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Mar 19th 2020
This reminds me that a friend I used to go to the baseball with Japan said American baseball was for the purists because the crowds are quiet. You can hear the ball hit the glove like in cricket, whereas Japanese baseball is constant crowd noise. #AFLTigersBlues
This might have been one for the purists if the AFL hadn't bizarrely scheduled a 1 v 16 fixture to open Round 1. #AFLTigersBlues
It's actually comforting to know that with everything going on, the AFL is still committed to doing whatever is in its power to give Richmond every possible advantage in the competition. #AFLTigersBlues
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Mar 19th 2020
So for all the international viewers who have no other sport to watch, basically what’s happening in this strange sport is when the ball hits the post and goes in that’s not a goal #AFLTigersBlues
If they catch the ball in the air no one is allowed to tackle them, unlike #nfl
If the ball hits the ground first and someone picks it up you should tackle them to the ground #nfl
Read 5 tweets

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