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Aug 24th 2020
Has Pesticide use come down as claimed by @MahycoGrow & #Monsato?
NO, says #DrKeshavKranti with data. The pesticide use for #PinkBollWorm came down first & then increased, with pest resistance. But use of pesticide on sucking pests drastically increased. #BtCottonEvaluation
Has cost of production come down after #BtCotton was introduced?
NO, says #DrKeshavKranti. He shows with data that cost of production even doubled, and so now we know why debts increased and farmers suicide in the cotton belt. #BtCottonEvaluation #BtCottonBitterReality
The British tried their best to get Indian farmers to use #AmericanCotton. We resisted. In 1947 Desi seeds were 97% in use. It became 1% in 2019, thanks to wrong scientists, govts, making farmers victims. Now, its #VocalforLocal. Can we move to #DesiCotton #BtCottonEvaluation
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