricsysTR
Damian goes through the history of Bricsys at #ABC2019
Read 21 tweets

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