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Feb 13th 2020
Prediction for Democrats in the 2020 election. The Democrats sole drive is to "beat Trump" After 2016, the elites moved left, Clintonite billionaires like Omidyar & Katzenberg buying into progressive media to control the narrative. Omidyar financially backing the Resistance.
2/ The unity campaign for Democrats/DNC is Bernie/Hillary or Progressive/Centrist. Showing dislike for Bernie in this primary to strengthen his base, the Democrats will bring Hillary out to run w/ him & draw all the centrists into their Resistance "big tent" & unify against Trump
3/ This would explain why Bernie let his campaign throw Tulsi under the bus with bigoted propaganda while he continues to Russiagate, not speak up for Assange, and continues the Democrats foreign policy talking points. Bernie has always served the Democrats/DNC and always will.
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