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We have a new justice on the Supreme Court.

After a blitzkreig confirmation process and a hasty swearing-in ceremony, Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump successfully installed Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court on Monday night.
The Senate voted 52-48. Every Democrat, Independent, + Susan Collins voted against Barrett, but it did nothing to McConnell’s ironclad majority.

After the vote, Trump put together a slapdash swearing-in ceremony on the South Lawn to get Barrett on the bench as fast as possible.
It’s hard to fully grasp what this news means.

Some of the first cases Barrett sees will be related to elections in North Carolina and Pennsylvania, and she could also be part of a ruling if election results next week get challenged.
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There is a growing safety crisis at @Amazon.

A new report based on internal company documents show the company has effectively covered up a major safety crisis at its warehouses.

The report adds that things have gotten much worse since Amazon brought in robots.
The documents consist of weekly data from 2016 through 2019 from more than one hundred and fifty Amazon warehouses.

They show that the company has profoundly misled lawmakers and the public about its mounting injury crisis.
Amazon often points to the tens of millions of dollars it has invested to enhance safety practices.

Yet Amazon’s injury rates have gone up each of the past four years.
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A new report shows that Donald Trump used Facebook for a massive voter deterrence operation in 2016, targeting up to 3.5 million black voters in swing states with negative ads about Hillary Clinton in an attempt to suppress votes and “cultivate hopelessness" » »
The report by UK's Channel 4 is based on a massive data leak of Trump campaign advertising data that shows the campaign compiled files on 198 million US voters and then used an algorithm to sort them into categories based on their economic and domestic statuses and other data »
One of these categories was called “deterrence,” which effectively meant voters who could be persuaded to stay at home if hit with the right ads. 3.5 million of those voters were black, and many of them lived in swing states like Florida »
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Palm oil is in just about everything these days.

A major investigation finds it’s not just bad for the environment – it’s produced in conditions tantamount to slavery »»
A new @AP investigation offers the most comprehensive look yet at labor abuses in the palm oil industry.

The AP interviewed more than 130 workers from palm companies who labored on plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Those two countries produce most of the world’s palm oil
Workers spoke of child labor, outright slavery and rape. Fishermen who escaped years of slavery on boats described coming ashore in search of help, but instead being trafficked onto plantations -- sometimes with police involvement » »
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There is still no justice for Breonna Taylor.

Protests that have been ongoing in Louisville picked up again after yesterday’s announcement that no officers would be charged directly with killing Taylor, despite a preemptive declaration of emergency by the mayor.
Online video showed white men carrying guns and wearing military-style uniforms patrolling the streets.

The vigilantes moved apparently unimpeded by police.

Many businesses and government offices were boarded up and a twenty-five block perimeter of the city was closed to traffic.

Before night fell, police deployed a chemical agent into a crowd of protesters and made several arrests.

The National Guard was also deployed.
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Two former intelligence officials have made some pretty stunning allegations: that Federal agents sent to quell protests in Portland Oregon also engaged in a classified cell phone cloning operation that aimed to lift information off of protesters phones.

According to @thenation, the DHS has not come clean about this.

Details of the operation are still classified, but @kenklippenstein reports that it included interceptions of protesters phone calls by either the DHS or other federal agencies involved, like the DOJ.
While this would be a shocking weaponization of unwarranted surveillance against citizens exercising first amendment rights, it’s not exactly hard to believe.
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Another woman has come forward with an allegation of sexual assault by Donald Trump.

Amy Dorris told the Guardian that Trump assaulted her when she was twenty four years old and he fifty one, and married to his second wife, Marla Maples.
The assault allegedly took place outside the bathroom in Trump’s VIP box at the US Open tournament in New York. It was September 5th, 1997.

Dorris had been invited there by her boyfriend at the time, who was in real estate and friendly with Trump. » »
When she went to the bathroom to adjust her contact lenses, Trump followed her and waited outside.

She told the Guardian that Trump "shoved his tongue down my throat and I was pushing him off." » »
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Political primary season is over. And there were some stunning results this week in Delaware’s state primary.

A social worker won an upset victory over a forty-year incumbent in the state senate who had not faced a primary challenger since 1986.

In the thirteenth district, social worker Marie Pinkney, a political newcomer running on a progressive platform, defeated the powerful and long-serving Senate President Pro Tem David McBride » » Image
According to the Associated Press, McBridge joined the Delaware state senate in 1980 and hadn’t faced a primary challenger since 1986.

Pinkney advances to face Republican Alexander Homich in the general election.
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New information emerged yesterday regarding the unsettling account of forced hysterectomies at a for-profit immigration detention center in Georgia.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal released a statement after meeting attorneys for women who were subjected to sterilization »
Jayapal said, "It has become clear that the initial reports are likely part of a horrific pattern of conduct. There may be, at minimum, seventeen women who were subjected to unnecessary procedures from just one doctor," » »
»» "...often without appropriate consent or knowledge, and with the clear intention of sterilization."

Jayapal added that it's possible there are similar cases for individuals who were already deported.
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The city of Louisville will pay $12 million to the family of Breonna Taylor, who was murdered in her bed by police officers.

Money does not buy justice, but some kind of remuneration for the shocking crimes committed by the Louisville PD is the least the city can do.
The agreement was reached quickly, at least in relative terms, coming 6 months after Taylor was killed, and over 3 months of sustained protests throughout the city and country.

The city was not required to acknowledge wrongdoing in the settlement. That says about all of it.
If you needed more evidence that there’s no real justice here, take this: @nytimes reports that legal experts don’t think there will be any legal charges brought against the officers who killed Taylor.
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“I know that I have blood on my hands by now.”

That’s what Facebook data scientist Sophie Zhang wrote in her last post on Facebook’s internal messageboard before she was fired.

The information Zhang's post revealed is both horrifying and in the public interest.
Zhang's post deals with what Facebook calls “inauthentic activity” around politics and elections.

Her team detected widespread disinformation campaigns and fake account networks for political causes in Honduras, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Bolivia, Ecuador, India, Spain, the US + more
These cases influenced everything from elections to bloody revolutions and governmental responses to the covid pandemic.

Facebook took action on some. Some of them they did not, because Zhang said her team was often forced to de-prioritize certain cases due to their own workload
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On Fox News, Donald Trump makes it clear that he thinks his enemies deserve death at the hands of the state, no due process included.

Donald Trump added one final escalation to the politically fraught story of Michael Forest Reinoehl, a self-proclaimed anti-fascist who was suspected of the murder of a right-wing protester in Portland on August 29.
Last week, Reinoehl was shot dead by federal agents who arrived ostensibly to arrest him.

Reinoehl had previously admitted to the shooting of Trump supporter and far-right militant Aaron Danielson, claiming that the killing was in self defense
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A new survey shows most Americans want to vote by mail this year, but even more aren’t confident that their ballot will be counted.

Meanwhile, Republican lawyers are working overtime to prevent states from mailing out voting packets in a timely fashion.
A poll commissioned by the Washington Post shows that six in ten registered voters nationwide want to cast their ballots before Election Day.

However, only three in ten say they are very confident that their mail-in ballots will be counted accurately.
Seven in ten remain very confident in in-person voting. But just under half of those surveyed say they are uncomfortable going to a polling place this fall, and a majority are worried about their family being infected by the coronavirus.
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The American West burns as scientific experts warn of rising global temperatures.

Meanwhile, at least one Democratic governor has had it with climate change deniers.

Nearly one hundred wildfires are burning millions of acres across the American west, destroying towns and prompting mass evacuations. Eerie images showed red and orange skies filled with ash from the San Francisco Bay to the outskirts of Portland and beyond »
In Colorado, the fires still smoldered under a fourteen-inch blanket of snow that fell suddenly in a storm the other night.
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A new report by the @CostsOfWar project at Brown University says at least 37 MILLION PEOPLE have been displaced by the wars America has launched since September 11, 2001 »
That means the US has created more refugees in the global war on terrorism than have been made by any other conflict with the exception of World War II »
The authors of the report say their estimate is conservative, and the real number of refugees created by America’s wars over the past twenty years could be as high as 59 million »
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Yet another massive Trump Truck rally outside of Portland and other right-wing rallies around the state results in violence, as videos show right-wing hate group members chasing down anti-fascist activists with bats and mace while police look on.

Video shot by journalists at the scene showed armed militia members and Trump supporters charging a group of anti-fascist counter-protesters, overhwhelming on with strikes from a bat.

A woman then maced the fallen activist on the ground.
This kind of violence is typical for the running battles between Portland protesters and right-wing militias that have raged this entire summer, but the police response in Salem on Monday evening was particularly telling.
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At this point, open corruption should sort of be the norm for the Trump administration, but it’s always fun when some of the worst characters in it get caught red handed.

Up this weekend is Louis DeJoy, Trump’s toady Postmaster General »
DeJoy, Trump’s perfectly corrupt Postmaster General, was last seen gutting his own agency to appease Republican goals of voter suppression.

According to a new report by the @nytimes, DeJoy has been corrupt since way before Trump.
Multiple former employees at New Breed Logistics told the paper that DeJoy pressured them to make political contributions to GOP candidates and causes, and rewarded them with bonuses if they did so.
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Over the weekend, it’s become a lot more clear what Donald Trump thinks his pathway to victory in November in. You probably won’t be surprised to know the answer: it’s white nationalism.

The first new red flag came on Friday, when Trump ordered the federal government to cancel contracts that it had paid out for its branches to undergo racial sensitivity training.
Trump called such programs, which attempt to change systemic racism by generally teaching people how to not be racist in the workplace, were “divisive, anti-american propaganda.” He then followed that quote up with another storm of tweets on the subject, saying the same thing.
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Donald Trump clarifies that when he told people in North Carolina to vote twice, he meant that they should vote twice.

If he was soliciting voter fraud, that’s actually illegal in and of itself.

As the Washington Post and the New York Times so delicately put it, Trump yesterday sought to clarify remarks he made late the previous day, in which he told supporters in North Carolina to vote twice.
Which is very much against the law.
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In a shocking and damning move, the United States has imposed sanctions on senior officials of the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

The ICC prosecutes war criminals around the world.
The US sanctions include the ICC’s chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda. Bensouda was once justice minister of her home country, The Gambia.

Her experience in international justice includes advising a United Nations tribunal that prosecuted key figures in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda
The new sanctions allow the US to block assets of those targeted, as well as bar them from entry to the US.

So why is the US sanctioning The Hague prosecutors now? Well, it’s simple: The ICC has been investigating American war crimes in Afghanistan.
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» #AMQuickie

Trump CDC Orders Eviction Moratorium

MEANWHILE, Amazon Doing Evil Again

AND LASTLY; A Kennedy Falls in Massachusetts

» »
The looming eviction crisis is so bad that even Donald Trump’s advisors have recognized that if it hits before the election, he’s screwed.

They'll use the CDC to issue a temp eviction moratorium on those making < $99k/year, but it comes with some pretty strict qualifications.
Sure enough, the moratorium only lasts until December 31.
It also requires people to self-identify, basically making an official claim that they can’t pay rent but they’re trying to, and that they meet the required income bracket.
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At this point, nobody should be expecting Donald Trump to condemn the things his supporters do, but after last week’s shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the president appears to have thrown his lot entirely behind the right-wing defense of Kyle Rittenhouse.
Rittenhouse shot 3, killing 2, during protests of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, WI.

When asked about it, Trump leaned into the right-wing narrative that Rittenhouse’s shootings were committed in self-defense, saying quote: “He probably would have been killed.”
Trump also refused to condem the widespread violence perpetrated by his supporters in Portland over the weekend, where a truck convoy of Trump supporters sprayed protesters with mace and shot them with paintballs.
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Trump makes a big deal about suspending payroll taxes during the pandemic -- meaning that workers got to skip at least one regular subtraction from their take-home wage.

But new data shows that when the tax man comes knocking in 2021, things are going to be bleak.
Instead of abolishing the tax, Trump just deferred it.

The Treasury department has indicated that employers will be on the hook to pay back the postponed payroll taxes in 2021, meaning that they'll be taking even more out of workers’ paychecks than they would have normally.
What Trump’s cuts are doing then is giving a short-term boost to paychecks, which will certainly be appreciated by some, at least until it’s all owed in a year.

After the election, of course.
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Here we go everyone, it’s the RNC.

After last week’s Republican-lite convention put on by Joe Biden and the Democrats, it’s time to watch the full-fascist party put on their show.

Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, a new shocking incident of police violence has thrown a small city into turmoil, as massive protests and civil unrest erupted after police in Kenosha shot an unarmed black man seven times in the back.
The victim, Jacob Blake, was shot as he was attempting to get back into his car, which his three children were inside. He’s in stable condition in the hospital, miraculously.
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