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Oct 5th 2022
Excited to share our work published in the @Nature cover, which surpasses human knowledge in a 50-year-old open question in Mathematics!

We introduce #AlphaTensor, an #AlphaZero-based RL agent that discovers faster exact matrix multiplication algorithms.

Matrix Multiplication (MatMul) is one of the root node problems where any speedup results in improvements in many areas, including Matrix Inversion, Factorization, & Neural Networks.

In industry, MatMul is used for image processing, speech recognition, computer graphics, etc. 2/
We formulated the problem of finding MatMul algorithms as a single-player game. In each episode, the agent starts from a tensor representing a MatMul operator and has to find the shortest path to an all-zero tensor. The length of this path corresponds to the # multiplications. 3/
Read 8 tweets
Oct 5th 2022
Today in @Nature: #AlphaTensor, an AI system for discovering novel, efficient, and exact algorithms for matrix multiplication - a building block of modern computations. AlphaTensor finds faster algorithms for many matrix sizes: &… 1/
Starting from scratch, #AlphaTensor gradually improves from finding the “class-room” algorithm to discovering historical algorithms such as Strassen’s - eventually surpassing them. This work is an example of how AI can advance the field of algorithmic discovery. 2/
Read 3 tweets

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